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New Chassis

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 16:36
by Demoraliser
So, it is not often I that I post here. Today I took delivery of a chassis that some of you may like. I got it for a build I plan to complete in the coming months.

Here is the box:


Behold, the mighty beautiful TJ07...


The infamous mobo tray, with the gaping hole. That has to go... most of TJ07 mods I have seen on the net have a custom tray. I might cannibalize my PC65 for it...


This is how it compares with the PC A77 in dimensions:


Next to my ol' faithful PC65:


The pictures don't do it much justice. It is a truly great looking case. The dimensions are just perfect. I will start a project log soon.

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 17:04
Queue the Jealousy .

Seriously, I love that case. I see you have some variation of the A77 as well. Pretty nice case that too.

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 17:28
by Demoraliser
DAE_JA_VOO wrote: ...I see you have some variation of the A77 as well. Pretty nice case that too...
Hi Dae! I have the older A77, the new one is much nicer looking me thinks.

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 17:51
Who cares, you have a TJ07 :P

EDIT: You're right about that motherboard tray. Man, that thing is terrible. At least making a new one is a piece of cake, and you can make the new one perfect for your machine :)

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 17:58
by Demoraliser
Piece of cake huh? Well, i will send you dimensions then, you make it! :P

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 01:32
Demoraliser wrote:Piece of cake huh? Well, i will send you dimensions then, you make it! :P
Yeah man, motherboard trays are fairly simple objects. It's a sheet of aluminium with some bends and some holes in it :P

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 02:05
by -Prometheus-

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 02:07
by Anakha56
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:Queue the Jealousy .

Seriously, I love that case. I see you have some variation of the A77 as well. Pretty nice case that too.
+1 What I would give to have one of those cases...

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:40
-Prometheus- wrote:Making stuff is easy. It's sourcing materials that's a schlep.

Btw how much do you pay for aluminum?
Depends on the finish and the thickness. 1.2/1.6mm Aluminium would be pretty good for a motherboard tray, and a piece that size would be fairly cheap too. Probably about 40 bucks.

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 11:11
by Demoraliser
Anakha56 wrote:
+1 What I would give to have one of those cases...
Make me an offer already! :D

DAE_JA_VOO wrote:
Depends on the finish and the thickness. 1.2/1.6mm Aluminium would be pretty good for a motherboard tray, and a piece that size would be fairly cheap too. Probably about 40 bucks.
I was pleasantly surprised at the prices too, there are a couple of places here in CT that do Alu sheets...

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 11:26
Yeah. Usually, if you buy off-cuts, it's significantly cheaper too. I got a piece about 3 times the size of your average motherboard tray for something like R70. These pieces are usually a little more scratched, but you're going to be sanding scratches away in the end anyway, so that's no problem.

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:02
by Sojourn
where do you mount the hdd's ?

Re: New Chassis

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:35
by Demoraliser
The HDD cages are on the bottom [behind the two fans]. But that is all going to make room for a triple rad and D5 pump. I will have custom mounts in the 5.25 Bays.