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Hobbies and Relaxation?

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 22:37
by Leigh
Not sure if this one has been posted before, but I see people mentioning things like surfing, playing guitar, sports, etc quite regularly, and since we all have a certain amount of free time on our hands, what is it that you enjoy doing to kick back and relax? :) What sort of things are you passionate about? Share them here...

My two big loves are music and film.

I've been a music lover since I was a really small kid, and over the years my music tastes have grown so much that I now listen to a huge variety of stuff - from metal to opera, world music to '40's jazz, stage shows to trip hop, pop to reggae, Hindi pop to Iraqi remix crossover. The only stuff I don't listen to at all is rap, R&B techno stuff (house, etc) and hiphop. Some of my most favourite artists are Peter Gabriel, Iron Maiden, Haydn (the composer), Morcheeba, Massive Attack, White Zombie, U2, Soul Coughing, Abba, Beethoven and David Bowie. Pretty eclectic tastes, as you can see :)

I'm also a musician, my main instrument being bass. I used to play in loads of bands when I was younger and in college, but sadly these days I don't have the time... Hopefully again one day :)

As for film, well I am always relaxing by watching movies. I go to the cinema very regularly, and also rent loads of DVDs and videos. I'm a huge fan of cheesy horror films, in particular :)
My favourite films of all time include the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Evil Dead Trilogy, Star Wars (especially The Empire Strikes Back), Excalibur, all the Monty Python films (especially The Life Of Brian), The Neverending Story, Spaceballs, The Rocky Horror Picture Show... the list goes on :)

Apart from that, being a huge socialite as well I really enjoy going out and hanging out with people. I socialise a LOT actually :P Interestingly enough, most of my friends don't share my interests at all...

Oh yeah and I also love travel documentaries! If I hadn't gone into visual effects, I would have loved to have been a travel show host :)

So, share your interests, hobbies, etc here :)

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 22:58
by Kronos
I think you've covered all the interests and hobbies there :wink:

I'm a 3l33t g33k h4xor programmer. We Program for the fun!!! 8O 8O 8O

Just kidding.
I do Ballroom and latin american dancing, which has become more than just a hobby since I teach and compete on a SA Championship Level.
Been dancing for 8 years.

I'm also a bit of a film and music buff. Also have a wide variety in my musical taste.(not as wide as you though Leigh :wink:) I like everything from The Beatles, through Queen, The Cranberries, Garbage, Metallica, Charlotte Church, Sarah Brightman, Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on.... And not to forget one of my all-time favourites, Rodriguez actually playing now on my PC.
My musical talent is playing drums (just wish I could afford my own kit.), and a little bit of piano.

The same variety goes for my film taste. I like everything from Stupid Spoof Comedies (Spaceballs, Robin Hood Men in tights, just about all other Mel Brooks films) through Action Comedy (Bad Boys) to Serious Dramas (Forest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption (My All time favourite.)), again, not to exclude other fav. like Luc Besson's The Professional and The 5th Element.
I also like acting and directing (which I did back in high school) (Played Mercutio in high school production of Romeo and Juliet, and directed 2 other self written plays)

One more fav pass time of mine is track athletics. I'm a pretty good middle to long distance athlete, and in my peak can do a sub 4 minute mile.

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 23:22
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
reading comics

Posted: 28 Jul 2004, 09:25
by Tel
Short and sweet Psycho :)

I'm not the biggest socialite, but my interests would also be music and movies. I like music, but am NOT a musician. My brother tried to get me into playing the guitar, but it didn't interest me. I appreciate good music, therefore it can be in any genre, it just depends whether it appeals to me or not.

I also like to think that I'm above average on movie knowledge. My movie likenesses are also over the whole range of movies. With a few of my favourites being The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. The Matrix trilogy and Ace ventura :P .

I also enjoy watching sport, most soccer.

Other than that I enjoy watching TV shows and playing PC Games. Nothing much else. I am the most boring guy...

Posted: 28 Jul 2004, 09:30
by bubble_boy
movies, mountain biking and ...wait for it ... pc`s

Posted: 28 Jul 2004, 09:31
by Kher-za
drawing, music, movies(sometimes), pc games!

Posted: 28 Jul 2004, 10:24
by skunkymunky
music (hip, rnb, techno, rock, pop, kwaito etc)
learning linux

Posted: 28 Jul 2004, 10:31
by kailinin
music music and more music :listen:
my pc and whatever i can do on it (which is all of the above as well) :D
and most important of all sleeping :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 19:47
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
O, i forgot my most favourite passtime, trying to get windowz to work right

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 19:56
by Thrall
Shooting, skydiving

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 20:04
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
Thrall wrote:Shooting, skydiving
or shooting while skydiving :D

Wouldnt that be kewl

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 20:07
by bb_matt
leigh - I'm with you except for one thing, sport.

I'm a useless sporty type person, so that hobby for me would be replaced by drinking/eating/cooking :)

But music - yeah !
I've got music cooking in my bones - it's just a natural gift that I'm really too lazy to persue fully, but I've been in a band for two years way back when - biggest gig 2500 people at Rustlers 1995 - band was called Sarsippians.

I need to kick myself in my own butt and cut out the eating and drinking a bit and get back into the music scene as my natural ability is being wasted right now.

Which is my other hobby - dreaming !

The other night I had the most remarkable dream, I won't bore you with it, suffice to say I spent the better part of 30 minutes "night swimming" in a field of stars, all the time I realised I was dreaming and actually didn't wake up - fantastic !

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 21:11
by Screeper
I'm quite a fitness sorta guy i guess, i play squash league and i play in the 1-touch rugby league down here in Durban.
I enjoy just sprinting about and getting out of breath, and those two sports are pretty handy at that :D

I'm also (as my Avatar indicates - stands for Royal Society for Protection of Birds if you didn't know) an avid birdwatcher and would happily spend the rest of my days doing just that (with the occassional squash match thrown in for variety :wink: )

I also enjoy riding motorcycles. I recently sold my R6 which broke my heart but my hope is i'll be able to afford one in the future. They really are a secondary means of transport. So when money's tight its the first thing to go :?
Valentino Rossi is my hero on two-wheels.

Music, i'm a bit of a no-hoper. Although i do like the occassional visit to the playhouse to listen to the Philamonic orchestra play, if they're playing something cheerful that evening.

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 21:16
by Azgard
Music - Anything good
Movies - Action, Romance, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Training at gym
Martial Arts

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 21:30
by Chromium
As far as sport goes,I need to say I like everything except F1,rally racing and perhaps golf.But Rugby,Cricket,Tennis,Tabletennis,...

I'm also a very good long distance runner,I used to be in the top 3 in Gauteng for 8km back in matric.Lazy now :oops:

Music- I listen to any Eminem(but I'm NOT a @#*% people-hating outcast,as people think so when you listen to Eminem...).I like dramatic music too,like for instance Spirits.Quite a clash of genres...

Hobbies...fixing my keyboard after Windows crashes.I like UFO's,the supernatural,ghosts...

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 22:37
by Friggs
Screeper wrote: I recently sold my R6 which broke my heart but my hope is i'll be able to afford one in the future. They really are a secondary means of transport. So when money's tight its the first thing to go :?
Valentino Rossi is my hero on two-wheels.
I feel for you!!!!!! Nothing worse than not being able to ride anymore!!! I'm also hoping to start riding again soon, when the cash is flowing freely of course. Rossi ROCKS!!! :D

Hobbies: Bikes, MotoGP (when i can watch) I also really enjoy watching SpeedWay. Ink, i consider it a hobby as it's ongoing :) , my PC, my animals, trying to learn (from my brother) how to play drums like a pro -Mike Portnoy watch out! And i really enjoying reading, Nelson De Mille, Wilbur Smith, etc.

more to come... :D

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 22:43
by goku
My hobby is pc's other than that I enjoy reading anything of Steven King, Dean R Koonts and Peter James :wink:

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 06:55
by jee
Reading off course are the most important part of my life, and although I read all sorts I prefer fantasy. I love music and play piano and guitar, and am a dancer. Attend every ballet that comes to Durbs. Use to do lots of Cabaret and amateur theatre, but lately, since I have started to study again, i don't have the time.

I'm very much into natural medicines and aromatherapy and am off course animal mad, and spend a lot of time on my computers.

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 09:23
by Sonic1
I have recently started exploring the world of table-top games. I particularly enjoying painting the figurines and the creation of scenarios. It's an expensive hobby and I may take it on fully as soon as I get a job.
Of course there are still the usual hobbies that I sequencially obsess over: Martial arts, guitar playing, movies, reading, drawing, ....I don't get out much. :lol:

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 12:28
by po10cy
good food
pc games
more bodyboarding
having a few drinks with friends, and the ocassional OKU pipe
even more bodyboarding

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 12:51
by lancelot
Used to play a lot of sport, too old now so I love to watch and get involved from the sidelines. Like to watch football and rugby, I enjoy team sports. Have season tickets for Newlands!
I have a Ford Ranger 4X4 which I use often out in the bush, either on tracks or just driving along to nowhere! I love to cook and braai, must get together with you bb_matt. Love a Weber, can do so much with it.
Reading is great and I spend a lot of time immersed in books, prefer non-fiction ( a bit of poetry too) and a bit of science fiction, reading Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series, onto number 4 of 7.
I enjoy a good movie and like a lot of others, Lord of the Rings really rates! Some of my other favourites are; Shawshank Redemption, Mississippi Burning and my all time favourite, Chariots of Fire.
And of course this Forum, my all time favourite forum :!:
<img src='' border=0>

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 13:56
by Law
well my biggest hobbie is playing touch rugby Final selection for the SA u21 squad is at the end of september up the coast from me at sugar bay. And i've been training alot and do enjoy the gyming. The running i do is also gives me time to think which is pretty nice.

Then there's forums and pc games.

Screeper are you gonna be at Hops on Wednesday. My mixed side is in the final and my mens side in the playoffs. I'm the guy always running around in the red shorts.. Sorta my trademark.

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 14:25
by lancelot
Law, how is the money collection for your tour going? I hope you have had some success!

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 14:37
by Law
Yeah i'm quite lucky my Aunt has organized some sponsership from Cell C. So yeah i'm pretty stoked about that. Fortunately the first training camp is in Sugar bay which is just up the coast from durban. Thats on the 26,27 and 28th of september which still gives me lots of training time.

I dont know if you know what the beep test is but it's a sime test were you place 2 cones 20m apart and every time it beeps you have to leave the cone and run to the other. And every 3 mins the time between beeps shorten so you start running faster and faster. I got up to level 12 which is the fitness requirement to make the side. And i've only been doing serious training for a month so i'll be able to easly serpass that by then. So i'm feeling pretty confident.

I'll just have to pay to get to the 2 training camps. And the 1 is the 1 in sugar bay and the other will be just before we leave.

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 15:42
by lancelot
That is good news Law :!: :thumbsup: :biggrin: