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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:36
IcePick88 wrote:He is suspended for two years, but that suspension was then suspended for three years.
What a farce.
Where are you getting this? :? He was sentenced to two concurrent suspension periods of two and five years. I heard nothing of a suspended suspension, and I watched the announcement live on television. :?:

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:39
by Tribble
The two year one is suspended for 3 years - as reported on E-News. The 5 year one isn't

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:43
Okay, thanks for clearing that up Tribz.

What sort of resources would Malema have access to if he decided to start his own party?

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:46
by RuadRauFlessa
Point being he has to vacate his position immediately.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:47
by Tribble
He has millions - and followers - and supporters in the ANC But I think they would do everything they can to dissuade him from doing that. It would really hurt the ANC more than his suspension will. It will literally split the party.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:55
by SykomantiS
KALSTER wrote:I have a feeling he is going to start his own political party.
One guy in our office retorted he should call it the after party :lol:

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 13:06
SykomantiS wrote:
KALSTER wrote:I have a feeling he is going to start his own political party.
One guy in our office retorted he should call it the after party :lol:
Tribblarone wrote:It would really hurt the ANC more than his suspension will. It will literally split the party.
Which suddenly has me rooting for his new party! The DA will then have some serious clout.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 13:09
by Tribble
They will indeed.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 15:48
by SykomantiS
So will his new party- the followers of which will be both blind and stupid. :|

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 19:01
SykomantiS wrote:So will his new party- the followers of which will be both blind and stupid. :|
Yea, his followers will most definitely be the unthinking, uncritical and unwashed masses.....
Tribble wrote:He has millions - and followers - and supporters in the ANC But I think they would do everything they can to dissuade him from doing that. It would really hurt the ANC more than his suspension will. It will literally split the party.
Which is a good thing. This might give the DA a chance because the ANC and jujus morons will be too busy fighting and the ANC's majority will be split :D

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 20:29
by Sojourn
I do not believe for even one moment that this will be the end of Malema.
My first choice would be for him to start his own party, but that in not likely to be successful, mainly because his success up to now can be largely attributed to actions under the ANC banner. As soon as he distance himself from the ANC and start his own "struggle" party, he will be committing political suicide... because the masses need the ANC banner, it is what freed them, there are too much emotion bound under the black green and yellow. Ask C.O.P.E. how well they are doing....

His only recourse now is to be silent, accept the verdict and keep a low profile, build some trust, even go study further... for the next 5 years. Then after the term is done, he should expose himself again, but this time to the main party, not the side-shows like the youth league. This course would be the most scary path for him, please hope this is not going to happen.

The other option is for him to fight this sanction, and possibly get away with a rescinded verdict turned over to something nonsensical like a suspended sentence - which will not surprise me.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 06:15
by RuadRauFlessa
One guy commented on News24 saying
Dex wrote: Hit the road Julius and don't you come back no more no more no more no more

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 09:58
by Anakha56
Wow... ... n-20111111
Malema's hometown celebrates suspension
2011-11-11 08:48

Johannesburg - Axed ANC Youth League president Julius Malema's home town of Seshego in Limpopo celebrated the news of his five-year suspension, the TimesLive reported on Friday.

According to the website large convoys of cars noisily drove through the streets of the township, outside Polokwane, with people hanging out of windows.

"It's over with Malema. There will be peace in South Africa," sang a group of residents.

A community member, who did not want to be named, said: "We have had enough of Malema and his group, who had been looking at their own interests rather than those of the masses who voted them into power.

"He should have known that what goes around comes around."

Provoked division

Another said: "We want Sello Moloto back to lead Limpopo because there is a leadership vacuum," in apparent criticism of Limpopo premier Cassel Mathale's leadership style.

The ANC's national disciplinary committee suspended Malema for an effective five years on Thursday and ordered him to vacate his position.

He was found guilty of provoking division within the ruling party and of bringing the organisation into disrepute.

This was after Malema said earlier this year that the ANCYL would send a team to Botswana to consolidate local opposition parties and help bring about regime change there.

Malema later apologised for the remarks, but they were widely believed to have caused serious diplomatic embarrassment for the ANC.
Looks like Malema is not going to his home town anytime soon...

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:00
by RuadRauFlessa
Yeah saw that... today is just sooo funny... even some of the people in our office is celebrating at the moment.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:04
by Tribble
I am stunned - I never knew there were poor people who opposed him

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:05
Tribble wrote:I am stunned - I never knew there were poor people who opposed him
Poor =/= foolish. :lol:

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:09
by Tribble
Nope - poor as in arm - without money - jobs and a decent standard of living.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:11
by StarPhoenix
IOL wrote: ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema. Julius Malema’s ANCYL membership has been suspended for five years.
What will he do with his time now?
IOL’s Top 5 has a few ideas…

1 Write “I will not embarrass the ANC” on the blackboard a million times.
2 Attend a Swiss finishing school to learn manners and self-discipline.
3 Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.
4 Have tea with the DA’s Lindiwe Mazibuko. Better yet, make her tea.
5 Open a Run/Walk For Life franchise - the Joburg to Pretoria branch.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:12
by RuadRauFlessa
Tribble wrote:I am stunned - I never knew there were poor people who opposed him
Well I knew that he does not have the support amongst the populous that he claimed. First of all I don't think anyone has as little brains as he does to actually expect what he proposes to benefit anyone financially.

To start off with expropriation of land causes loss of jobs for those employed at the farms. Secondly in this regard it takes a productive source of food and completely destroys it. Thirdly a lot of our local populace knows where the issues in Zim came from.

Nationalization of mines will likewise not create jobs or put more money into the hands of the poor. All it does is take what is privately run and smacks a hugely inefficient and bloated government management structure on top of it filled with bundles of red tape that prohibits people from actually doing their jobs properly. What are they going to do? over-employ and export at a loss just for the purpose of creating jobs. Which in turn causes job loss as the economy fails also causing the salaries paid to the mine workers to be worth nothing in any case.

People can think for themselves even if a small minority creates a perception pointing in a different direction.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:26
Tribble wrote:Nope - poor as in arm - without money - jobs and a decent standard of living.
I got you, I mean that being poor doesn't automatically make you economically illiterate. I guess you are right though, there is strong motivation for poor people to want to believe him.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 10:47
by CapNemo
You are forgetting the lazy basterds that just want to loot and plunder and have no concept of planning for the future

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 15:16
by jee
I still have difficulties in the belief that 35 is still youth...

but then... you sow, you reap....

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 20:44
Juju is not as popular as it appeared. I wonder if he is still going to come and take our cheese :lol: Did anybody watch juju's interview on Carte Blanche last night........darn but that comment about the white people was sarcastic :?

But juju is still going to appeal, lets just hope they tell him to get lost.

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 15:44
by DeathStrike
Was going to post this in the Banana Republic thread but thought it belongs here more.
NOTE: Malema never wrote this... he said it. but the quote bbcode doesn't let you say said or wrote. :)
Malema wrote:South Africa is not a banana republic.
More quotes from Julius

Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 07:39
by StarPhoenix
Comrade Juju: Makes hurtful remarks about the Beloved Leader and doesn't afraid of anything.