Crystal Reports End User Report Creation

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Crystal Reports End User Report Creation

Post by Slasher »

Hi guys

This is a long shot, but have any of you worked with Crystal Reports to create a 'end-user report creation form' , or used their REPORT APPLICATION SERVER" and if you have, how does one use it? I only have a Trial version, but MAY possibly get a license. This is however a really URGENT and CRITICAL thing I need...

Please guys, any way to allow end users to create their own reports, no matter how it is done, will be GREATLY appreciated... Thank you!
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Post by doo_much »

Ok I'm assuming your users are total idiots who couldn't find their way around a decent database but who can actually drag and drop? Then this is quite easy.

Use 'Crystal Dictionaries'. It's like giving the user a view of the data, you can create formulas, create sample data for users to browse etc.

They'll still need the complete Crystal installed though and personnally I think going through this whole rigmarole is a waste of time. :wink:


Crystal Dictionaries Overview
A dictionary is a structured and simplified view of data that you can create for some or all of the individuals in your organization that are using Crystal Reports.
Unlike some systems that force users to access data through a data distribution metalayer, dictionaries are optional components. Data can still be accessed directly by the user. Dictionaries simply provide all of the convenience without the restrictions.
Dictionaries allow you to:

· design a single, dynamic view of all the data that is necessary to create organizational reports and queries,

· organize the data and rename tables and fields to make it easier for users to understand the content and purpose of the data, and

· create complex data-manipulation formulas that users can access without the need to understand formula concepts.

The Formula Editor used in Crystal Dictionaries is not as complete as the one used in Crystal Reports. Please see Crystal Dictionary online Help for a description of the Formula Editor for use in Crystal Dictionaries.
Dictionaries reduce support cost and time, increase user productivity, and reduce data misuse, loss, and damage. They are a powerful component of Crystal Reports.
When a Dictionary is used to create a report, the only data used in the report is the data accessed through the Dictionary; you can not use a Dictionary and some other data source in the same report. Because Dictionaries are often used to impose data security, it would breach that security to allow unrestricted data access in a Dictionary report.

You can include a subreport based on a different data source in a primary report based on a Dictionar
Finally, Dictionaries provide an easy means of changing the underlying data set without changing the view of the data seen by users. You can change field and table names in the underlying data, for example. Then you remap the Dictionary to the new field and table names without changing the aliases assigned to the data. The users create their reports using the same data interface they've been using, never knowing what has changed under the surface.
Once created, the Dictionary acts as a filter, providing a view of complex data that is clear and easy for any user to understand.

And showing that age does NOT bring wisdom and other people have actually used Crystal as well - I was just informed by a young whipper snapper of a lad that :
Crystal Reports Server includes report management capabilities and a set of report modification and creation APIs so you can empower end users with the ability to create and modify reports within your application at runtime. You can also offload report processing from your web server for more efficiency.
Which doesn't tell me jack. I think the little twerp Googled it. :lol:

From ... userrptmod
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Post by Slasher »

I know of the API, but where to get it and how to use it is a completely different story... Google hasnt given me much luck!

Any tutorials on the Crystal Dictionary? The problem with that would be that the user needs to be able to create their own report, formatting it with a header for their own use...

And yes, they are complete idiots, we are developing a school administration system, so the office 'lady' and teachers must use it :wink:
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Post by Anakha56 »

Slasher wrote:And yes, they are complete idiots, we are developing a school administration system, so the office 'lady' and teachers must use it :wink:
know nothing about what youre after but what are you wanting it to do? could you not look at a proggi called eduadmin?

<personally if you come right forget i ever mentioned eduadmin, its buggy and it doesnt error check itself>
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Post by Slasher »

Its is part of our third year project,

We are developing the software as our project and this counts to the majority of our final mark. We know of the existence of a few education packets but also know of the immense bugs in it, that is the reasoning behind our selection of this project. It is an area in the market that has a gap that needs to be filled...

Thanks for your responses so far guys, its better than my 3 previous threads :wink:
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Post by Anakha56 »

sorry cant help i know nothing about databases...
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Post by qace »

We use crytal reports but all the users get to see are the reports page. If they need any changes done our developer makes the changes for them on the sql database.
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Post by F-ROD »

I used CR with Visual studio 2003 enterprise architect edition and it came with CR, all you have to do is normalize your database 2 an extent that it flows so smooth when doing queries 2 it. I dunno how 2 explain it, but the end user shud just giv u their requirements and this project obviously has 2 come with a manual, so just explain how it works in the manual

here's how mine looked like

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Post by doo_much »

Slasher wrote: And yes, they are complete idiots, we are developing a school administration system, so the office 'lady' and teachers must use it :wink:
TEACHERS??? You're stuffed laddie. :wink:

Since this is a varsity project you've obviously not any kind of budget? And to do port the reports ala crystal dictionaries you're going to need to license the Enterprise version of Crystal at least. Which is expensive to say the least.

What does the project entail GUI wise? And how much customisation do the users need to do? Do you need them to change all kinds of groups and stuff or only headers?

I'm thinking that their is an easy answer to this one - give more detail please.
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Post by Slasher »

qace - Our time is limited, having end user reporting will give us extra marks as well as lessen our own workload...

Frod - I dont really understand how you mean that one?

doo_much ... Yes, no budget of any kind. We have a trial version of Crystal Reports XI Developers Edition, but that is where it stops...

I would like the users to create their own reports, as we do not have the time to create a thousand reports for the different grades and everything. It does not have to be able to be fancy reports.

We have a database with quite a few tables, all linked with foreign keys...

I am also thinking it should be easily reachable, but cannot find anything about Crystals Report Application Server or any other decent end user report creation system...
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