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What is slowing You/Me down

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 13:59
by MuLLet_MaN_69
I have the following specs :
CPU : 1.7 Celeron
GPU : Geforce FX 5600
RAM : 512 Mb DDR 333
BOARD : Moderate
HDD : 25 Gig

I only get like 4300 points in 3dMark2001 SE and my friend who has a much worse pc gets better points, much better

my HDD is really old
what is it
Plz help 8O

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 14:06
by Spabel
i dont know what tests the 3dmark software does, but i'd say hdd

disk access too slow is my guess. that would slow down everything. what rpm rating does the hdd have?

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 14:16
by Kronos
What 3D card does you're friend have?
3DMark is very much about the 3D

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 14:16
by Synkronos
I don't think 3dmark tests disk access. What are the specs of your buddy's PC? Are you sure he's running a Celeron as well?

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:56
by MuLLet_MaN_69
8O He has a Celeron 1.33Ghz
and 256Mb 233 SDRam
and a Geforce Ti, but the worst 1(duno what that is)

when i bought my GPU, the heatsink was loose
do u think that has anything to do with it???

is it just that my card is bad or that theres something wrong

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:58
by Ri0t
somethings wrong i think in this pc a 2.4 ghz p4 and 512 ddr 400
a 5600 ultra got about 98xx 3d marks
but urs aint a ultra
hmmm dont think the rest of the system could mak such a big difference

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:13
by MuLLet_MaN_69
Is the ultra that much better
what is your clockspeed riot
and memory speed for your ultra

i dunno what it could b

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:18
by OnlyOneKenobi
MuLLet_MaN_69 wrote:8O He has a Celeron 1.33Ghz
and 256Mb 233 SDRam
and a Geforce Ti, but the worst 1(duno what that is)

when i bought my GPU, the heatsink was loose
do u think that has anything to do with it???

is it just that my card is bad or that theres something wrong
Don't underestimate the Geforce 4Ti's, I have a 4200 ( the slowest one ) and it's faster than any of the Geforce FX's except maybe the Fx5600 Ultra, FX5700 & Ultra version and the FX5900 & Ultra version.

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:21
by MuLLet_MaN_69
Will the prices come down with the new Gforce6800 and new Ati XT card

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:23
by OnlyOneKenobi
Probably, the Radeon 9600XT's have dropped quite a bit, you should be able to get one in the R1800 range now. The higher end cards will probably drop quite a bit too.

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:26
by MuLLet_MaN_69
What about the 9800XT
is it still like R6000 or somewhere there

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:33
by OnlyOneKenobi
It's still between R5000 and R6000, more or less. The 9800 Pro is in the R 3000 - R4000 range.

Re: What is slowing You/Me down

Posted: 29 Apr 2004, 19:52
by MrBean
MuLLet_MaN_69 wrote:I have the following specs :
CPU : 1.7 Celeron
You cannot seriously expect a 1.7 gig Willamette-based Celly to try and compete with a 2.4 Northwood :?:

And, yes, it is entirely possible that a 1.33Gig PIII-based Celly with a Ti4200 will knock the socks of a 5600/Willamette-based setup.....because of the very slow clock/small cache/long pipeline of the Willy core compared to the small 8-stage pipeline of the PIII based Celly with a much better ipc.....

Why not get yourself a better chip, you could probably get a 2nd hand 2.4B for around R600-R750 or so......will more than double your performance....


Posted: 29 Apr 2004, 20:03
by Nuke
i have
1.7 cel
384 mb266 ram
Radeon 9600se 128mb
bout 5000 3dmarks

just 4 the count. so i dunno what wrong

Posted: 29 Apr 2004, 21:17
by DJT
Only skim read this page, but it could be your proccessor. I know that Celerons are the Intel budget baby and they are not as fast as P4's

Posted: 29 Apr 2004, 22:56
by naughty
What about the 9800XT
is it still like R6000 or somewhere there
andyddr over at planetmars can sell you brand new 9800xts for around 3700 and 9800pros for around R2600 - it may just be that you will have to pay postage ands insurance since he is in capetown - give him a PM and ask him if he has any left - ps those are retail prices and not only for dealers

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 20:28
by MuLLet_MaN_69
Mr bean, are you sure that it will make my performance better, coz im gona take your advice and get a new 1.

U shure?????

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 23:48
by Iceblade
MuLLet_MaN_69 wrote:Mr bean, are you sure that it will make my performance better, coz im gona take your advice and get a new 1.

U shure?????
Yes he is sure. :!:
Mr.Bean has no.1 :idea: