Need help with SuSE Linux 9.1

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Need help with SuSE Linux 9.1

Post by Last-Attacker »

Hi guys!

I have 2 questions:

1.) I have a hard drive with a 32bit FAT partition but how can I mount it to be able to read and write to it from Linux (As you say from the title I have SuSE 9.1 non-pro)?
I only want the users "group" to use it.
Right now, I've changed the one line in the fstab file (which is the mounted 32 FAT drive) a lot and now Linux just won't go into that drive anymore and previously it detected insufficient space when I wanted to install stuff with the package manager but Windows says that I still have 25Gig left on my 40Gig partition. I guess its the messing around with the mounting of that drive. I only changed the line below and nothing else.
The 2nd last part of that line goes like this : "users,gid=root,umask=0002".

2.) How can I setup linux to browse the windows network with Samba? I mean, how do you setup samba to be able to look up other pcs? So far only the samba server works and people can connect with their windows to my machine in linux.

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