Thought and concentration

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Thought and concentration

Post by StarPhoenix »

It is not for nothing that I am called "Supertwit"...

I was drifting off to the boss's offices this morning, the word
"CONCENTRATE!" still ringing in my ears when I wondered
[again] how one can be sure that one is concentrating
[staring ferociously at paperwork doesn't seem to be what is
required...] or whether there is some way one can force one's self
to concentrate when the boss tells one to do so-and thus assure one's
superior that one is indeed doing so? Likewise for thinking.
Whenever I am told to think about something, I am not sure
whether I should be conscious of some process occurring in my neocortex.
I do sometimes have ideas [or as I might say, certain things "occur to me"] but it is as though they had simply popped into being fully formed.
I am at a loss as to how I did it. [not good when one has to teach someone] One rare occassion I have what my colleagues consider
a brilliant idea. I would like to know whether there is anything I can do to make that happen more frequently.

Any suggestions/criticism but definitely no profanity
would be welcome.....and yes you may pm me if you wish
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Post by Dr_Jung »

Concentrate! :lol:

Look my man, we have to find out what the root cause of this state of mind is. Is it stess related, lack of a good nutritional diet, not enough fish maybe? Are the wheels on your chair properly oiled? If given a penny for your thoughts, do you give the person change? Deep inside your psyche is a reason waiting to be uncovered, on your next visit we must try shock therapy, cannot do a lobotomy, nothing left to "lobotomise". :?
I am fearful for you, could it be related to the close relationship with your mother maybe, a bit of hypnosis seems on the cards! There may be signs of an Oedipus complex here, defenitely time for a question and answer session!

To have brilliant ideas in quick succession, I do suggest that you train yourself to have your ablusions early each morning before you go to work, thus relieving your body of any waste matter that may be causing a block. Regular bowel movements are mandatory to having brilliant thoughts.

Trust me! I am a Doctor.
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Post by StarPhoenix »


You have just made my day, Doc. J!
"Humankind cannot bear very much reality." T.S. Elliot
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