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Apple could have been Microsoft?

Posted: 10 Aug 2004, 09:41
by jee
The Art of the Parlay, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Platform Licensing and Market Share

Toss it back and forth long enough and a nugget of conventional wisdom eventually comes to be treated as fact. With regard to Apple and the Macintosh, the prime example is the idea that Apple made a catastrophic error in the 1980s by not licensing the Macintosh.

This idea has been repeated so often by so many sources that today, most people, even Mac users, simply take it at face value: If only Apple had licensed the Macintosh, they could have been Microsoft.

But this is not a fact. It’s conjecture, and barring a time machine, it can never be proven. But even if you could go back to 1984 and show Apple’s then-executives a glimpse of the future and the Mac’s eventual market share — merely “licensing” the Mac very likely would not have made a difference. In fact, in an alternate universe where Apple had licensed the Macintosh or Mac OS in the mid-80s, things could have ended up worse for Apple, as in bankrupt-and-out-of-business worse.

There are a few simple reasons why nearly everyone thinks Apple could have conquered the PC industry had they licensed the Mac:

The article goes on :

The Macintosh was indisputably years ahead of every other PC platform in terms of user-interface design. The mouse pointer. The desktop metaphor. Overlapping windows. Icons. WYSIWYG word processing. Ten years later, every desktop computer in the world offered similar features; but in 1984, they were only on the Mac.

The operating system, of course, we might decide — because that’s what Microsoft did, and they made tens of billions of dollars doing so.

Much more if you are interested.....

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 23:19
by Phreak