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The diff clans on this Forum...

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:34
by Sojourn
Hi all bob's and bobbettes !

Am ceeing alotta Clan names like Pubic Nights and and and... you get the pic. Now what I wanna no is...
Are these clans just forum existing or do they have some significance in the outside world, like Lan parties and the like ?

What do you do to be accepted as member, do you approach or will you be approached ?

Am quite inttrsd.


Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:44
by Hman
Hi there Sojourn! I have never seen a post by you before, welcome. :D
I'm also not a clan member. :cry:

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:47
by Law
The PK's are hosting a lan in octobers in the bluff. So that answers a few of your q's. But were all mate's. All you have to do is play for the knight's to become one.

Asking / being approached? Iether or ! :D

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:49
by Sojourn
Am "new" here but an old PCF reader.
Tnx 4 the welcome !

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:51
by neon_chameleon
I've never heard of anyone called "bobbette", but anyway. :)

Pubic Knights own!
Sojourn wrote:Are these clans just forum existing or do they have some significance in the outside world, like Lan parties and the like ?
No, just exist in that non-real world that doesn't exist. lol. Nah just kidding. As far as us PK members go,yes we Lan together (next lan is a called Instant Lan III, in October) and some of us attend the same varsity. Members Of PK are :

1. AngryRabbit
2. SnowMonkey
3. NinjaTic
4. NeonChameleon (that's me)
5. SquattingDog
6. SoulErazor
7. Law
8. SacredSnail
9. SacredRose

The is suppose to be a pattern (<adjective or noun> followed by <an animal name>, except members 6,7 and 9 are a little out of the pattern.

In order to a PK member, you'd need to fight along the knights at LAN and stuff. Also to keep the cheese sacred at all times and defend the sacred realm against the evil gnomes.

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:54
by Anakha56
Isnt the sacred meant to be secret? :wink: hmmm now do i want to join the pubics and be member 10? :)

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:58
by neon_chameleon
Well that's a secret.

Long story that. See page 8 of Latest Edtion to Pubic Knights. Somewhere there.

Do you promise to tell the whole cheese, and nothing but the cheese so help you the Almighty Cheese?

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 12:58
by Sojourn

Ur assuming they'll have you ...

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:01
by Anakha56
To Sojourn

Im mates with SoulErazor and Ive meant snowmonkey and I have met Law and one other cant remeber him now(it was a brief encounter.) But if they dont need a 10 dats cool.

To Neon

Yes I swear to do as the cheese says, just as long as he doesnt smell like old socks, cause if he smells he's going to get a wash :lol:

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:04
by neon_chameleon
Anakha56, have you come to one of the Instant Lan before? Which lan's have you been to?

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:09
by Anakha56
I used to go lanning at soulErazor's house but he doesnt tell me when he holds those anymore :cry: Ive been floating in and around Lans for awhile now. Ive been to the one @ Durban North in the action cricket, soccer stadium. The only reason why I dont tend lans as often as I like is a certain person who I love dearly my g/f. Im thinking of going to the instant lan, but I have to look @ finances first.

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:12
by Sojourn
Anakha56 wrote:To Sojourn

Im mates with SoulErazor and Ive meant snowmonkey and I have met Law and one other cant remeber him now(it was a brief encounter.) But if they dont need a 10 dats cool.

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:14
by Anakha56
its cool nobody on the forums knew i knew those people till now.

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:15
by neon_chameleon
Anakha56 wrote:I used to go lanning at soulErazor's house but he doesnt tell me when he holds those anymore :cry: Ive been floating in and around Lans for awhile now. Ive been to the one @ Durban North in the action cricket, soccer stadium. The only reason why I dont tend lans as often as I like is a certain person who I love dearly my g/f. Im thinking of going to the instant lan, but I have to look @ finances first.
See pm.

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:27
by wit_skapie
I think i'll start my own clan...

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:31
by OnlyOneKenobi
What r u going to call your clan, skapie?

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:31
by Anakha56
what would you call it?

BTW Glad to see your dragons are back me like.

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:35
by wit_skapie
I'm not sure... :oops: .... "The Farm" he he

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:37
by OnlyOneKenobi
I had a clan, but they were all killed by the Empire... :cry: :P

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:37
by wit_skapie
OnlyOneKenobi wrote:I had a clan, but they were all killed by the Empire... :cry: :P
he he...

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:38
by neon_chameleon
Isn't "the Farm" the CIA place in the movie "The Recruit". Maybe you can ask Colin Ferrel to join?

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:41
by Sojourn
neon_chameleon wrote:Isn't "the Farm" the CIA place in the movie "The Recruit". Maybe you can ask Colin Ferrel to join?
YA YA !!
Then I wanna be part 'o that one too !!

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:41
by wit_skapie
neon_chameleon wrote:Isn't "the Farm" the CIA place in the movie "The Recruit". Maybe you can ask Colin Ferrel to join?
That was a good movie!
Or perhaps i should give my clan a name like "The confused realm of the fluffy farm animals"...

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:42
by kailinin
one of dem highland clans. :P

Posted: 09 Sep 2004, 13:43
by oukie
YEs wit skapie ... thats more of a clan name ...... :)