XP Prob´s

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XP Prob´s

Post by Screeper »

my moods range from rage to happiness with XP
<BR>at the moment it has taken a real dislike to Igi2 and likes to bring me back to desktop frewquently. Although when i run Win98se with the same system igi2 runs gloriously. It seems to be very particular about drivers, if they´re not abosolutley the latest i find i have trouble.
<BR>I haven´t found Xp as stable as most people have, i get quite a few errors and crashes. My machine should run it with no prob (XP1900+ and 1024 DDR ram) so sometimes it may not just be poor system specs causing xp to hiccup. I´ve pretty much streamlined what runs in the backgrnd as well but no matter what xp is very memory hungry.
<BR>I´ve heard SP1 solves a lot of the issues but there´s no way on this earth i´m gonna sit and download the shmuking update so i´ve done what was suggested in the back of this months PCF and ordered it. 27days to go before it arrives <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">
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Post by The_Master »

Hey Screeper

The SP1 should solve some of your problems.
Just wondering bout all of you having your games crash and getting errors.
What version DirectX you guys running.
I had a version of DirectX 9 that gave me all sorts of hassels.
DirectX 9a seems to be running better.

The only errors I get in XP is a couple of software errors.
Nothing drastic though, no software is ever going to be bug proof in anycase. Some just less buggy than others.

Good luck to you all in your quest for the perfect software. :lol: :lol:
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Post by butterfly »

To give my 2 cents worth ;)

Windows XP is a little wonky with little memory, 128Mb will do, but its not sufficient. Put more memory in your PC, Windows XP is a NT based OS, so the more memory you give it, the happier and more stable it becomes. Come on, memory is dirt cheap, you will get the most performance out out your current rig, by just adding more memory. I have 512Mb, and my rig whistles... :D

On to the games, being an NT OS, some games try to access the Hardware directly, and NT security prevents this, so, the best there is to hold tight, and wait for a new version of the game to come out that will work on XP. For the older games, though, I dual boot to Win98.
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