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Posted: 18 May 2005, 13:25
by rustypup
<hands kronos a double c&c....for the nerves you know...>

@da_ripper - Ta! :wink: it seems to have hit a nerve though... :lol:

@kronos <thumbs up>

The cell is all the evidence you need for their existence. On this point ripper is right, however. The sheer enormity of the phase space required to produce a single cell is unthinkable. (I don't recall the figure involved, but B.Brysan provided a wonderful analogy using a slot machine several hundred miles long.... ). The problem is that kronos is also right, as the phase space decreases with time, which for an immortal is more or less a non-entity...

The whole issue is that the pinnacle of evolution, (the modern cell), which manages to maintain itself virtually fault-free for close to 20 years, suddenly decides to disassemble itself ... that's it. It just stops. no reason, no, (discernable), chemical trigger. No, (again..discernible), genetic clock, nothing.... imagine... going to all the trouble to assemble a fully functioning creature, capable of reproducing itself endlessly for who knows how many generations yet to come, then suddenly getting bored with the whole thing, wondering off and becomming part of a tree or a brick ...

Could it be that our CELLS understand overpopulation and have evolved a defense mechanism to prevent it ? What possible reason, (and this could get touchy), would a deity have for this... ? Surely the tennet of faith is that ALL believe in him... so why would He wish for fewer believers... ?

the mind boggles..... :)

<OT: Cheese is actually the pinnacle of evolution.....but then we all knew that...>

Re: Flaws in the theories

Posted: 18 May 2005, 13:27
by capanno
Envinyatar wrote:If God created everything in 6 days, did the bible skip the day about Dinosaurs and other ancient, extinct animals?
Theres no problem with the dinosaurs and the bible. They were created at the same time as all the other animals.


If someone states that God used evolution to get us here (not you, Im just giving a diffrent perspective :P), he's got a diffrent God than the one in the Bible. Thats the gap theory. It conflicts with several scriptures.

1. the Bible says were made in God's image.
2. At the end of creation, would God said that everything was good if humans were standing on top of millions of dead creatures?

Posted: 18 May 2005, 13:32
by Kronos
What do you mean by the Cell just stops after 20 years, rusty?
Please explain.

Posted: 18 May 2005, 13:50
by rustypup
Kronos wrote:What do you mean by the Cell just stops after 20 years, rusty?Please explain.
Up till then, every cell in your body is all systems go ... producing huge amounts of energy, sharing nutrients like crazy, removing all the waste products, etc...

It starts shutting down anywhere between 19 and 22 yrs, (for most humans, that is ...). The process is called ageing, but really, it's your cells relenquishing amino acids, and slowly but surely leeching their energy production to the point that you, as a thinking, functioning, animal come to an end. At that point the process accelerates, (decomposition), whereby virtually ALL cells disentigrate into their component molecules, which are then readily absorbed back into the eco-system.... the cell never really dies.... it just disassembles, at which point it makes itself available for re-uptake as part of another type of cell...

freakish behaviour for something that goes through all of the effort of granting you life ... no ?

BTW - I doubt the OP wanted to trigger a religuous argument here...

The dinosaurs were destroyed in a freak accident involving Farmer Grey, a new combine harvester, a portable power plant and a rubber cheese.....

some things are better left to the imagination ..... :)

Posted: 18 May 2005, 13:57
by Tel
rustypup wrote:...

The dinosaurs were destroyed in a freak accident involving Farmer Grey, a new combine harvester, a portable power plant and a rubber cheese.....

some things are better left to the imagination ..... :)
They got caught in the headlights of the Combine harvester? :wink: :D

Posted: 18 May 2005, 15:04
by ElDiablo

Yeah, Farmer Grey killed the dinosours by mistake, when his new invention, the cold-fusion power planed, fueled by cheese exploded...

Posted: 19 May 2005, 13:55
by Prime
i dont want to start debatying religion here either.

envin ill get back to you on the evolution stuff. i had a whole lot of info just have to find it.

personally kronos on the issue of christianity being wrong, well when you get filled with the holy spitirt and stuff and have seen some of the things ive seen then you know god real. but ja there is a thing about that point that ill find and get back to you on.

although i see Cap posted some links on the
(mainly)Christian thread.

i'll get back to you all with the answers to some of your questions on the weekend. when i have time

Posted: 19 May 2005, 19:23
by knight
Guys, Guys, Guys

I am seriously concerned by your thought patterns concerning the entire biblical and evolution approach...

It is clear that your all still plugged into the Matrix

Get to a phone booth very quick

Posted: 19 May 2005, 19:30
by Dakes
We do have a few alien plantlife species in the Cape .......... oh, and then there's Kher-ZA!

Posted: 19 May 2005, 19:36
by jee
I have been totally amused and amazed by the google ads on each page... for instance on this page discussing aliens it relays to

nou vra ek jou met trane in my navy green eyes...

Posted: 19 May 2005, 19:41
by ElDiablo

Posted: 20 May 2005, 15:33
by Sam_Vimes
I don't like doing this, but I feel I have to answer a religious question with a religious answer. If one believes in the Bible or any other religious scripture for that matter, one should know that these were written for fairly primitive and simple people. A lot of it is figures of speech, proverbs and the like. It's not all straight facts. And now I have to quote (sortof): For God a day is like a thousand years and thousand years a day (or something like that). There is no way the people of biblical times could have comprehended evolution, hell they still KNEW the earth was flat. How could the possibly comprehend millions of years? So the beginning of time for us is explained in stages, referred to as days. Days are something that people could understand. If you look at the stages of the coming into existance of our world and the subsequent evolution of life on it, it corresponds perfectly to the stages described as days in the Bible's creation. There are many such examples in religion and science where people need to have only the one be the absolute truth and not the other. Most times both sides of the story can coexist as possible truth.

I just love kronos's boeing :D

Posted: 21 May 2005, 08:27
by capanno
I dont agree. The scripture saying 'a thoudsand years is like a day...' is clearly not directed at the creation. It states that time doesnt matter to God. He is not in time. You should read the entire passage. There is a scripture that says the earth is round, I dont know where but Ill try and find it. Oh, and days being ages or long periods of time, the same word used for days is used throughout the Bible. People never doubt that the word 'day' means anything else in other parts of the bible except Genesis. Thats just wierd. Was Jesus in the grave for 3 million years? Are we supposed to work for 6 million years and take 1 million years of? Lets say that the 'days' was long periods of time. 1 million years for that matter. Then the plants would have to wait 1 million years for the sun to come up. And another for the insects! Not likely to work. Also, all indications are that people of that era were alot more advanced than we are today, like the egyptians and those people that built that pyramids in south america. People were not primitive.
The egyptians were doing open-brain surgery.

The bible and evolution dont go together. BIG conflict in a lot of scriptures. I have a list somewhere of all the conflicts with the 'gap' theory. Ill look for it.

OK thats all I have to say! Hava gd day.

Posted: 21 May 2005, 09:33
by knight
.....You should read the entire passage. .........There is a scripture that says the earth is round, I dont know where but Ill try and find it........
If anyone is able to quote something and in the same sentence.....say "I don't know".....surely someone who is in the dark ages....

As I said earlier
I am seriously concerned by your thought patterns concerning the entire biblical and evolution approach...
The answers are not's all about belief.....and can anyone reading this really believe, that I'm being sincere you believe that I am attacking our good friends on their comments
The bible and evolution dont go together. BIG conflict in a lot of scriptures. I have a list somewhere of all the conflicts with the 'gap' theory. Ill look for it.
Once again a quote of little or no substance, becuase the narrator has to look for it.

Come on have the all is called "belief" and "un-questionable belief".
Most times both sides of the story can coexist as possible truth.
And here is someone who appears to be on the right path and is bold enough to say "And for the life of me I can't think of anything profound to say"
Profound: Deep (adj) / thoughtful / reflective / philosophical / weighty / insightful

It appears to me that as the hours pass, whether it is a day or a thousand years....we are going through Evolution...we just not looking in the right places ..

It's been such a funny day
I don't know why
Walking on an endless lane
Life passing me by
Tomorrow is calling
But I'm dragging my feet
The skies are indecently clear
But I can't stand the heat
Sleepwalking in a haze
Stumbling like a child
Dragons that I used to chase
Tease me from inside
The future's uncertain
Just like yesterday
Memories of heaven
Can be taken away
Vaya Con Dios - Time Flies Lyrics

Posted: 21 May 2005, 09:47
by capanno
Im a little low on time but I will post the references tommorow. I know its a redicilous way to argue saying 'I think'. Thats ahy I said 'Ill find it'.

Posted: 31 May 2005, 12:03
by Moses
Pope John Paul II believed in evolution.

Posted: 31 May 2005, 12:22
by Anakha56
religion is evolution, just of words not of humans. think about it the bible has been changed so many times to suit the time it is in maybe its an advanced alien life form that like's to be read :lol:

how about we get back to topic and if u want to argue religion visit here here

Posted: 31 May 2005, 12:28
by qwiksilva666
good point anakha.....there are two religion threads up already and this isnt one of them......

lets get a bit of nanotechnology goin here.....
evrithing made up of atoms and atoms are made up of every piece of matter is wot it is depeding on the structure of the atoms....

soo....if we were to take cheese for example and break it down into atoms...we should then be able to rebuild it in to nething else we desire.

is this theory believable?
(if i went rong sumwhere on the theory plz correct me)

Posted: 31 May 2005, 12:30
by Anakha56
errr this isnt really the thread for nanotech either, but by my limited understanding of nanotech that will work...

Posted: 31 May 2005, 12:34
by dammod
Anakha56 wrote:think about it the bible has been changed so many times
No it hasn't. Its just the grammer thats been changed from old english to the bettter understood, new english.

Posted: 31 May 2005, 12:34
by qwiksilva666
i know its not the thread but i was goin to get onto an article i read where we have already developed nanotechnology from technology we have salvaged form aliens crashing on our planet....supposedly

@ dammod: "to the better undastood, new english"

thats good english
(i shouldnt actually be ripping you off considering my

Posted: 31 May 2005, 23:30
by Prime
hmmm. on the subject of nanotechnology has anyone read that micheal crichton book called Prey. its really creepy

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 15:45
by Richard_
Aliens... Looks like we'll need another Roswell crash and harvest the technology from the aliens if we want to get anywhere in the way of processing power. Exactly how long have we been stuck on 3.x GHz now?
qwiksilva666 wrote:good point anakha.....there are two religion threads up already and this isnt one of them......

lets get a bit of nanotechnology goin here.....
evrithing made up of atoms and atoms are made up of every piece of matter is wot it is depeding on the structure of the atoms....

soo....if we were to take cheese for example and break it down into atoms...we should then be able to rebuild it in to nething else we desire.

is this theory believable?
(if i went rong sumwhere on the theory plz correct me)
Reminds me of a video clip in Doom III where water is generated on Mars by some process of breaking down other compounds into their elements... Sounded extremely cool.

If you think about it, Einstein managed to split the atom in the second world war, leading to the development of the [correct me here] Hydrogen bomb or the nuclear bomb, so so why can't we, 60 years later, add or remove protons from elements to create other elements?

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 15:53
by Diva
It is possible that aliens exist. My reasons are

1) Humans might be lacking in the technological department and can't travel the distance between earth and an alien world

2) We (Humans) have not explored every corner of the universe yet, so we can't say for sure

3) They might exist in another dimension which we can't comprehend


So aliens might just exist.

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 16:34
by Richard_
Well, we can't really explore every corner of the universe, because the universe is supposedly infinite.

I like your idea about aliens existing in another dimension. Because that might mean that for example that we are aliens ourselves.

Think of it in this way: Aliens are deemed creatures significantly different to ourselves. Now, in 1000 years time, we will definitely be much different to now. We may consist of mostly biometric implants, or even have evolved through gene modification.

Which is where your theory of aliens in another dimension comes in. Time is considered as the 4th dimension, so if we were to "meet" ourselves from 1000 years in the future, we would actually be meeting aliens. Interesting, né?