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can't connect to website hosted internally

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 18:52
by geraldhum
I am new to web developing and I have setup a website locally at home hosted on one of my pc's. This is just to test and see how all of it works. On the same machine that the site is hosted I can connect to my ip or localhost but from my other pc connected to the same network I cannot connect. What am I doing wrong?

Re: can't connect to website hosted internally

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 11:23
by GDI_Lord
Hi Gerald!

Can you ping the server from your other machine?

First guess: Firewall.
Second guess: You haven't told the webserver to allow connections from outside of that machine (they're called remote connections.)

If you post more information like what operating systems you're using and what webserver you're using others might be able to help you more.

Re: can't connect to website hosted internally

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 19:43
by geraldhum
Sorry for the short question, I am using windows 7 64bit. I have tried IIS and at the moment I installed appache 2.2.25 both iis and appache are not allowing me to connect from my second machine. I can ping the server. I also can connect to the server via file sharing but not as http. I turned my firewall on my router and server off and still the same problem.