Project: Stardust [Finished]

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Re: Project: Stardust [update]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Update on today's work.

This morning I went shopping, and got some screws, sanding paper and aluminum angle. I also salvaged some wood from old book cases.

From the wood, I made a structure which I used to bend the plexi side panels.


But they didn't bend very easily and didn't stay that way after I treated them with the heat gun.

So I changed my design and went for straight side panels. Now I could do the front and rear panels before the sides.

With the front panel, I could measure how long the side panel needs to be.

After a whole lot of sawing, all the exterior panels are done

I will mount my PSU on the bottom back part of the case.

So I cut these pieces with which I can screw/glue the bottom to the back panel, and they will keep the PSU in place.

This is how they will look:

Tomorrow I will fix one of those brackets, as it came out a little too big. I'll also try to figure out a way to keep all the parts together and stiff. But now I'm tired, I'm not used to manual labor. :lol:

Btw, am I posting too much images?
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Re: Project: Stardust [update]

Post by Prime »

Llooking good. Keep it up. the more pics, the better generally :D
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 10-12]

Post by Lithe_Joint »

Nice work!

A word of advice, if I may...
Now that those pieces have been shaped, you'd have to be realy careful, should you want to drill holes through. There are stress points which have been created internally and should you hit one of those points, the piece will crack. I'll upload a pic tonight to illustrate, if you are interested.

Regarding the side panels, you almost had it! To prevent the piece from returning to its old shape, use the bottom G-Clamps at the top, as they are not realy required way down there. Heat up the material and use a warm angle iron (the 90degree edge) to push the material into position in the top "corner". Then clamp the angle iron down in the final position and presto. Just make sure the iron is clean, else it will leave some residue in the soft perspex which will be visible when removed. The above rule about stress points still apply, so should you need to have any holes, be very carefull.
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 10-12]

Post by djwez »

you might have to extended your psu cables if you mount the psu at the bottom :wink:
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Re: Project: Stardust [update]

Post by Samaya »

TheModDoctor wrote:Is there a spesific way I should use the tensol? I tried sticking two small pieces together last night and this morning I broke it with ease... :?
Thats weird. Did you clean the pieces with alcohol or something before you glued it? Anyway your idea of having the 90' bends is a better way of doing it in anyway.

I think your mod's going to look good.
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 10-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Thanks, I'll be careful

I thought about that, but luckily the PSU in the photos is just an old one I use for measuring. My new PSU's cable are really long, so I'll be surprised if I run into problems :wink:

I didn't clean them with alcohol, but they were dust free. The guy at maizey said that I should make one edge 45*, and then use the tensol to "fill up" the gap.
But I'll have to use it somehow, because I'd rather glue and bolt the pieces together.

And another thing. Will pop-rivots work? Or is the stresses just too much for the plexi to handle?
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 10-12]

Post by Samaya »

They will work if you place a washer on both ends of the rivet before you apply the necessary forces. The washer then takes up the strain of the rivet but still keeps the panels together. Just to make sure though do a test on a spare piece of plexi.

I just reread your previous post. That guy at mayzies probably tried to explain that you need to make the edge of EACH panel you want to glue at 45' to get the maximum area to glue together. All you need to do is ensure that your edges are clean from dust AND oily grime and that they are straight. I've used the Tensol before and when I tested it the plexi broke rather than the glued bits... Use it as you would super glue, just spread it on the edge you want glued to the other side and press together. keep it in its position for a bit and then try it again. If it still doesn't work use Super glue... :wink: :mrgreen:
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 10-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

How long do you need to it dry? I've tried again, but I've only left it for an hour and a bit, and it still breakes easy. Clean from dust and oil, straight edges, put it on just the edge of one of the pieces, pressed together and kept like that for an hour. Breakes. :x
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 10-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Update time! :)

I have not done that much today, because I woke up quite late and we had to go to town, but I feel I've done good.

I started this morning with the HDD bay. First I'll make the base and then the actual mounting place for the HDD's.
I've cut out pieces for the base and top part from the failed (and bent) side panel.

First the base. I've measured everything so that I can cut and bend it easily.


Bending this piece was quite a challenge

Bending done. The heat gun made the plastic covering melt a bit... :lol:

Much better :)


I must say, I'm extremely pleased with the way this piece came out! One side wasn't longer than the other, and it fits nicely where it's suppost to go. This was one of the most difficult pieces to fabricate in the whole case I believe.

I just couldn't resist:


I started with the top piece, but the "old people" interfered. They wanted to park their cars in my working space :? Oh well, I'll continue tomorrow.
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 11-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Update :)

Today I continued with the hdd bay that I was busy with last night.



Done bending


This is how the hdd bay will fit on the base. When I bent the hhd bay, some nasty ripples appeared. I'll try to make it even with a sanding paper, and then use the very fine water sanding paper to make it clear again, but I'll first try that on an offcut.

These pieces will keep the hdd's in place. I will glue them in place when I eventually get the right method to use the tensol

This part will be the cd-rom bay. It is still a bit bent because I used another piece from the failed side panel, but I quickly heated it up and bent it back.

I decided to leave the cd-rom bay for now, and first do the piece that will fasten it to the top of the case.

I decided to make 2 C-shaped mounting parts. This is how they came out

And the last thing I did today was to finish cutting the cd-rom bay.

Tomorrow I'll bend it.
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 12-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Another update. :)

So today I started with bending the cd-rom bay.


Looks nice

I also made the parts that will support the cd-roms

The next thing I tackled was the mobo backplate. I had to get another new plexi sheet for this large panel.


I'm bending one side of it so that I can glue it to the back panel.

Back plate done

I've been looking at my design again, and I decided to make the right side panel permanent (sort of). If this side panel is permanently fixed, it will give the case much more strength.
So I made pieces/joints that will fix the side panel to the rest of the case.
First the bottom one.

I have no idea why but this piece came out skew. So I had to heat it up again and bent it right.
Hmmm, Chips :lol:

I will make the rest of these pieces when I'm putting the case together.

To fix the mobo back plate to the top of the case I made this piece.


This is the last piece for today.

But earlier I tried the tensol again on a few offcuts.

And this time it was a success.

This method of glueing the pieces together worked superbly! They are super string and the tensol is completely see-through.

This other method worked much better this time. Although it still broke, it was much harder. This doesn't matter anyway, because the only pieces that I will glue like this is the pieces supporting the HDD's and the CD-rom. They don't need to be that strong.
The only problem is, I don't know what I did differently :lol: But this time it worked. :)

Anyway, almost everything have been fabricated now, all that is left is those joints for the one side panel. And then I still have to sand everything with water sanding paper. :( BIG job.

:o I realise now that I never mentioned it that the left side panel will open on hinges! That will look very cool I think. 8)
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 13-12]

Post by djwez »

that is a good idea to hinge the side panels on. cant wait to see the end :D
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 13-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Small update.

I took a break today and didn't do very much. I sanded some of the pieces and focused mainly on the HDD bay again.

Since the hdd bay was a bit higher than planned, I decided to fix that. I cut off its head :wink:

I changed the way that the hdd support pieces will be fixed to the bay. Instead of glueing them vertically, I'll cut groves in the bay itself and slide the pieces in horizontally.

And after a whole lot of delicate sawing it was done. I numbered the pieces because each one came out a little bit different than the others, and each one's grove needs to match it.

I still need to make those pieces shorter

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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by djwez »

i like mods because they can give other people inspiration
yet i hate them because they take too long to finish :lol:

nice work man
i wish i could bend plexi like that :P
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Thanks. I agree that usually mods take too long. But I think mine is coming on nicely, because I've been working 7 days now and almost all the parts have been made.
I just have to finish polishing the edges, making a few more joints, trim some panels to the right size, putting everything together and the electrics. I can't wait until it's done.

Rig of the month here I come :lol:
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by djwez »

darnit i was gonna post for rotm but you probly finish first ill go for the feb edition 8)
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by Samaya »

Nice update guy. Looking at your Tensol glue test, I also can't see anything that you did differently from the pics. Anyway, glad you are coming right. I would suggest you use Pratley quick set clear epoxy to glue thin edges. That glue also hardens with rock like qualities while still being clear. Stay away from super glue as it leaves a "hard-to-remove" white residue after drying in the general vicinity of the joint. I used Super glue in places on my mods where you will not see it.

I can't wait for my leave to finally start, then I can finally start to try and finish Paris as well.
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

djwez wrote:darnit i was gonna post for rotm but you probly finish first ill go for the feb edition 8)
I don't know if I'll finish first, because next week I'll be on holiday 1200km from home... We're going on Sunday and will be back the next Saturday. A whole week doing nothing and without my PC <- Holiday??? :? :lol:
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Finally another update 8)

Yesterday I couldn't do anything besides marking the pieces for trimming, because my dad had the garage and my working bench.

But today I got busy again. First I started trimming all the parts to their correct sizes.

First up was the mobo backplate.

I can now clearly see that a bent piece of plexi is under a lot of pressure, because as I (sawed) the backplate, the offcut started bending back and made it really hard for me to saw because it pressed against the blade.

After a hard time the backplate was done.

I then trimmed the top piece that will fix the backplate to the top of the case.

Next on my list was the piece that will keep the PSU in place.

I only now see how scratched this piece is :? At least this side will be glued and facing backwards

The bottom piece of the HHD bay

I also cut the pieces for the HDD's smaller

The CD-ROM bay

These pieces will support the CD-rom. Sorry for this weak explanation, but pics later will do the talking :wink:

I also decided to finish the HDD bay. I first lightly sanded all the pieces and then glued them together with the tensol.

...And the CD-ROM bay

Here are those other pieces

I used the press drill to cut holes for the screws

The hole for the CD-ROM bay didn't come out very nicely :?

And that's as far as I got today.

But just for fun I put all the pieces together to see how it looks so far.
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by Samaya »

Nice update man. You're making a lot of effort for your mod which is good.

Will you be done before you go on holiday?
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Don't think so. :cry:
Went to town this moring to pick up the mobo spacers :) , and Friday I'll be gone a good part of the day also
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 14-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »


This morning I went to a friends house to pick up some mobo spacers. I traded him the spacers for a copy of Linux :wink: Thanks Carel.
Here they are

So to mark out the positions of the spacers I had to take out my mobo

Piece of crap...

And to determine the position of the mobo I placed everything where they should go.

Right, now to fix the spacers onto the backplate... First I tried with an offcut. I drilled a 3.2 mm hole and then I put a screw in the spacer and forcefully screwed it into the hole. It worked very good. The spacer is pretty stiff in there.

And after some painstakingly measuring and checking I got all 6 spacers into position. :)

It's firm :lol:

The mobo backplate is now completely finished, and can therefor lose it's plastic cover

Now to do the front panel. I first cut the hole where the electronic control box will fit

And after much work the CD-ROM opening

My initial design was to use a 120mm fan in front, but space meant I will use a standard 80mm fan.

My dad helped me a bit and cut this hole with the jigsaw.

Doesn't look too bad... :)

So now the front panel is also complete.

For the fan I will make a grill out of plexi, but I have no idea how it should look. Can you guys give me some ideas?

I know that DAE_JA_VOO's grill looks like this (sorry for the image hack DAE :wink: )

But it's not quite my style... However I will have to cut round holes for air to come in though...
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 17-12]

Post by UrBaN »

Looking good so far man! Keep up the work, you've been productive!
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 17-12]

Post by Samaya »

Nice update. Just a correction, what you call a spacer is in fact called a "stand-off" :mrgreen:. I like your MoBo panel, the red and blue contrasts nicely. Good job so far
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Re: Project: Stardust [update- 17-12]

Post by TheModDoctor »

Samaya wrote:Nice update. Just a correction, what you call a spacer is in fact called a "stand-off" :mrgreen:. I like your MoBo panel, the red and blue contrasts nicely. Good job so far
Thanks. Sorry my bad, Stand-off. :wink:
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