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Budget games. Which one?

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 19:53
by AMDfan
I only have R100 to spend :(

Mechwarrior 4 mercenaries (I've played 1-3 + mech 2 merc)
Prince of persia (I only have 32mb vram)
Beyond good and evil (heard it has a good story)
Indiana jones and the emperors tomb (I've played fate of atlantis and the inferno machine)
Uru - beyond myst
Startrek elite force 2 (didn't play the first one)

I like a game with good story.

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 19:55
by Nerevar
Good story.... buy Morrowind(RPG).... give me some system specs to work with

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 12:28
by AMDfan
Nerevar wrote:Good story.... buy Morrowind(RPG).... give me some system specs to work with
I have the morrowind collection(tribunal+bloodmoon). I'm bored to tears in the main campaign. The whole game feels like jumping through hoops after hoops, from one tedious obstacle to another. I feel the story
was an afterthought, like they didn't put much effort into it. Too simplistic IMO. I've finied the 5th and haftway though the 4th vision getiing the 3 houses on my side. All I'm doing now is get my character lvl
high enough so I can play tribunal(heard it was better).

So far, i hate this game!
*flame suit on*

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 12:34
by po10cy
If you only have R100 bucks to spend then spend it on a dop and chop with some friends. You wont really get any good games for that price, except for really old ones ;)

Re: Budget games. Which one?

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 12:42
by wit_skapie
AMDfan wrote:...Mechwarrior 4 mercenaries (I've played 1-3 + mech 2 merc)...

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 13:26
by WoolyBadBaba
Bru, were are you getting Indiana Jones from?

I've been looking for it in Durbs, and I can't find it anywhere!

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 10:28
by DrHeidi
Beyond Good & Evil is lots of fun. It's clear that it's a console port, but still it held my attention.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 20:15
by AMDfan
WoolyBadBaba wrote:Bru, were are you getting Indiana Jones from?
I've been looking for it in Durbs, and I can't find it anywhere!
TopCD in PTA east.

"Beyond Good & Evil is lots of fun. It's clear that it's a console port, but still it held my attention."

The only complaint I heard was that it's too short. like 8 hours or something and it had a cliff hanger feeling ending. is this true?

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 21:22
by Nerevar
Why not Splinter Cell, its for R100....

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 21:29
by AMDfan
Nerevar wrote:Why not Splinter Cell, its for R100....
Already got the game 2 years ago. It's ok, but not worth my R300.

I think I'm goping for soul reaver 2. take2 listed 10 Nov 2004 as the release date.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 21:32
by Rayne
not worth my R300.
Thought you only had R100.00 dude. :?:

Re: Budget games. Which one?

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 10:52
by wit_skapie
wit_skapie wrote:
AMDfan wrote:...Mechwarrior 4 mercenaries (I've played 1-3 + mech 2 merc)...
I also bought this game on the weekend... on of those R95 ones at CTT Computers... funny thing is it was R261 at Incredible Conn(Er)ection... :roll:

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 10:58
by Kher-za
mechwarrior mercenaries doesn't come near mechwarrior3, i bought mechwarrior 4 and it was a disappointment.

freelancer is going for R99, i'd pay that for the game again! havent played POP but it looked pretty good.

@ skapie, i payed R99 for mechwarrior at some gamingshop in canalwalk.

Gunmetal might be a good buy if you liked the transformer/robotech idea, i think it's going for around R125.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:07
by DEeRaY
Rayne wrote:
not worth my R300.
Thought you only had R100.00 dude. :?:
hehe, He bought it when it was R300

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:08
by DEeRaY
Kher-za wrote: freelancer is going for R99
Gees, to think i bought this game for R550 when it came out... :oops:

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:13
by Kher-za
it's unbelievable, i never buy games when they are hot out of the oven, i remember freelancer going for over R300 last year, look at it now!

i've only bought 3 fresh games during my entire life, Homeworld 2, Wing Commander 4 and The Last Dynasty.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:18
by capanno
Buy Freelancer. Its great!

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:21
by Kher-za
Capanno_Del_Kimakigami wrote:Buy Freelancer. Its great!
i'll second that, i got stacks of mods for that game. piloting destroyers...shweet.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:21
by DEeRaY
hours and hours of fun!!!!

Do you know if there are still any online server here in SA

Played it online once and it was great...

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:34
by capanno
HEHE Freelancer is best online. Due to internet probs I cant play except on holidays or late at night on weekends. The SA server is online but noone plays there. We have (had) a clan. Me, my cousin and a few friends. We played on a server in the UK.
Heres our site:
View the screenies It will geive you an idea of what its like.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 11:46
by devastator201
i baught Neverwinter Nights yesterday...

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 14:52
by DEeRaY
Capanno_Del_Kimakigami wrote:HEHE Freelancer is best online. Due to internet probs I cant play except on holidays or late at night on weekends. The SA server is online but noone plays there. We have (had) a clan. Me, my cousin and a few friends. We played on a server in the UK.
Heres our site:
View the screenies It will geive you an idea of what its like.
Do you guys still play???

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 15:50
by DarkStar
If you want a good story line, then get StarCraft. If you have an extra R100 then get the expansion. Man, I still play that game. It kept me busy for years to come. My dad however, I bet he could beat any of you at that game.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 15:59
by wit_skapie
hmmm... sure he could..... :wink:

Posted: 14 Mar 2005, 16:28
by Kher-za
where should we go to find out?

kher + zerg = 4 minutes 23 seconds. i'm trying to bring that time down but it's difficult, my friends play it a lot as well.