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Posted: 16 May 2005, 20:21
by Moses
Moses_Reloaded wrote:We all have to agree that there is an infinint amount of space out there. and there also has to at least ONE life form that ehists other than humans. Any one who denies that aliens exhist is just paranoid in my opinion, they're probably scared of being abducted or something.

Also in my opinion is that if aliens want to visit our planet they're probably just waiting for war to cease on Earth. if that will happen.
Why do I have to agree?

Posted: 16 May 2005, 22:39
by Prime
why do i have to agree as well. i think earht was created by god and that this is the only planet with life on it. yes that may be narrow minded but that is my oppion which i intend to stick with.

however you are all welcome to your own

Posted: 17 May 2005, 07:17
by Tel
I believe the extra-terrestrial life forms are waiting for humans to stop being so violent before they will officially try and contact us. Mind you, they have.

The U.S. government have been liaising with these aliens for many years now, but they are adamant not to reveal it because they think the world will go into a panic.

I don't think so. Yes, ppl will be shocked, but they won't panic and kill themselves, like the U.S. government would like to think.

Posted: 17 May 2005, 07:51
by rustypup
Envinyatar wrote: The U.S. government have been liaising with these aliens for many years now
Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Springer, Joan Collins and Micheal Jackson, amongst others......... :)

The biggie is why? What reason could they possibly have for contacting us... bare in mind the distances involved and question the *intelligence* of any race that would travel that far to play peek-a-boo with a bunch of slightly eveolved apes......

Doesn't quite scan in my books. I accept without question their existence. Probability law supports the supposition quite comfortably, but the day they step foot on this planet is the day I resign and leave the solar system.

Any expansion over the sort of distances inferred would be driven by some seriously unavoidable catastrophe on their part, which puts us at some risk of becoming , er...., evolutionarily stunted?

Posted: 17 May 2005, 08:08
by Tel
Many abductees have similar stories where the aliens are using our DNA to keep their civilisation going. Use a very open mind for what I'm about to say...

Hundreds of thousands of years ago the aliens realised that they're going to cease to exist so they need a way to survive, and quick. So they travel the galaxy in search of a life form that could possibly help them (the aliens) exist.

They find Earth with it's early cave-men (neanderthals) huddling in caves, killing mammoth's and such. The aliens see there's a possibility of helping themselves due to the neandethals DNA. But they realise that these ppl aren't gonna last long enough so they decide to do a bit of their own evolution to "help" these neandethals. Nobody has ever discovered how and where the missing link in our evolution came from.

Since those early days there have been drawings and writings of "Gods" coming from the skies, mating with us and taking the kids back with them. Even now it's still happening.

Think about it a sec. Maybe we're just one huge zoo where the aliens can come pluck their next choice to help their civilisation survive.

Why would they be so concerned about our civilisation dying? Because they need us in order to survive....

Posted: 17 May 2005, 08:17
by ElDiablo
Wow.......... Kinda makes a man think eh??

That missing link in our evolution...And the reason we're evolving this fast, might be what you just said...


Posted: 17 May 2005, 08:31
by rustypup
Envinyatar wrote:Think about it a sec. Maybe we're just one huge zoo where the aliens can come pluck their next choice to help their civilisation survive.
Interesting, but has one or two problems... the assumption that we share a common genetic pool .... or that they are capable of stripping our DNA and re-assembling it to sufficiently resemble their own in order to accomplish the *mating* of the species.... Not to mention the assumption that they would be carbon-based life....

Not even those in the know, (or, more accurately, know-a-little/suspect-a-lot), can agree over this. The fact is that, as humans, our universe view is filtered by our perception thereof. We cannot adjust that view. It is an intrinsic part of us. In most cases, a great deal of what we accept as physics dogma on earth becomes a pile of marsh-gas once it leaves the atmosphere... mostly because up_there doesn't work the same way as down_here..... don't imagine that all life out there will be carbon based.... it may be the odds-on favourite but in this probability phase space it is most assuredly not the only one....

As a food source, however, we would be ideal. We breed like rabbits. We have proven to be the most adaptable of species here on earth. We can care for/feed ourselves, (badly, it must be admitted). Hell, if you were looking for the *new cow*, you could do a lot worse.

I'll have mine rare with a little Farlusion pepper, and maybe a side order of eyeball..... oh, and pass the tabasco :)

Posted: 17 May 2005, 08:38
by ElDiablo

I'm not THAT good tasting....

*Pass the tomato souce please*

Posted: 17 May 2005, 09:20
by Tel
I definitely agree to what you're saying too rustypup. There is no way that all life is carbon based. But in the case of the classic "Grey" aliens, there hasn't been any reported case of masks or breathing aparatus. Therefore one would assume (probably not the best thing to do) that they are carbon based too. Possibly.

Posted: 17 May 2005, 09:39
by rustypup
Envinyatar wrote:But in the case of the classic "Grey" aliens, there hasn't been any reported case of masks or breathing aparatus.
What if they were a slave race, charged with tending the "farm"? The fact that an ape with the intellectual capacity of a rubber duck, (here I refer to group/cultural intellect which in our case is abyssmal), has witnessed their existence does not in any way support the "intelligent" life theory - they are more likely dimwitted automatons for a much more advanced species who have achieved nirvana through spending as much time as possible on sunny beaches, sipping exotic drionks and listening to Pink Floyd... :twisted:

Posted: 17 May 2005, 09:51
by Tel
rustypup wrote:What if they were a slave race, charged with tending the "farm"?
What if they were? Now that would be interesting. Here in our wide ours we see these aliens as the intellectual life. But what if they weren't? Now that's mind-boggling....hmmmm.

Posted: 17 May 2005, 10:05
by StarPhoenix
In another scenario, Ye Olde Aliens produced Homo Sapiens by means of some Genetic Engineering Wizardry before leaving. Unfortunately they couldn't make the return appointment with the Blue Planet....

Posted: 17 May 2005, 10:20
by Kher-za
read 'uplift wars' by david brin, spacefaring cultures uplift or speed up evolution of entire planets for stature and to gain respect, unfortunately for earth we evolved naturally and started uplifting animals of our own planet, other civilizations found this disrespectfull for an unuplifted species to uplift other creatures and so they are hostile towards humans. a good book.

Posted: 17 May 2005, 10:34
by Tel
Hmmm. I must remember to get that book.

Posted: 17 May 2005, 10:36
by rustypup
Envinyatar wrote:But what if they weren't? Now that's mind-boggling....hmmmm.
Sorry - I just have to.....

Want some Farmer Grey's Humans? :lol:
supertwit wrote:In another scenario, Ye Olde Aliens produced Homo Sapiens by means of some Genetic Engineering Wizardry before leaving
A likely story.... although closely related to one of my personal favourites:

1) Pick a universe... spend some time doing this 'cause the number of options is daunting and we need somewhere comfortable with, maybe, the possibility of cheese....
2) Fly to -oops... :roll:

The issue with being carbon based is that the one thing which makes you fantatstically suited to survival on a planet with gravity is the same thing that prevents you from leaving this universe in your life time - your soul inhabits a rigid construct which does not take kindly to sustained acceleration, ( see "My Life As a Lump of Jelly plastered against the cabin wall" for further detail...).

Perhaps one way around this is to locate a planet with a sufficiently advanced species, then infect them with an antigen capable of warping their dna to the point where they become suitable for interbreeding, etc... This appraoch reduces the attack force to a number of tiny capsules capable of containing billions of bacterial spores. Your success rate is pretty much guarenteed 'cause, although millions of spores would fail to find a target, you have plenty that will. Thus, with a suitable level of infection in the bag, wait a few million years, then ...

No, that wouldn't work either, 'cause the whole point would be for ME, the individual, to place foot on a foreign world, which will not happen....

Perhaps some species felt so lonely that they began distributing such spore-laden capsules randomly around the place to ensure that the chances of inter-galaxy relations would improve, not necessarily for good or bad, but in order to prove that there IS life out there... :)

Now that would be funny, in order to prove that there is life out there, first make sure that you send life out there, then act all happy when it 'phones home to say
"We got here ok.... the weather's a little extreme but I managed to move in with a nice family of warthogs. The smells not too bad, but their personal habits are a little worrying. The rest of the invasion force wasn't as lucky, 'cause that volcano wasn't there when we set out. Cousin Joe says he's making real progress with those shell-covered critters on the red planet and is expecting them to discover fire any day now... "


Posted: 17 May 2005, 10:42
by Kher-za
it's science fiction, sorry i didn't mention it earlier.

roflmao @ rustypup

thats quite good.

Posted: 17 May 2005, 12:26
by Prime
riiightttt. that is just to wack for me to understand and far to unbelievable.

but every one is intitled to theire own ideas so ja.

Posted: 18 May 2005, 09:26
by rustypup
da_ripper wrote:riiightttt. that is just to wack for me to understand and far to unbelievable.
but every one is intitled to theire own ideas so ja.
See.. that's precisely the type of discreditation we should expect from Farmer Grey.... Negative memetic engineering of the grandest sort, cunningly designed to reduce all prior speculative arguments to cream cheese....

<points finger>FARMER GREY! FARMER GREY!

Posted: 18 May 2005, 11:50
by Prime
soz rusty. didnt mean to offend or cause irritiation.

ijust think that the whole thing about the aliens creating the planet is far to complex and unsubstantiated. correct me if im wrong.

i believe that god created the unniverse and the earth and for various complex reasons including the above i dont believe in evolution.

the odds of evolution happening are so small and there are many flaws to the theory of evolution which people tend to get very agrressive about when you point it out to them and some people quickly suck new unfounded theories out their thumb to cover up these flaws.

also they never give an objective view in school as to why evolution is not possible.

nway. peace all

Posted: 18 May 2005, 11:55
by ElDiablo
<also pointing>FARMER GREY! FARMER GREY!

Flaws in the theories

Posted: 18 May 2005, 12:40
by Tel
I respect your opinion ripper. Could you point out a few of those flaws in evolution? Besides the missing link.

As for the idea of Adam and Eve just appeared from nowhere? Where did they come from, how did they get there? If God created everything in 6 days, did the bible skip the day about Dinosaurs and other ancient, extinct animals? Don't you think may be there might be a few flaws in this theory too?

Edit: Typos

Posted: 18 May 2005, 12:43
by Kronos
da_ripper wrote:soz rusty. didnt mean to offend or cause irritiation.

1. ijust think that the whole thing about the aliens creating the planet is far to complex and unsubstantiated. correct me if im wrong.

2. i believe that god created the unniverse and the earth and for various complex reasons including the above i dont believe in evolution.

3. the odds of evolution happening are so small and there are many flaws to the theory of evolution which people tend to get very agrressive about when you point it out to them and some people quickly suck new unfounded theories out their thumb to cover up these flaws.

4. also they never give an objective view in school as to why evolution is not possible.

nway. peace all
1. Rusty said nothing about aliens creating the planet.
He stated a theory about how aliens could have had a hand in our inexplicably fast evolution.

2. Fair enough. You believe what you believe just like the rest of us.

3. We go through this over and over and over and over...
The odds for evolution are just as small/large as the odds of a God creating everything, and that, in fact, has the same probability as the theory that some other alien life form helped it on a bit.

4. They also never give an objective view as to why Christianity or any other religion could be wrong.

You are making the same mistake so many religious folk make: That you believe in its teachings so much that you don't want to even consider the possibility of any theory if it disagrees with your religion.

Like you said, you believe in God, and that He created the universe and us and everything else. So when someone suggests that maybe we evolved over millions of years from single cell organisms into what we are today, and that maybe, just maybe, God did in fact NOT create us. You immediately discard it as being ridiculous.

Did you perhaps consider the possibility that maybe God could have used Evolution to create us over millions of years into modern man? Maybe he just planted the seed and let it grow, instead of making us fully functional from scratch?

Theists often use the analogy of a tornado going through a scrap yard and assembling a fully functional Boeing 747, to try to debunk Evolution, so let me make use of a similar analogy.

If you build a Boeing 747, do you take a 300 Million Ton block of steel and carve away everything that is not supposed to be part of your Plane? Or do you build it part by part? One bolt and nut at a time?

Posted: 18 May 2005, 12:46
by Tel
Kronos wrote:...

If you build a Boeing 747, do you take a 300 Million Ton block of steel and carve away everything that is not supposed to be part of your Plane? Or do you build it part by part? One bolt and nut at a time?
Never heard of that one before, but it definitely makes sense to me.

Posted: 18 May 2005, 12:52
by Kronos
Envinyatar wrote:
Kronos wrote:...

If you build a Boeing 747, do you take a 300 Million Ton block of steel and carve away everything that is not supposed to be part of your Plane? Or do you build it part by part? One bolt and nut at a time?
Never heard of that one before, but it definitely makes sense to me.
I just thought of it myself 8) :D

Posted: 18 May 2005, 13:13
by Tel