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Where can I get High end 3d cards :?

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 19:47
by anthrax
Is there anyplace (Distributor) or anyone in gauteng where I can buy a X800 pro or a 6800 gt who have stock. Because most places don't know what I'm talkin about or their out of stock

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 21:09
by goku
PM Artagra. as he sells both cards :wink:

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 21:25
by anthrax
Thanx but do anybody know if rectron or corex have them in stock

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 21:32
by goku
Well I was at computersonly the other day and they had a shipment of ATI X800 that just came in.Phone them and speak to Justin as he showed me one of the cards when I was there.

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 22:48
by Dom
Hey anthrax

Rectron now has the full lineup of GeForce 6800's, from the vanilla one to the Ultra. As I'm sure you also know, they of course sell X800 Pro's (they don't stock the XT yet.)

As for stock levels on these items, I don't know exactly... I will find out for you tomorrow.

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 12:48
by Artagra
Hi Anthrax

I am also a distributor for X800 cards - PM me if you are interested.


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 16:39
by Firestar

Rectron does not have stock. Artagra and myself does however have a couple X800 Pro's available.

Brand is MSI, and the software package is incredible! It comes with URU, XIII, and Prince of Persia - Sans of time, as well as about 5 other software packages. I was really impressed with this card.

The selling price is R4300 including delivery in the jhb-north area. They are available right now, but we don't have unlimited numbers of them, so you'll have to make it quick.

PM myself or Artagra if you are interested.

If you get your friend to buy one too, we can negotiate a discount! :D

I hope this helps.
