My E3 suggestions...

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My E3 suggestions...

Post by DarkStreetDevelopment »

Because E3 is the webpage for both PCF and .net, what about a gaming section where games are reviewed, screenshots are posted and people can vote on the game (something in the line of or Having this would be really cool for E3 as well as atracting more gamers who would like more info/downloads on the latest games.
<BR>About the downloads, how about some more downloads? Is there a limited space for E3? If not, let´s add some more cool downloads of game trainers/cheats, etc. as well as some programs.
<BR>And my last suggestion is this: how about a page about .net and PCF where information is given about what articles are covered in the current month: this can pursuade more people to buy the mag if the content interests them.
<BR>I´m serious about the gaming idea, check out gamespot, etc. to see what I´m aiming at.
<BR>So what do you think?
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