Torn Apart

Formerly known as "The Ward" -- now Anakha56 and rustypup's playground. Abandon all hope, all ye who enter.
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Torn Apart

Post by Zana »

Torn Apart

I am torn apart, inside out
My heart ripped out piece by piece
All I can do is love, but the love vanishes
Love and light are absorbed
By a black hole of emptiness
It tortures me and turns me inside out

Friends come and go
Lovers come and go
I wish this wasn’t so
Love is what makes me go
Love is the fuel of my life
Love, my fuel is running dry
I have been turned inside out

I am torn apart, inside out
Every one has a piece of heart
A broken heart decomposes
While my life disposes
People come and take me
Cuddle me and adore me
Then dump me and claw me
Rip me from inside out

Friends come and go
Lovers come and go
I wish this wasn’t so
Love is what makes me go
Love is the fuel of my life
Love, my fuel is running dry
I am bleeding inside out

On day one I am the blessing in there eyes
On day two I am the curse in there eyes
I am like the weather, when it’s hot
They wish it was cold
When it’s cold they wish it was hot.
I cry every night to be held
The be snuggled, to be cuddled
By the ones who left there mark
By kissing my heart
Then by tearing out my heart.

Friends come and go
Lovers come and go
I wish this wasn’t so
Love is what makes me go
Love is the fuel of my life
Love, my fuel is running dry
My life, my existence…
Is turning inside out
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Post by jee »

Zana, there is a great thread for poetry. Please use it and transfer this poem to it.

"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Zana »

Shalom There
I am sorry, but when i am down, very down i tend to talk in song and poem, to explain my feelings. If i posted in the poetry thread, people will just see it as a poem, and not what i am feeling. the reason why i tend to write in poemline or songlike when i am down, is because no one gets hurt when reading it.
I have a broken heart, as you can see, also very unscretain about the future , such as looking for work, where will i go, where I would live and so on. Also getting an image rendered like this:

using my skins i created.

scares ths ****** out of me for the night, and then when i not scared about it anymore, i hurt.. and wonder , do I have hope... will i ever be loved, will love , new love come out, will i rise like a phoenic...

dont know , eskom doesnt help. as they keep on turning off the light at the end of the tunnel...
Love & Hugs
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Post by jee »

sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the train...

remember that poetry and song hurt just as much as words in lines of proper explanation. In fact, it touches even more so, reaches even deeper....

bent., twisted,

we turn our essence
towards each other
and reach out,
out across the chasm
of hope

~ j ~
"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Zana »

Hey I like that one ((((hugs)))))))))
well it does not help
when hope vannishes
as silent, as when the ones
You love fade in mists
of time and space

Had lots of freinds and lovers who came and went,
and never stayed forever.

It hurts
The elvin world is different from your world like our ears compared with yours.. to see all the elfs
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