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This Annoys the absolute hell out of me

Posted: 05 Nov 2004, 08:49
by Jedi_NAG_Bully
Adrian Mutu test's postitive for cocaine and only gets 7 month suspension.....what kind of message are the FA trying to send out here, take drugs and well be leinant but miss a drugs test....and well send you straight to hell. Plaudits to Chelsea for voiding his contract, at least they show no lienancy. Where is loud mouthed Blatter now, very quite on that front all of a sudden, has his views changed because the offender is not English....or was it more was his outburst on RioGate more to do with Rio's club than anything else....pathetic....what a joke!

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 16:17
by brabham
The problem JNB is that if the FA had suspended him for a longer time then future offenders would be more likely to simply miss the test as Rio did and get off with a reduced sentence.

imho it is a mistake by the FA as I believe they should have suspended him for the the same time period and included a heavier fine. Lets face it 20 000 pounds is hardly money for these multi-millionaires.

The precedent is now set, lets see what they come up with next time.

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 16:25
by Mikdog
Buy a dog instead. They're lots of fun, and they never go out of date. Also, you can play ANY game you want with them. Fully interactive. And they grow with you. Does a graphics card grow over time? Nooooo.

If you still want a graphics card, a X800 PRO is great. I have one, and it's pumping.

(Go for the dog, go for the dog, go for the dog.)

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 16:27
by Mikdog
Sorry, wrong thread. I need to stop taking crack while surfing the net.

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 16:29
by Dom
lol @ mikdog! :baa:

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 19:39
by Screeper
lol :) :)

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 15:34
by Mekker
RIO is a prick, so he deserved it. Adrian is a much better guy!

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:23
by Jedi_NAG_Bully
Mekker wrote:RIO is a prick, so he deserved it. Adrian is a much better guy!
Suppose that's the most I could suspect from some one like you... :onfire:

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 07:09
by Tel
Mekker wrote:RIO is a prick, so he deserved it. Adrian is a much better guy!

I agree with brabham on this one. It should have been the same sentence as Rio's and a heavier fine.

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 08:58
by altron
The problem here is that cocaine is not a performance enhancing drug (although I reckon there is probably someone out there who would argue this), therefor the fine is more a matter of FIFA taking a social stand (or not). Besides, Rio was never tested positive for drugs, so they couldn't impose the normal penalties.

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 09:12
by lancelot
altron, that is a damn good point! Test a guy for the full drug spectrum and you find say cocaine, or cannabis, you then fine him or suspend him according to the drug picked up!
Someone else (read rio) refuses point blank to have a test, why? Because he is up to his eyeballs with steriods, he knows this, so takes the easy way out. If caught taking any of the enhancement drugs, there would be a slim chance of being banned for life. I think that Rio was lucky, I would have given him the option of taking the test or being banned for two years. The choice was his, he decided against it and had to pay the penalty. He admitted guilt by inference, if he was negative he would have taken the test!
I say that he was lucky, do not misunderstand me, this is not because of the club he plays for, this should apply across the board!

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 09:15
by skunkymunky
ridiculous sentence indeed, cudn't agree with u more
"What kind of statement are the FA making here?"

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 12:21
by altron
lancelot wrote:He admitted guilt by inference, if he was negative he would have taken the test!
Exactly, but remember, his excuse was that he forgot that he was being tested that day and was out shopping, or something along those lines. The FA's position here (I may be wrong) is that if you don't show up you are found guilty, which is correct, but I reckon they must first take a forced test the next day. Just go knock on his door, pee pot in hand, and ask him if he has a few drops to spare! Then see what he says... :wink:

This might stop athletes from rather taking a lighter sentence for "assumed drug use" than a much heavier one for "proven drug use".

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 13:45
by rand0mh3ro
Why would Rio need to take steroids? He was already a great player! He still is! Are you telling me he still takes steroids? I don't think so!

As for the FA, it just goes to show how they victimise MANYOO. United always get the harshest punishment. Mutu should have been banned for life.

I'm sure there must have been a similar incident in the past where someone got banned for using cocaine or something similar.

Even if Rio was using steroids, is testing positive for cocaine not a worse offense?

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 16:38
by altron
No, I'm not saying he used steriods, I'm saying we'll never know because he never rocked up for his drug test. Considering he's a professional sportsman, this is very poor form. It's far too easy for someone to decline a drugs test and get a relatively small 4 or 5 month ban, than take the test and get banned for life. But then, maybe he really did forget about the test and really IS the thickest sportsman alive. :D

But I do agree that using coke, or heroine, or whatever by sportsman is a far worse crime, simply because it actually happens to be illegal in common law terms. Plus there's that whole role model aspect that comes into it.

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 18:18
by Thrall
altron wrote:...using coke, or heroine, or whatever by sportsman is a far worse crime, simply because it actually happens to be illegal in common law terms. Plus there's that whole role model aspect that comes into it.

Posted: 27 Jan 2005, 16:12
by Jedi_NAG_Bully
Lancealot wrote:altron, that is a damn good point! Test a guy for the full drug spectrum and you find say cocaine, or cannabis, you then fine him or suspend him according to the drug picked up!
Someone else (read rio) refuses point blank to have a test, why? Because he is up to his eyeballs with steriods, he knows this, so takes the easy way out. If caught taking any of the enhancement drugs, there would be a slim chance of being banned for life. I think that Rio was lucky, I would have given him the option of taking the test or being banned for two years. The choice was his, he decided against it and had to pay the penalty. He admitted guilt by inference, if he was negative he would have taken the test!
I say that he was lucky, do not misunderstand me, this is not because of the club he plays for, this should apply across the board!
As far as I know Rio took the test 2 days after he initially missed it, and it came back clean, he never refused to take the test, the whole testing process was flawed to begin with, if a player fails to attend the scheduled test he should be fined and made to take the test the very next day, if he fails to attend the next test he should then face an automatic 2 year suspension, all those found guilty of taking drugs should pay a large fine and also be suspended for 2 years, thats the way it should work, and when I say drugs, I mean all drugs, even the so called social drugs, I say so called because those are awareness enhancing drugs, and if you awareness is hightened, then surely so will your perfomance be!

Posted: 27 Jan 2005, 17:08
by lancelot

Good old Rio!!! Gotta love the playa!

Posted: 28 Jan 2005, 11:27
by altron
Maybe we should just give them all drugs. It could be a lot of fun watching 22 drugged up sportsmen running roung chasing a ball, with no idea why they're doing it and not knowing what they're going to do when they catch it anyway. It would be like WWF, except with a ball. :D

Posted: 28 Jan 2005, 12:01
by HdB
What about sportsmen who use recreational drugs in their off season? Should they be banned as well, or pay huge fines?

Posted: 28 Jan 2005, 12:38
by GreyWolf
altron wrote:It could be a lot of fun watching 22 drugged up sportsmen running roung chasing a ball,
well avtaully they would see 3 balls.. and some puprle pigs and rainbow chickens....

yeah it would be cool :D