ATTENTION PCF TEAM: Improvement Suggestions

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ATTENTION PCF TEAM: Improvement Suggestions

Post by unr3al007 »

I think the readers of PCF should recommend certain things that they believe will improve the mag, rather than simply complain about whatever. Simply suggestions that the team can review and decide whether it's really worth the trouble.
I have a suggestion I want to make to Deon: Could you please include the following details when reviewing a CPU/GPU cooling unit: Chip temperature on stock cooler before overclocking; maximum overclock reached and resulting chip temperature on stock cooling unit; chip temps at stock speeds with new cooling unit; maximum overclock reached on new cooling unit and resulting temperatures. This level of detail will help readers calculate the difference in overclockability the new cooler could make, as well as the difference in overall temperatures, at stock and overclocked. You won't believe it, but I have read no publication which includes that information! And I personally think it's very important, seeing as I would like to know what difference the new cooler would make, not only compared to another high-performance cooler, but especially compared to the stock cooler.
Anyone else have suggestions that they have been pondering but never thought of recommending them to the team? We are, after all, the people that buy the mag and if they aren't told on which areas we would like to see some improvements/changes, how can they improve at all? Not that there is really much improvement necessary, imho, but it should stop the constant complaints... :wink: Oh, by the way, another slight improvement I would like to see: some more photographs of the covermodel on the inside of the magazine. I don't know whether it was applied as a rule or not, but I can think of several PCF's where the covermodel was pictured in specific articles. Meaning one article with pictures of the covermodel, pertaining to the content of the article.
<a href="\ ... 328\"><img src="\ ... .png\"></a>
<font size="\5\"> My Personal Overclock Record; Stock Cooling!
Courtesy of AMD :) </font>
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