Laptop Purchase for a certain business!

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Laptop Purchase for a certain business!

Post by Fishzn »

Hi Guys

I require some of the expertise of you guys here at the forum, well there are a couple of questions i need to pose to you guys and lets see what help you can provide. Firstly let me tell you guys how you need to help me, well currently my dad is running a business as an electronic engineer and he has most of the kentucky franchise under his wing. He services and maintains their current POS system which is manufactured by PAR microsystems. Well these guys have been muscled out of the franchise by another american company known as Micros and my dads side of business seems to be dwindling slightly! With this loss of business my dad has decided to just start up another small business to keep the money flowing. He said that he'll be going in with about R150 000 to R200 000 in capital.

So i need to know from you guys what you think would be a good proposition for a new business in SA with that kinda of capital, he said he wants to start a retail business where he imports goods from taiwan and sells them, so what do you guys think of this?

He also said that he'd be out on the field alot and wants continous access to his home PC and the all files on it especially the accounting system. So i need to know how i'd be able to provide this connectivity. He will buy a laptop and i told him he'd be able to that with a dial-up network using his cellphone which has bluetooth capability. So is this a proposition, using the laptop to connect to the phone using bluetooth and then using the GPRS capability on the phone. If it isn't then what other way using a laptop would be good.

Also i need to know who can provide or where i can get a good laptop for around R 5000-R7000 that would be good for field work and provide reliable connectivity!

Any help that you guys can provide me with would be appreciated and please feel free to tell me any other ideas you think would be good for an entrepreneurial adventure like this one!

Thanks guys
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
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