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Please design a logo for me!

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 19:48
by Rikkelz
Hey All!

Okay, firstly I know I'm really cheap for asking for a freebie but I really need this done! As some of you might know I was elected as head of IT council in my school. I'm trying to design a logo to go on posters and most things relating to the council. I have tried, but my design for this one is a bit ugly... :


I'm needing something professional looking, clean and crisp. If anyone has some time on their hands and a good sense of helping their fellow man then please could you do this for me!

Thanks for any help.

BTW. It'll need to say IT council or Information Technology council & I'll need a hi-res (or 8x10 size) psd,psp or large jpeg! Sorry about all the fuss!

Thanks again, Rikkelz

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 20:10
by DJT
Ask SyBaGrey He is good

What school you at?

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 20:20
by Rikkelz
DJT wrote:Ask SyBaGrey He is good

What school you at?
I'm hoping he will look at this thread. Im @ St. Charles in PMB:

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:18
by the_nominator
I had a go at it:

Dunno what u think
Tell me if u want anything changed

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:25
by Rikkelz
It looks nice! But I need the text to be more visible. Here is the one I made for the academic council: Image

I need something thats not too loud and active. Thanks for your help and please keep the pics coming!

Cheers, Rikkelz

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:37
by Rikkelz
I had thought of something tike Information Technology in a nice clear cut font with council in a matrix code, nothing too bold, but just with the code there and council being the words frozen with other matrix code around. But I'm just chucking ideas, this is a open thing, the best artists are not limited!

Thanks again


Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:40
by Leigh
What's with all the fancy fonts? No offense, but those fonts always look amateur. Always avoid using tacky Photoshop layer effects too - they're a big no-no in design.

Use a plain simple font - works every time. No need to try and create anything fancy.

And whatever you do... be original. The Matrix has become a horribly boring cliche :wink:

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:43
by the_nominator
Onother go:

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:45
by Rikkelz
Okay I agree with the Martix cliche thing! But I thought the font looked quite nice! I had a look at others but times new roman doesn't quite do it for me! Sorry about the layer effects in photoshop, i'm still quite a newbie in it. I used the shadow blend option to soften the edge between the font and the white on the paper.

Thanks for your advice Leigh!


Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:46
by Leigh
the_nominator, when I was studying graphic design many moons ago, one of the first things we were taught was to avoid, at all costs, the use of Photoshops layer effects - eg drop shadows, bevels, etc. They interfere with the typeface and thereby distort the readability of the text, and are therefore considered as design flaws.

Also, the use of all caps is not always a good idea since the human eye tends to recognise letters from their shapes, whereas when you have everything in caps, all the letters are read as rectangles.

Rikkelz - heh nothing wrong with not liking Times New Roman, it is a horrible font! :) You probably want to consider rather going for a more simple, slightly formal font for an IT thing, such as Verdana, Impact or even good old Arial. Remember, plain design works best and reads best. You should also consider going with muted tones instead of harsh contrasting colours. IT stuff works well with blues, grays or even muted reds or yellows. Duller colours, when used effectively, work great :)

I'm too tired to offer any more advice. Goodnight!

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:55
by JEdiWaNNaBE
What bout using Courier, the orginal system font?

I'll give this a try tomorrow after my exam.

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:56
by the_nominator
Thanx for the advise but I still young.
Not that good yet ;)

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 22:03
by Retro_X
Maybe something like this?


remember, that is a 1 minute job...I'm tired and don't want to think much :P

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 22:10
by Rikkelz
I like it Retro_X!!!! Please will you email me the higher res version when you have time?

Please keep them coming!!!!



Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 22:14
by Retro_X
Rikkelz wrote:I like it Retro_X!!!! Please will you email me the higher res version when you have time?

Please keep them coming!!!!


I'm glad you like it. I sent you the PSD btw ;)

I will see if I can make some more later.

Posted: 03 Nov 2004, 13:48
by Rikkelz2
Sorry, I didnt feel like logging in! SybAGrey, please will you have a look at this thread if you have time! Thanks,


Posted: 03 Nov 2004, 13:52
by SybAGreY
Hey Retro ..........

I was going to have a crack at this, but I think your one pretty much sums it up nicely.

However, maybe it would be a good idea to take away the bevel effect on the text, and perhaps drop the text just slightly.

(Just my opinion)

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 10:17
by Tsako1
Hey, i got a challage for everyone.Mainly because i have failed at it and im running out of ideas. Can anyone design a really simple but stunning logo -"TS". Its just 2 letters but i havent created anything thats wow.Maybe one of you guys can make something out of it. Nothing complex, just black and white but the trick is to make it grab peoples attention.It can even be something one has to look deep into to only find that it says "TS".

I R on bended kness. :stupid:

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 10:39
by capanno
Ill try my best...

I made this site:

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 22:05
by Narkath
Ugh I'm late as usual. Oh well, here's mine:


Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 22:08
by neon_chameleon
Woah! These look awesome. Nice!

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 23:43
by Rikkelz
Woa, nice Narkarh! please will you email me the larger size psd version to

Please keep then coming!


Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 13:09
by Narkath
Right now, it is actual size. At 72 pixels per inch. If you want it at a higher rez jest tell me. Can't do it too big though as it will be a hassle to send via email. I could send you the font as well if you like.

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 14:19
by Rikkelz
Cool! Can you please email me the font and the picture of that screen/

Thanks Again!


Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 15:11
by Narkath