The CG of Monty Oum

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Post by SoulBlade »

I'm already a fan and want results. :twisted:
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Post by ZeroS »

Yeah I too think that it shouldn't be taken over seriously. Like, "I'm not getting my money's worth" kind of a thing.

I see it as a freelance project. Like it or not, it's up to you.

BTW SoulBlade - YGPM. About FFVIII.
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Post by Rayne »

And once you're done watching this, you'll notice I'm far from finished. At least 5 more episodes to follow in this series starting with Dead Fantasy III Rikku Vs Ayane. What was what I felt was perhaps the strongest one was also previously planned as Dead Fantasy IV is now officially moved to Dead Fantasy III and starting production ASAP. The reason for moving it forward was what I learned most when doing this movie as opposed to Dead Fantasy I. I shouldn't be making a movie unless it's something I absolutely love. Yuna Vs Kasumi & Tifa VS Hitomi were a tad weak compared to Rikku VS Ayane, I'll have to let those stew and come back only better before I decide to start production of them. But RIkku Vs Ayane on the other hand is perhaps one of the most powerful visions I've had and needs to be made the sooner the better.

You seriously have not seen anything yet.

3. Please add, Paine, Terra, Rydia, Rinoa, Selphie, Quistis, Christie, Helena, Tina, or pretty much every FF or DOA girl there is, into part 2?
Sorry folks, my poor little laptop can't handle anymore polygons than there already is. I was crunching by the time there were 6 characters on screen. I'm gonna have to be really smart if part 2 is even gonna happen. On top of that, the storyboards for all 5-6 episodes that it's gonna take to complete this series were complete months ago. I'm actually already deviating from plan to accomadate the fans of this series which as already set me back a week.
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Post by ZeroS »

Lets donate an uber laptop to this guy. :P

I'm getting hyped for this. Just hope I'm not disappointed when it's released.
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Post by Rayne »

Lol he got a new desktop but he has to travel for work, hence done on laptop.

EDIT : I'm glad my favorite girl will be getting some hardcore screentime though. Here's hoping she's done justice. I always liked Ayane best 'coz she was an outcast. Also spent countless hours on PS2 back in the day and she was always the toughest character to beat for me.
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Post by SoulBlade »

ZeroS wrote:BTW SoulBlade - YGPM. About FFVIII.
:D YGPM too. :D
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Post by Rayne »


And well he looks busy enough -


Btw how long does he usually take? One month, three months, six months, one year? What's the planned ETA for III?
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Post by Rayne »

...I've come to really like Kairi as a Heroine. She symbolizes a lot about the kind of girl we wish we knew. Putting her in Dead Fantasy was really both a combination of response to the fans as well as my own love for her character...

...I honestly wish I had done more with her in DFII. I kinda felt like she got the short end in terms of actions. Her going into valor form was cool but also a hindrence. Part of it was because her fighting with that flowery keyblade would've just looks too silly. I think whenever it is her fight comes around I'll hold a contest similer to the DFIII Rikku Dressphere contest for Original Keyblade designs for Kairi. I noiticed there were abunch on DA when I was browsing keyblades. It'll be likey she'll be going into other forms as well. I think Ultimate Kairi is going to be a nice... change heheheheh...
I read his making a website atm so he will probably post his stuff there soon.

Btw I just browsed a few Advent Children scenes. Did you guys do it after watching this? All of a sudden Tifa's church fight doesn't look all that good anymore...

Just imagine if he had the equipment to render high polygon models like those in AC...
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Post by ZeroS »

Link for this guys website?

Kairi, well she's like this timid girl that can get assertive when called for and I really don't see her as a fighter.
As far as I know, Kairi never goes into valor form so I like the twist he's putting on things, especially the Ultimate form. That would be brilliant!
And that floral keyblade has to go. It looks like junk.

I've watched FFAC many times so I know, more or less, how the fight scenes play out. That Tifa fight had one or two novel moves like that fist clench and the slow mo jump off the wall. The head drag was seen before.

The cloud bike fight was good. (The one in the tunnel)

And, of course, the Sephiroth fight. Battling on falling platforms (also in DFII) and Masamune. Loved that fight, especially so, because of the Sephiroth theme playing in the back. The latin from my sig is from the Sephiroth theme song.

I'd say it's tough to compare to FFAC as it partially satiated this hunger for more FFVII, so an opinion would indeed be biased, and to be honest I'd like to think that both Square and Monty were working under constraints. Monty lacked appropriate resources and Square worked on a marketing strategy rather than going all out and giving it their best, for the fans.
But given what I've seen, this guy would be able to take them on.

I really hope this guy gets all he needs to go big, big enough to pressurize other companies into increasing their standards.

Thanks for the info's Rayne!
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Post by D3PART3D »

SoulBlade wrote:Rinoa will always be my girl. drool....
I'm so jealous right now, go perv someone else! :lol: I'm replaying FF VIII right now... could you get your hands on a copy? Maybe I can help you out... (by "copy" I don't mean piracy ;) )
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Post by Rayne »

ZeroS wrote:Link for this guys website?
3d models he can make, but website he cannot, so no website yet. Got that from

And yes you speak the truth. I am not comparing a lonewolf to Square Enix per se, but, in same breath, watching it again now, this oke's not at all that far behind.
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Post by ZeroS »


Well said, and, thanks for the link. There's some good pics in the gallery.
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Post by Rayne »

Tifa Lockhart - Locked Heart, get it?

Yea I'm a cheesey romantic.

It's so easy to forget that mark Tifa keeps on her. The purpose of this picture isn't as much about portraying her sexually, but more as a reminder of strength of character.

But ya know, that right there, to me, is why Tifa is such a beautiful character. All the hardship and she still maintains being clouds support. I wonder when is it time to support her? The Final Fantasy girls have always been a great embodiment of the very rare type of person you wish you knew. It isn't always translated well, but just as Cloud only notices over hardship about what Tifa means to him. The heroine is a personifcation of the traits of strength in a woman the we men should strive to appreciate. Plus some bottom-kickery.

"Action without emotion is meaningless eye candy." - John Woo

I really have to try and steer away from only action. I've said this before, I don't like violence. I like performance, and there's a difference. By my turning the action up a notch with the last movie I made, I really have to stop ignoring the meaning behind it and step up the level emotion as well. By not including emotion, It'd be just as bad as making movies that are purely violent. So expect in the future for more style as well as substance. So therefore I hope via cinematography, I hope to convey the "story" behind the feelings as well. Last thing I want is for people to start seeing me as this one trick pony.

Locked Heart? Could this Moniker imply future things? Only time will tell.

Developing artwork helps towards making a product towards anything. Hopefully I could utilitize this picture for the current set of things that I'm tasked with. (Websites, DVD's, DVD Menus, Etc.) I also hope i'll look nice on your desktop.
One would think when watching Dead Fantasy II that I'm Final Fantasy Biased. Not nescessarily true, moreso that sorta generalization isn't a good way of putting things, not when character itself is more complex and should be dealt with in detailed manner. Despite her taking the brunt of most of the worste from the FF girls in DFII, Ayane is probably one of my favorite DOA characters.

It's tough for a fighting game to have a great story for obvious reasons. But with every iteration of Dead or Alive, there's always at least a bit of reveal that a very good breath into their characters. Looking past the obvious stuff like boobies and skimpy clothes can be hard, but I often say hating something for the reason that everyone likes it is just as bad as liking something because everyone likes it. Not taking her for face value, Ayane still has depth to her which drives her as a character.

As far as character goes, anything can fall under predictable if you're willing to put it in that light. Start with you're basic hero, strong silent type who's direct and balanced. For Street Fighter it's Ryu, in Tekken it's Jin, in Final Fantasy VII it's Cloud in DOA it's Kasumi. And for every strong balanced type, there's always the flashier faster version. Ryu has Ken, Jin has Hwoarang, Cloud has Zack, and in the case of Dead or Alive, Kasumi has Ayane.

It's what is layered on top of that that makes a great character.

As the depths of her character goes. Ayane has a pretty tragic past. The characters have evolved pretty well since I first started playing DoA 1 in the arcades. My choices in character for Dead Fantasy as random as they seem are done with a great deal of responsibility. For every choice that is made there needs to be weight behind it.

Choosing Ayane comes with love for her character. Ever since first using her I loved her fighting style which involves a great deal of graceful spins and pirouetting into kicking. She's like a beautiful little deadly ballerina. Knowing only what's been revealed about her backstory I hope to put as much of who she is behind her fight. She was an outcast discarded from her clan. She was later taken in by Genra, leader of the Mugen Tenshin clan only to years later have to kill him. Her sword and mask are momentos that she took from him after defeating him. Genra's blade represent a lot to Ayane, it'll be something fierce if that mask ever dawns itself in battle.

As sad as her story is, I try to put her in a light tone whenever I can. She's always so angry tormented, I hope for her character to eventually find happiness.

Reminds me of the song Precious by Depeche Mode.
If someone were to ask me who's my least favorite DF character I would tell them, "I don't dislike anyone! Go Screw yourself!!"

But kidding aside, if I were to pick one that I found the least interesting, it would have to be Rachel. I mean really she's kind of your action flick in and then out "Bond Girl." She won't be in Ninja Gaiden 2, her character is pretty much there to compliment another person. Which in a way is why she's perfect to be matched up against Rinoa in DFIV (likely, unless I decide otherwise.) Now those of you looking closely lately have probably started picking up clues that I've been dropping in the recent pictures. I hope it totally doesn't give it away, (or that maybe the brightness of your moniter is turned down.)

Understanding some elements revealed in Ninja Gaiden might shed some light:

In the lore of both Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden there exist Fiends, which convieniently enough is also the term for montsers in FFX. Just as well, human are capable of being corrupted and become Fiends, like in FFX. Getting a pattern here?

Midway through Ninja Gaiden Rachel is kidnapped by Doku (Bad Guy) who attempts to turn her into a "Greater Fiend" which I imagine if this were Ninja Gaiden she'd end up looking like that creepy spidery monster... thing like her twin sister Alma. But since this is my movie, I think I'll go with something a little more appealing.

Well since you know very well that my pairings are built mostly on whether or not something matches up asthetically/thematically. You can see here (again if you're looking very closely) that I have plans for Rachel to match up again Rinoa asthetically. Putting them side by side, both their designs are so different that they compliment eachother.

So I say Screw the intentional limitations of her creation! I'll make her more interesting!

DFIV is quite a ways off (will explain later,) so just forget you saw this picture until then.
As you can tell, Dead Fantasy III is going to take some time.
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Post by ZeroS »

I never did like Rachel so it'll be interesting to see what he whips together.

I was perusing through the dudes journal on Deviant Art and he always seems so tired, even somewhat lethargic. That's kinda ironic seeing that he is quite dedicated to this project. It's almost as if the enthusiasm is just not there.

Anyways, as longs as he churns out quality, I would take it with a grain of salt. Too bad it's gonna take some time...
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Post by Rayne »

Nah I'm sure he'll make something good. I cannot flaw him for what he did thusfar.

I think he can't wait to finish it, his just got his hands full with too many stuff atm. His in the design stage now so I imagine that takes quite a bit of pondering.

From his hints it seems all the characters will go through multiple forms. Lets just hope he doesn't po SE or Tecmo by advancing copyrighted character abilities. It can get a bit complicated if his toons does what the devs are planning for them a few years down the line. Vice versa they will suck if it actually turns out so. Oh well here's hoping he doesn't get sued.

I'll check his blog for updates weekly or so but it looks like it's probably best not to, too long a wait.
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Post by Rayne »

Wtf double-post.

/ Ignore/delete.
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Post by Rayne »

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Post by ZeroS »

Hubba Hubba!
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by Rayne »

And exactly one year later is when the series will be finished - Anime Expo Forums

#3-6 coming May 2009.
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by Rayne »

Dead Fantasy 4 teaser and trailer (beta footage):

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

There's not enough footage for 3 yet and he confirmed those awaiing Ayane VS Rikku anytime soon's guaranteed to be disappointed.
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by ZeroS »

So much for May 2009 then.

I noticed the battles are becoming more diverse with the intervention of summons etc.
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by Rayne »

It will still be shown at the expo, probably just not all of it like he wanted. And yeah Yuna's summoning so it would seem he'll be pulling out all the stops though it looks to me Kasumi can parry them just fine. But Cloud? What's he doing in the all-girl party? If he's added to the FF gang then better spawn Alpha-152 to make the little man cry.

Well, will see soon enough.


Anime Expo 2009's only July 2-5th. Making cuts but it should still be done in time. And just a correction - #3 (Rikku VS Ayane) is done already hence no trailer, it's close enough to release.
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by ZeroS »

If he starts bringing in the male counterparts it may get too messy. Depending, naturally, on how well he executes the whole thing.
Personally, a male only series would be much better.

Alpha 152. Can't say I'm familiar with... him/it?

Instead of gutting what he originally envisaged, perhaps he should take some time to output what he wanted.
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by Rayne »

My thoughts too. But let's wait and see. There should be some live snips on the Tube next weekend.

And Alpha? Only the cheapest boss in all of DOA and one of the cheapest in general. If you look at Meta, towards the bottom you'll find some reviewers who scored the game low because they ended up tossing their controllers.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
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Re: The CG of Monty Oum

Post by ZeroS »

Alpha 152 seems vaguely familiar. A clone of Kasumi?
The last I played DOA4 was a long time ago and that too was simply versus at a friends place. I remember that the blocking was nasty on the thumbs, but, highly realistic nonetheless. And I thought Zangief in SFIV was cheap.
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