Apple does it again...

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Post by OnlyOneKenobi »

You see Bondi with other Mac users out there in SA, chances are they'd run into the same type of problems that you did with Telkom, and not everybody is as technical as you are - they'd probably never realise the problem was on Telkom's side and not a software problem. Telkom's tecchies don't know Macs and their OS'ses so they wouldn't be able to support them.

Like you said, Telkom doesn't even offer support for Mac OS X users. It's impractical for people to buy Macs in SA until Apple puts their foot in the door and actually do something to get noticed. Hell apart from your posts on this forum, I never hear anything about Mac - and that's just because they have no presence here. Sure maybe a shop or two in Capetown and another one or two in Jhb, but that just doesn't cut it... Are they just not interested in competing with Microsoft, Intel and AMD? They don't even seem to be trying very hard. What good does it do when you have all these superior, cutting edge products but nobody knows or cares?

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Post by default »

simmy wrote:Can i load Linux(RH) on a Mac-Apple?
NOt sure if RH will do it but you do get LinuxPPC versions I know yellow dog linux has one RH probably do too

LinuxPPC (Linux for Power PC in other words MAC)
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Post by default »


By the way, default, those orders for the PowerBooks – did you manage to order the newer ones? Or did you just miss them?
They are the new ones Order went in the day the new ones came out. :)
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Post by AngryRabbit »

Hey, Wabbit – long time no see!
Yea I've been really busy lately, though I do read a whole lot more on these forums that I have time to reply to.

All these mac products seem so cool, I just couldn't fathom why Apple is not sitting on top of the world. In researching Wozniak and the early history of Apple (which is entirely amazing by the way) I am beginning to understand just how much bad luck Apple has endured. It's as shamfull as it is dissapointing that Apple is not the world's biggest PC company.

I look forward to your next tech update.
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Post by bondi »

Last edited by bondi on 02 Jun 2004, 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OnlyOneKenobi »

Hmmm looks like Bondi is making Apple-sider out of you too Angry :P

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Post by AngryRabbit »

Ha, rather unbelievable considering my initial post to him in the ISA Server forum. (Something about Macs being overprised image statements blah blah blah...)

I have certainly learnt to give Apple the respect they deserve, plus now I really want one to see exactly what all the fuss is about. I have a "normal" PC at home sitting in a beige box, made of regular metal, and if I could go back a year and spend R10000 again, I would probably buy the same thing. But one day when I have enough money to afford a notebook or A PC for work, I will definitely buy Apple.
Hmmm looks like Bondi is making Apple-sider out of you too Angry
Hey thats Angry-Cider to you buddy!
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Post by OnlyOneKenobi »

No no no... when you choose the apple side, you become an Apple Sider. You're not apple cider unless I can pour you into a glass and drink you...

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Post by AngryRabbit »

I would threaten to kill your family now, but my lift club is waiting to go hame now. Cheers! :D
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Post by bondi »

Last edited by bondi on 02 Jun 2004, 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondi »

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Post by bondi »

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Post by butterfly »

OnlyOneKenobi wrote:They don't even seem to be trying very hard.
I would be more of the opinion, they do it word of mouth, most powerful form of advertising! You get a Merc, and you tell your friend all the dedication towards this car, 99% he's gonna want one himself.
AngryRabbit wrote:All these mac products seem so cool, I just couldn't fathom why Apple is not sitting on top of the world.
Is the Merc on top of the world, no, its all the smaller cars that are. Just missing the luxury though...
bondi wrote:Actually, my terminal application here tells me that I haven’t restarted my computer for 13 weeks, 4 days, 2 hours and 53 minutes.
Hell, the most I've been able to manage on my XP Pro setup is 8 days.

And I read the link bondi gave: "I suggest you read this. The whole of it, right down to the end." I think you guys fear the resistance to change to something more solid ;) even if it is only in your mind that you change. I feared Apple, then I went to do my own homework, I don't fear anymore :) I'm excited now, just because at long last, here is something that just works!

Just some thoughts from me.... :)
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Post by bondi »

Last edited by bondi on 02 Jun 2004, 20:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hawk21 »

:oops: What does GUI stand for then?...
the most I've been able to manage on my XP Pro setup is 8 days.
so far ive managed 25 days :)
you also stand more chance getting hit by lightening, than getting a virus on a Mac
ok again i dont think this is because of the security inherent in Mac operating systems, (ok some of it is) but the main reason for this is simply that Mac isnt widespread enough (i mean available to everone and their dog) to get people creating virus's/etc for it but then again this is an old ill just leave it at that.

(ps:for those secretly interested in getting a mac theres a competition from telkom where you can win 1 of 2 12" Powermac G3's...just thought id let you know :wink: )
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Post by default »

bondi wrote:default, so when does the first Mac arrive? Are you in charge of setting them up then? Have you heard of Rendezvous yet? It’s zero configuration networking. Download the technology brief for some interesting reading.

No need to know or set up any IP addresses. Just plug them in, and choose “Connect to Server”. It’s that simple. Rendezvous automatically detects all computers on a network and dynamically builds a list of them on the fly for one click access. Apple has posted it back to ZeroConf as a open standard, as usual, for anyone to incorporate.
First 5 eMacs get here next week probably wednesday or thursday.
Already looked and Rendezvous its pretty damn impressive kind of like DHCP SLP and a few other things rolled into one and on steroids.

The Order for the eMacs have been split instead of 20 upfront we have taken 5 for now so we can get them going and beat the crap out of them to see how they take a beating. also we dont have room for them right now. Our new offices will only be ready at the end of the year. Then we are going to set up a DRP centre for the Medical Aid company. That is where the Macs are going. However in the next few months we will be replacing all of our notebooks (about 10) with either ibooks for staff or powerbooks for myself and the rest of the management team.

After the DRP center is up and running the next phase comes in and that will be "operation screw MS" after all we have been screwed for long enough by them. in that phase we will be replacing in the region of 130 to 150 PC's with Mac workstations or Notebooks country wide.
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Post by default »

Hawk21 wrote::oops: What does GUI stand for then?...
You where not far off

GUI = Graphical User Interface
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Post by default »


One of our linux servers have been up for 9 months 18 days and a few hours.

It has not been down since we brought it up. Its our mail server and an LDAP server and a storage server amd a virus wall.

it handles about 4 gigs of mail a week

its a P4 2.4Ghz 512M Ram and has 3x120Gig drives. Its nothing more that just a desktop PC. we preplaced aDell Server Dual P3 900 2Gigs Ram and scsi drives that was our MS exchange server. The poor thing just could not keep up with the load.
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Post by bondi »

Last edited by bondi on 02 Jun 2004, 20:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hawk21 »

Yes i agree that Windows is hardly one of the best written operating systems out there, i still think that the major reason for there being not that many virus's etc on a mac is that its simply not widespread enough (by this i mean the average person that has nothing better to do than crack computers,etc) for this to become common.

Perhaps its a good thing that Mac isnt common enough for everyone to have one,as then it would also come under heavy attack from certain types of people.
pretend we know what the f*ck our computers are doing.
Lol true,true
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Post by skunkymunky »

What's the difference between a MAC and a bucket of ******?
Three pounds and a Gameboy screen
What's the difference between a brontosaurus and a Mac?
A brontosaurus runs faster.

Why did the retarded guy buy a Mac?
What do you mean? They're all retarded!

Seriously, why do these people buy Macs?
The boxes PCs come in are too hard for them to open.

What's the difference between a turd and a Mac?
Most turds aren't gray.

Why do so many Mac users continue to use Macs?
They're afraid they'd have to pierce the other ear in order to 'switch teams', if you know what I mean...

What did the Mac hater say when he saw several hundered Macintoshes buried half-way in cement?
Geez, I hope that guy's off getting some more cement...

How do you make your Mac go faster?
Drop it from a higher window.

How can you identify a Mac user at a party?
Ask him to help you word-process on your computer. He'll instinctively pull out a magnifying glass to see the screen.

What's a sure-fire way to piss off the new neighbors?
Eject a floppy from a Mac 1,000 times. ZZerzzit! Zzerzzzit! Zzzerzzzit!...

What's the second-best way?
Restart it 1,000 times so the infamous Mac-start-up-chime blasts forth from the speaker, or until they call the cops.

Why aren't more Mac owners computer literate?
They would be, if they had a computer.

How do you make a Mac run faster?
Smoke some marijuana just before using it, to alter your perception of time. There will be a noticeable speed increase, not only of the Mac but any clocks in the room as well. Now that's performance!

What's the difference between an Apple Lisa (predecessor of MAC) and a Game Boy?
Game boy has more memory and a higher-res screen, and greater color depth: 4 shades of green!

Why don't more Mac users get depressed about owning a Mac and commit suicide?
They don't know how ****** their machine is, because they still haven't figured out how to turn it ON.

How do you recognize a Mac user at a computer store?
When he's asking the salesperson how much it would cost him to upgrade to a 33.6 Kbps transfer speed--and then realize he's referring to the hard drive.

How do you make a Mac disk drive access faster?
Wind it up again

What do you do with an obsolete Mac?
Whatever you do, don't pick it up off the store shelf and buy it!

How many Mac users does it take to change a light bulb?
Four. One to consult the manual that came with it, one to call tech-support, and two to sit and wait for the 'Smiley Face' to appear and say 'Welcome to Macintosh'.

Why aren't there more Macintosh SE's in use out there?
Too hard to find replacement tubes. (see below...)
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Post by skunkymunky »

what MR. BONDI-MAC will not tell you?

ps these are not mine, i've neva used a mac nor i inted to.

While surfing, Snicker came upon a list of reasons why Macintoshes are better than IBM-Compatible machines. Our first order of business is to debate some of their propoganda. Bear in mind that this list was produced by Apple, and we could not find a single page of this nature produced by actual Mac users.

MAC: Apple is the number one personal computer company in the United States. In 1992, Apple sold more personal computers in the United States than any other company.

REBUTAL: Okay, really can't debate this one. It must be true, judging from the number of people selling their Macs for under 15 bucks at garage sales.

MAC: Disk drives. When you put a floppy disk into a PC, you have to tell the machine that the disk is there. And, when you remove the first disk and insert a new one, Windows continues to display the old disk's directory on the screen until you invoke the Refresh command. Here's an example that shows that the Macintosh does all of this automatically.
Yes, we've seen their 'auto-eject' floppy drives. Have you ever wanted to remove a disk? Judging from the Mac we used to have, any ease-of-use benefits of the Mac's motorized-eject drive are outweighed by the problems of sifting through menus or quitting all applications just so you can find the 'eject' button, available only on the desktop and a few select programs' menus. Also, if the power goes down, or the machine crashes (which happens a lot more than Apple would have you believe), any disk will be stuck without hope of rescue until the power is restored or you jam a de-bended paperclip into the emergency eject hole and poke around until it finally hits just the right spot and the disk pops out. This, coupled with the problems of disks tending to get stuck and the expense of replacing these special motorized drives when they fail can make them much more trouble than they're worth.

MAC:Macintosh gives you the freedom to use descriptive names (up to 31 characters long) to identify files and folders.

REBUTAL: Boy, that makes Windows 95's 255-character names look downright puny.

<img src="" width=592 height=556>
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Post by bondi »

Last edited by bondi on 02 Jun 2004, 20:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondi »

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Post by bondi »

Last edited by bondi on 02 Jun 2004, 20:56, edited 1 time in total.
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