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Computersonly bad service ?

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 12:36
by Rodo
guys I need to ask this question, seeing that PCFORMAT promote Computeronly in their magazine, this would be the best place to make a noise.

myself and two other friends keep getting bad service from computers only. Nothing sort of forcing our money down their throats and begging them to despatch our stuff to Durb's.An order which should take at most 3 days end up being a week later before we get the stuff. Does anyone ele's in durban have this problem. This is the 2nd time I've ordered something and got bad service. Next time I'll order from Cyberdyne.

"Computersonly service sucks" :(

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 12:39
by Y0da
Welcome to the hood Rodo. The answer to your problem is quite simple. Think post office. :wink:

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 12:39
by OnlyOneKenobi
I haven't had bad service from them, but I usually collect my stuff from them.

Maybe the fault lies with the post office? Or the courier service.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 12:41
by Tel
Yeah, whenever I've dealt with Computers Only, I've had quite good service. Like OnlyOne, I collect my stuff from them. So the fault may lie with the PO or Courier.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 12:50
by style121
Believe me, ordering stuff from an online store and getting it a week later isn't my idea of bad service. Thats pretty good in terms of delivery times.

Now if they sent the wrong items, or gave you lip when you complained, then maybe, but like everyone else said, maybe its the delivery medium they're using thats causing delays.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 12:53
by wit_skapie
I've also had only good service from them... :D

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 13:02
by Rodo
Guys It took them four working days to send me their quote with me phoning them begging them to send it, not even 2 hours later I deposited the money, Three working days later and they haven't even Despatched it yet. There Transport guys haven't even come into picture yet.

This I think only effects durban guys.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 14:09
by wit_skapie
Maybe they hate you....

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 14:13
by Friggs
wit_skapie wrote:Maybe they hate you....
8O :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 14:27
by Y0da
wit_skapie wrote:Maybe they hate you....
Sheep shouldn't talk. Sheep should eat grass. Now get to it! :wink:

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:26
by Rodo
Listen guys I don't give a ..... if they hate or like me, if that's the service levels in JHB then remind to stay in Durb's because bad service seems to be a norm to you guys and a nice thing to joke about. I am not the only guys to order from them and get bad service, check aother forums and you'll see poeple have complained long before I said anything

End of the day I am the customer and if people keep supporting bad service well then same.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:29
by OnlyOneKenobi
You're right Rodo, sometimes people just get bad service for whatever reason, very often in SA.

I was just saying I haven't had that kind of problem with Computersonly, maybe just because I pick up my orders myself.

Don't worry about the "not liking you" comment - Skapie was just joking. Y0da will punish him tonight for his insubordination :razz:

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:31
by Y0da
Sheesh Rodo. Chill bru. This whole country suffers from bad service. We don't like it but there's little that can be done about it. And just because there are Computersonly ads in PC Format doesn't mean that the mag or this forum is by any way affiliated with them. If it's that serious take it up with them.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:34
by style121
The thing is people get complacent when they receive bad service, and think that its the norm in SA and shrug it off as another bad experience.

But if you don't take matters to the top to get what you pay good money for, then things will only get worse for us here, and the hope of becoming 1st world will diminish further.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:42
by style121
Y0da wrote: We don't like it but there's little that can be done about it.

Thats BS dude, because if everybody did a little something about it, people in the service industry would worry more about the service they're offering and improve on it. I'm in the service industry and I have about 120 bosses telling me whats what, and the moment I step out of line things can spiral out of control. So what do I do? I make sure they're happy most of the time, because as you all know, you can't please everybody all of the time.

When I was in the states, in a clothing store I overheard a women on the phone to a client saying how they didn't have stock of certain items the client requested. The shopkeeper then started telling the women that she needn't worry, they managed to find stock at three different stores around the country, and would deliver to her door the following day.

In this country, they would say "sorry, we just sold out" and promptly turn their backs on you and walk away.

Man, thats enough to make me go postal!

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:48
by Y0da
I'm with you but it's really futile to try and change it. The best you can hope for is to find someone that will give you excellent service. Unless you can get the south africans to agree on this long enough to start a revolution. :wink:

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:50
by Rodo
OnlyOneKenobi Thanks for the support

Yoda as soon as that first beer hits bottom I'll sink an extra for you. No hard feelings.

Guys nothing against PC format. I've got a sub scrip. with them and I enjoy the mag, But the good goes with the bad and they need to sometime hear the bad things about the guys they promote with all fairness. With all the ads I thought I couldn't go wrong with using them.
Anyway back To buying things from PCZONE in durb's. I don't have much of a choice.

Keep well

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:52
by style121
Sorry for the rant guys, I just feel strongly about bad service in this country. Just tired of coming off second best when you pay a lot of money for something.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 15:54
by Y0da
:x PC Format is not promoting them. A magazine earns a living out of ads as well as sales. Even if they don't deliver no magazine in their right mind will deny an advertiser based on service.

*Sigh* I need a beer.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 16:13
by Rodo
Hey style121

Don't apologies, this was the reason for the post, I wanted to know if there were other poeple that felt the way I did. I am in the IT service game I give the best to my guys and then recieve the worst when I am the customer, just doesn't go down well. You pay wirh a arm and a leg for someting from the local guys or pop a vessel to save money and get the brand you want. I was planning to buy a ledtech 6800 from computers only for R 2400.00, but know I'll have to settle for a chaintech AA6800 for R2900.00

seems a waste to pay R500.00 more for a card even though the chaintech standard with a 10% overclock.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 16:33
by style121
Rodo, so maybe you should drop computersonly a line and say thank you, but since I've received such bad service from you guys, I am now resorting to your competitors for the same product at the same price.

Just a little something to let them know you aren't happy, and won't be recommending them to anyone. Just this alone will at least let them know they've got to sort themselves out for future reference.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 19:39
by Azgard
I've been buying from Computer Only for about the last 2 years now, and I agree with you, their service is terrible most of the time.

I'm in JHB and they hardly ever return emails, if they do it's always a few weeks after I've need a reply, or if I phone they always say they'll have to call me back and they don't. Because of me at least 4 of my friends have bought from them, and I still can't get good service :(

Since you're in Durban rather order from a place closer by, it's a waste to order from Computeronly. Cyberdyne is much better and their customer support has always been excellent. Rather by from them.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 07:15
by jee
Customer Services: Where service excellence is an everyday occurrence.

I came accross this niftly little saying yesterday and it just summed up what I have come to view in life. I have just completely stopped to support anyone or anything, even though I like the product or need it, if they do not have that sort of attitude. Its a bit of a bind travelling 60 km to a shop for needed things when there is someone within a 5 km range that supports that particular brand, but if I walk into a shop for the third time asking for a product and I get (for the third time) ohhhh we don't have and will order it, it will take 2 weeks...


Yes its a lone censoreship thing this... but its like voting. You think that your lone little voice will not mean something... If 10 000 of us have the same idea, just think what a difference we can make.... Oh.. and there are things that I don't want to support but where I just can't go anywhere else.... like the govenrment.. and telcum *sigh*

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 07:43
by ryanrich
i've also only had bad service from ComputersOnly, they always promise that "Justin" will call me back when i enquire about products, but do i EVER get a call back??? the best service and quickest responses i get are usually from Cyberdyne...

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 07:57
by Mikdog
Yup, also bad service from ComputersOnly, unfortunately. They've got a lot of products, sometimes at good prices. Tis a pity that their service and friendliness isn't that great. They COULD be very good.