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Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 14:30
by Stuart
vengsa wrote:Glad to se there are some more ZA players in STO. Was starting to get worried that there are not too many of us. There are a few more over at prophecy. ... a-players/

The guys on my side have started taking about setting up a fleet and we are looking for like minded SA players. We have a few captains some commanders. Most of the guys are ranked at LT.
You lot interested ?
We looking at doing a group run on the Crystal Entity and we need some man power for this.
See first post. KB has already started a fleet, though we're not actually doing anything as a fleet yet.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 14:47
by Ghostspock
VinceThePrince wrote:I think they will stay there as long as you leave them there... You can then either use them to train up your BO's, which will then send them back... or keep them in the roster till you need them...

Thx Vince

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 16:04
by VinceThePrince
Vengsa... We already have a fleet setup... I'm sure KB (Killerbyte) can put you guys in...

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 16:10
by vengsa
VinceThePrince wrote:Vengsa... We already have a fleet setup... I'm sure KB (Killerbyte) can put you guys in...

Sounds like a plan :mrgreen:
How big are you guys ?

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 16:12
by Stuart
vengsa wrote:
VinceThePrince wrote:Vengsa... We already have a fleet setup... I'm sure KB (Killerbyte) can put you guys in...

Sounds like a plan :mrgreen:
How big are you guys ?
I'm a touch over 6ft but on the skinny side. KB is shorter and broader. Never met Vince.

Oh, wait ...

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 16:18
by KillerByte
lol. we have about 5 members and we are eager to grow. all SA players instantly become admirals in the fleet (we have those positions open) all non-SA players fill up from the bottom. Its only fair that the local guys get the top spots first.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 16:22
by VinceThePrince
lol... I'm about 5'11 and am a big guy...

As KB said... The more the merrier... especially locals....

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 20:12
by Shrike
Tested it, it uses more bandwidth than WoW, approximately 17-25 meg an hour, depending if you are solo or in a fleet action. I needed to know because i pay 25c a meg for my BW.

Just to let you know, there is a SA chat channel called SA Crew, it caters for those of us that are not in a SA guild to communicate with all the SA people in game. Just look up @justplainzero or @boerewors for invites to it.

I am considering joining but I am currently in a cross-gaming guild that I have grown attached to over the other games I have played. I will get back to you on that.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 14:16
by vengsa
Been looking around for some helpful hints regarding, weapons, shields and Consoles + Skills
Got the flowing info.
(yes it’s a lot of cut and paste and thanks go out to the guys at STO that did all the work)

Weapon Types

All energy weapons have a damage drop off at a distance, getting close will always do more damage, however bolt weapons (cannons and turrets) have a much greater damage drop off then beams, so at maximum range beams will do more damage than bolt weapons, though still less damage then if they were close range. Projectile weapons do not have this drop off, nor are they effected by weapon power settings.
Energy weapons:

Beam Arrays: 250' arc, low burst damage
Dual Beams: 90' arc, medium burst damage

Turret: 360' arc, low sustained DPS

Cannons: 180' arc, medium sustained damage
Dual Cannons: 45' arc, high sustained damage
Dual Heavy Cannons, 45' arc, high burst/sustained damage (same overall damage as dual cannon but in 2 big bursts rather than 4 little hits)
Damage Type Theory
All types of damage will have the same base DPS as far as specific equipment. A Phaser Cannon Mk X will have the same DPS as a Tetryon Cannon Mk X. There is not enough information on specific resistances that enemies might have to declare a winner by shooting their vulnerabilities.

Skills also play a large part. Polaron and Anti-Proton are Admiral rank skills and from what I hear you can max less than 2 Admiral skills (one to 9, one to 6).
• Phaser (2.5% chance to disable 1 subsystem)
The chance to disable Weapons or Shields seems to be a fairly big incentive. May counter act you if it knocks out shields on first volley and they return at full strength.
• Disruptor (2.5% chance to apply 10% damage resistance debuff)
My opinion is that this is the best damage type to use. Lowers resistance for Shields and Hull? DPS boost for every weapon. Low skill requirements.
• Plasma (2.5% chance to apply plasma fire)
Poor secondary effect. Doesn't pull Klingons out of cloak. Enemies probably do not last long enough to get a full duration dot.
• Tetryon (2.5% to deal extra 10% shield damage)
Does nothing against hull, but helps get shields down faster.
• Polaron (2.5% chance to drain 25 power from all subsystems)
Same as plasma. Enemies probably do not last long enough to worry about this, unless it is a real drain that syphons their power and gives it to you.
• Anti-Proton (2.5% crit severity)
Doesn't seem bad, especially as a Tactical Officer and all the crit you get with APAlpha. Probably not the best dps boost, especially since it's Admiral ranked.

Projectile Weapons:

Torpedoes: 90' arc, very high burst damage (75% less against shields)
Mines: no arc... they're mines you put them down, things come near they go boom... Medium burst damage (75% less against shields)
Torpedo Theory
Photon Torpedo is on a 6 second cooldown and has the highest dps if fired on cd. This means you can shoot more torpedos at enemies in a shorter span of time.

Quantum Torpedo is on an 8 second cooldown and has the highest burst damage. This means it really hurts with High Yield.

Transphasic and Chroniton are on a 10 second cooldown. Not the best choices for an Escort.

Photon: Less damage but faster fire rate. Regular boff effect.
Quantum: More damage but slow fire rate. Regular boff effect.
Plasma: medium damage with a chance to apply a DoT that ignores shields (decent against both unshielded and shielded targets). Plasma's version of High Yield fires a Plasma Ball that can be targetted and shot down.
Transphasic - low damage, but more of it penetrates shields (very good against shielded targets, mediocre against unshielded targets). Comes with standard Boff powers.
Chroniton - can slow down enemies. (nice for making enemies' weakened shields harder to protect, or as a rear launcher to use when running away). Comes with standard Boff powers.
Tricobalt - very high damage, and a short disable effect (stops target from using any powers for a moment). has a very long cooldown and doesn't get modified by Boff powers.

Personally I am sticking to Phasers for now Will look at the skilling out Tetryon weapons when I hit CAP. The 2.5% to add extra shield damage might be worth it. Will test it
Shield Theory
There has been massive debate over which shield to use. My conclusion is that at a certain point you are doing enough DPS in PvE to counter any weakness in your shields.
At lower tiers a Regenerative or Resiliant work rather well, but a Covariant may still be better. Higher tiers near Captain and above the burst damage spawns can do to you makes Covariant or Resiliant a better choice. In PvP Covariant or Resiliant win out over all other shields with a strong leaning towards Covariant as a clear winner.

Shield Power Setting
• 25 - zero regen
• 50 - 1x regen
• 75 - 2x regen
• 100 - 3x regen
• 125 - 4x regen
Shield Types
• Basic (Avg Capacity/Avg Regen/10% Bleedthrough)
Not bad, not great.
• Regenerative (Low Capacity/High Regen/10% Bleedthrough)
Works better with higher shield energy setting. Can be used to great effect with high-dps enemies, but so can Covariant.
• Resistance (Avg Capacity/Med Regen/5% Resistance and Bleedthrough)
Getting one of these with a [Cap] bonus is a nice alternative to Covariant. Really nice in PvP.
• Covariant (High Capacity/Low Regen/10% Bleedthrough)
Works well with no power in shields. Science Team, Emergency Power to Shields, and even Reverse Shield Polarity all work well with this shield.
Console Theory
It has been proven that there are no diminishing returns for using +Skill consoles. However we haven't done any testing on +% such as Resistance modules.
Tactical - Pick a damage type (Disruptor/Plasma/etc) and buy the best Mk consoles that say +Starship <damage> Weapons. Fill every tactical slot you have with these. Do not mix weapon damage types. (There is no diminishing returns)

Engineering - Depending on your style you can go +Resistances, or +Weapon Power, or +Turn Rate if you're not a Tactical officer. Later tiers (probably when you start using 3xDHC) you will need at least an EPS Flow Regulator to keep your weapon power as high as possible.

Science - Try to get a Biofunction Monitor (+Able Crew, +Crew Recovery Rate), its the best I've seen so far. Alternative is to find something that boosts your most important Science Bridge Officer ability.

Beam Theory
Beams are not as efficient as Cannons for sustained DPS but can put forth some excellent burst dps using a different set of Bridge Officer abilities that are not linked to your Cannon cooldowns. Beams have a large power drain that must be compensated for with EPS Engineering Consoles.

On an Escort you will most likely want to use Dual Beam arrays that have a smaller arc of fire but higher damage. USE YOUR MANUEVERABILITY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.

It has been shown in testing that 2xDC+1xDBB is less dps than 3xDHC.

System Power Guide ... p?t=101249

Massive Space Science Skills/Powers Overview. ... p?t=107070

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 18:09
by Ghostspock

Just wanted to let you know that my faith has been restored in PCF. Thank you for creating the fleet and making our Star Trek gaming experience more enjoyable.


Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2010, 00:08
by Xiphan
I just want to say thank you now in advance to KB & Mr_norris for getting me this game for my birthday (hopefully it arrives tomorrow). After having watched Mr_Norris play it I'm quite intrigued to get into it myself. :) I just hope the ageing graphics card I've had to resort to will handle this game OK. :|

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2010, 09:37
by VinceThePrince
Xiphan... I play this on my laptop at times, which does not have the best graphics in the world at all... and it handles fine... :) Looking forward to getting you into the fleet sir...

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2010, 22:23
by Mr_Norris
Vince, what are the specs of your laptop?

On mine, it's playable. Bearly. Ultra smooth at half res :/ playable at 1024 x 768. Thats with everything on low.

My lappie is a core 2, with 4 gigs of RAM. But the onboard GFX is well... nothing special.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 25 Feb 2010, 09:40
by VinceThePrince
You actually have more RAM than me... the rest is exactly the same... I only have 2 gigs RAM...

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 10:49
by Xiphan
Well suffice to say my ageing graphics card did not handle it well at all. So I'm off this morning to get a new graphics card, hopefully I can find something decent. :D

EDIT: I don't think I'll have any problem running the game now: Clicky Clicky... :D

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 11:39
by vengsa
We finely got the forums up for the fleet
You can head on over to

If you have any feedback pleas let KillerByte know

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 11:53
by KillerByte
will be applying some pretty templates and more customisations this week so please bear with me.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 08:12
by Ghostspock
Finally Im a Captain. Now to drag this out and stay one for as long as possible.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 10:16
by Mr_Norris
:O damn! You work quick. I'm still Lt. Commandar. Thanks to KB and Xiphan!

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 10:27
by KillerByte
you better be around on the weekend. you left me on Sunday.

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 11:56
by Stuart
I'm still an Ensign. (Or is that not a rank. I'm a complete n00b here.)

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:19
by Xiphan
Stuart wrote:I'm still an Ensign. (Or is that not a rank. I'm a complete n00b here.)
It is a rank, it's like lvl 1. I just made it to Lt. Grade 6 last night. :D

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:21
by KillerByte
you enjoy getting blown up Xiphan?

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:33
by Stuart
Woohoo ... I'm level 1 then. :mrgreen:

Re: 1st South African Fleet / Official ST:O thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 22:13
by Stuart
Argh ... this friggin patching is getting on my nerves.