Wizards news of the weird returns

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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Ashley_Pops »

Stuart wrote:
Msnbc.com wrote:CROSSVILLE, Ala. - A 37-year-old Georgia woman was arrested and charged with padding her bra with methamphetamine, authorities said.

The woman was arrested Tuesday and charged with trafficking in controlled substances, said Alabama's DeKalb County Sheriff Jimmy Harris.

Harris said authorities pulled the woman over for a traffic violation and searched her car. During a pat down, an officer found a pound of meth hidden in her bra, worth about $13,000.

She was released from the DeKalb County jail Wednesday on $30,000 bond.
Ahem ... nice pat down there.
What I want to know is since when do you get 'patted down' for a traffic violation :lol:
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Anakha56 »

http://www.dailytech.com/Chinese+Teen+K ... e15898.htm
Chinese Teen Killed Beaten to Death by Internet Addiction Camp Counselors

And they say internet addiction is bad for you...

Just a couple weeks ago the suicide of a young employee at iPhone-manufacturer Foxconn, reportedly after being beaten and interrogated by his employer, shocked the tech community. Now another incident of alarming brutality in China has reached the public eye.

The life of 16-year-old Deng Senshan was cut tragically short when several counselors at a camp for internet addiction gave him a beating which proved fatal. The boy had been sent by his parents to the camp -- the Guangxi Qihang Survival Training Camp, a branch set up by Guangzhou Self-help Teenager Development Training Center -- in hopes of ridding their son of his preoccupation with the internet.

Deng Fei, the boy's father, paid 7,000 yuan ($1,024) to send his son to the camp for one month after he graduated from Ziyuan No. 2 High School in Guilin in July. The camp sounded promising, assuring "close management with training teachers." The camp's mission statement also solemnly promised, "Our methods are tough but do not include torture or other methods that might damage a child’s health."

That statement turned out to be the stark opposite of reality. The camp quickly put Deng Senshan in solitary confinement. A few days later the deadly beating occurred when camp counselors felt the boy was running to slow during a workout.

Realizing how severely they injured the boy, they took him to a local hospital, where he died after only 10 minutes. According to the medical records, "The boy showed no response to emergency treatment. He arrived with a very weak heartbeat and could not breathe. He was exhausted after being beaten. We were unable to save him."

A man surnamed Xia, who serves as the camp's principal, steadfastly claims the boy was not beaten and was taken to the hospital for a fever. However, the boy's father says that he had blood on his face and that his wrists featured bruises and other signs of being handcuffed.

Mr. Deng Fei is furious at his son's apparent murder and is seeking justice. He states, "My son was very healthy and was not a criminal. He just had an Internet addiction when I left him at the camp. The police informed us that our child had died on Monday morning. We can’t believe our only son was beaten to death. The teachers promised me that they would not use any physical punishment on my son when I dropped him off. We’re planning to sit before the local government for a protest tomorrow. If they don’t give us justice, we will go to the camp to confront them."

The three camp counselors responsible for the beating have been taken into custody.

In a land where public executions are considered acceptable, still, it seems like he has a good shot at getting his justice. However, one must wonder whether the corporal punishments inflicted by Chinese law enforcement are just an example of violence and brutality begetting more of the same.
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by rustypup »

CfSH [b][color=red]BIAS WARNING![/color][/b] wrote:Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.
Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”
:? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Man Convicted of Groping Minnie Mouse
AOL wrote:A 60-year-old man has been convicted of groping a woman in a Minnie Mouse costume at Walt Disney World.

John William Moyer of Cressona, Pa., told the judge he is innocent. His son said before sentencing that his father would never inappropriately touch a woman.


He was convicted Tuesday of misdemeanor battery and sentenced to write the victim an apology, serve 180 days probation and complete 50 hours of community service. Moyer must also pay $1,000 in court costs and possibly undergo a mental evaluation.

The victim says she had to do everything possible to keep Moyer's hands off her breasts.
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Man Faces Six Months in Jail for ‘Boisterous’ Yawn
MSNBC wrote:Drowsy spectators in one suburban Chicago courtroom might want to stifle their yawns from now on.

Clifton Williams, 33, of Richton Park, is facing six months in jail for making what court documents call a yawn-like sound in Will County Judge Daniel Rozak's court last month.

The yawn happened as Williams' cousin, Jason Mayfield, was being sentenced for a drug charge on July 23.
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by rustypup »

Stuart wrote:Man Convicted of Groping Minnie Mouse
furries :lol: ... shoot and bury them and they'll still probably be bust for inappropriate behaviour involving an insect or two...
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Stuart »

How do you explain that to the kids? "Daddy, what is that man doing to Minnie?"
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by GreyWolf »

Stuart wrote:Man Convicted of Groping Minnie Mouse
what a chode, daisy duck is way hotter!
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Tribble »

Fondling a mouse - wonder if he as animalistic desires :?
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by rustypup »

Stuart wrote:Man Faces Six Months in Jail for ‘Boisterous’ Yawn
not any more... some judges need a reality check...
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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"I just first of all want to make it clear - you were never in custody for yawning - you never were," Rozak said. "It was a sound...that was offensive to the court."
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Fan Mad About Archie Engaging Veronica Sells Comic
Yahoo News wrote:When comic book store owner Dave Luebke heard that after 67 years, the carrot-topped everyman of the comic world, Archie, was proposing to va-va-voomy rich girl Veronica instead of girl-next-door Betty, he decided to protest by selling his copy of the series' rare first issue.

Luebke's Archie Comics No. 1 sold for $38,837 when Dallas' Heritage Auction Galleries offered it Friday. Heritage spokesman Noah Fleisher said the buyer was a longtime Archie reader and collector from Virginia who did not want to be identified.

"Betty is it. Not Veronica," said Luebke, whose Richmond, Va., store has more than 1 million comics in stock. "This is serious."
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Man Arrested After 'Humping' His Car
Metro.co.uk wrote:In the Queen song, I'm In Love With My Car, drummer Roger Taylor took over singing duties from Freddie Mercury to wail about how much he was, uh, in love with his car. But he obviously didn't love it this much.

A man in Alberquerque, New Mexico was charged with indecent exposure after he was seen simulating a sex act with his car while it was parked outside a supermarket.

Danny Brawner, 46, was spotted making love to his vehicle outside Smith's Food and Drug store.

Witnesses said they saw Brawner "humping" his car's trunk while swinging his arms in the air and shouting. His pants were around his ankles, onlookers said.

Brawner was later found asleep next to his car by police, who said he appeared to be drunk. Two children witnessed the alleged sex act.
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Tribble »

:shock: a car? Is that even possible?
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Dutch travellers fly to the wrong Sydney
Metro.co.uk wrote:A Dutchman and his grandson boarded a flight to Sydney, looking forward to visiting sunny Australia, but ended up in a much chillier Sydney - in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Joannes Rutten, 71, and his 15-year-old grandson Nick booked the trip through a Dutch travel agency with plans to visit family living in Wollongong and Tallong, south of Sydney, according to local newspaper the Illawarra Mercury.

They set out from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport with Air Canada on Saturday - but instead of arriving to views of the Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House, they touched down at Sydney in Cape Breton Island, off Canada's north east coast - more than 10,000 miles away from their intended destination.

Air Canada organized hotel rooms in the wrong Sydney for the pair, until they could arrange flights on to the right Sydney.

They finally arrived in Australia on Wednesday.

'I think it was quite an adventure for the 15-year-old. They're not seasoned travelers. Joannes was absolutely exhausted when he arrived,' Rutten's cousin, Yvonne Wallace, from Wollongong, told the newspaper.

Clare MacDougall, who works for Air Canada, was at Nova Scotia's Sydney Airport to meet the aircraft.

'When the door opened, the flight attendant said: "You're not going to believe it but we have two people who thought they were en route to Sydney, Australia,"' she told the Cape Breton Post newspaper.

'They arrived with no Canadian money - they had all Australian money.'

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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Stuart »

I'll have sushi off a naked girl, please
Metro.co.uk wrote:Adventurous diners can now eat sushi off naked female models.

But the traditional Japanese Nyotaimori, or 'female body presentation', experience comes at a high cost - £250 per head.

Flash Sushi has a dinner a month at London locations until March. Founder Nigel Carlos said: 'It's nothing like a strip club - and it's pure luxury.'
^^ This has to be the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time. :?
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by UrBaN »

That's ridicurous :lol:
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Tribble »

You are referring to the price I presume? :lol:
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by doo_much »

Stuart wrote:I'll have sushi off a naked girl, please
Metro.co.uk wrote:Adventurous diners can now eat sushi off naked female models.

But the traditional Japanese Nyotaimori, or 'female body presentation', experience comes at a high cost - £250 per head.

Flash Sushi has a dinner a month at London locations until March. Founder Nigel Carlos said: 'It's nothing like a strip club - and it's pure luxury.'
^^ This has to be the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time. :?
UrBaN wrote:That's ridicurous :lol:
Pics or it won't happen :twisted:
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Tribble »

You mean like these?
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by doo_much »

Tribble wrote:You mean like these?
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Yes, indeed, very much so. :mrgreen:

Wonder if it tickles?
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A surprising amount of modern pseudoscience is coming out of the environmental sector. Perhaps it should not be so surprising given that environmentalism is political rather than scientific.
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Tribble »

I am sure that it must. And the patience needed if the people eat slowly.
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Re: Wizards news of the weird returns

Post by Stuart »

Tribble wrote:You mean like these?
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^^ They're not even Japanese! :?
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