Chakra Project: Alpha 1 Release

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Chakra Project: Alpha 1 Release

Post by WAJeff »

Hey guys,

Dunno if you know about this yet, or heard of it. As some of you may know I've been playing around with Arch Linux for the past couple of months. Now one things about Arch Linux is once its installed, its friggin awesome! Runs really smoothly etc etc, but its installing thats the mission

There some dev guys who have come out with this - The Chakra Project. Its basically a GUI installer that installs the most common packages for you. So pretty much, an easier Arch install. I've given it a shot and its damn cool!! Runs of KDE, which is the first distro Im using using KDE btw :lol:

Just a note though, I've tried installing this on a pre-partioned HDD and it doesnt really like that - so my best bet would be to wait for the Alpha 2 release. Another thing, please dont come moan in this thread that Chakra broke your PC, its still on Alpha 1
Heres the home URL -

Some screenies:

Boot screen

After a few tweaks

Couldnt find many other screenies, as this release is only a couple months old. I'll see if I can get some up from my installs during the week

If you guys are interested, here some download links:

x86 (620mb):

x64 (650mb):

If needed, MD5 checksums:

chakra-i686-081220-alpha1.iso: 37710255a2b9b4b7887f1b64b6884802
chakra-x86_64-081220-alpha1.iso: 38f217fbd27879f2cf39eb4e75820ee0

KDE 3 Packages
KDE 4 Packages

Lets see what the other guys have to say. Im downloading x64 tonight, so if anyone wants a copy drop me a PM. You will have to pay for the CD and shipping
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