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Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 09:52
by Visashi
Throughout my life gaming has been a huge part of my life.
I have been a fan of the Thief series and have played every title released so far. But, it saddens me to see that sex scenes in games are growing in the gaming industry.

I know that companies are trying to make games as realistic as possible and they try to identify games with real life. But, seriously if these scenes are even close to normal for these game developers then I think that they should be investigated by child welfare. These companies are making games unplayable for many gamers. It really sucks that great titles such as Far Cry 3 and Thief has to be spoiled because of porn that doesn't even add to the game. These sex scenes doesn't even add to the story or the playability of the game. All it does is steal a great gaming experience from people that choose not to see those scenes or images.

As a husband I feel that my wife doesn't deserve me looking at a pornographic scene such as in the new Thief. If I had children then I would definitely not want them to be exposed to this. Truth is, you will never be able to protect them from these things because they will be exposed to it through someone else. Many parents are unaware of the content of games. They send their kids with a hand full of cash to buy a game and neglect to even look at the age restrictions. I know that it is parents own responsibility, but do those scenes even add to the enjoyment of the game?

Many more people would be able to enjoy a game without these scenes.
What could have been a great gaming experience was only spoiled and left me and many other gamers frustrated.
Point is, our gaming pleasure gets taken away by stupid content that doesn't even add to the game.
Am I the only one feeling this way? :x

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 10:32
by hamin_aus
Am I the only one feeling this way?
Probably not, but you certainly are in the minority of gamers.
You'd be right at home amongst far-right conservatives tho...

If you don't like games with sex scenes don't play them. Avoid all R18 games in the same way I'm sure you avoid R18 movies.
I dont see you posting on IMDB forums how the nudity in Wolf of Wallstreet ruined the movie experience for you - or maybe you do :idea:

Curious to know where your legion of gamers left frustrated by graphic sex content in games is considering GTA is the best selling game in hisotry...

Also - "great titles such as Far Cry 3"
Shoot and maim people... torture them... watch your in-game best friend set on fire.... WHAT GREAT FUN!!!!
Watch your character have consensual sex... OMGWTFBBQ how dare they this an outrage!!!!!!

It's hypocrisy at its finest. You cant enjoy games where the main purpose is to murder everyone in sight and then get all huffy because between all the graphic violence a penis found its way into a vagina

Lets talk realism. You have a wife so you've probably had sex yourself, right? (rhetorical question)
Have you ever murdered anyone? I'm guessing no...

So one of these acts is realistic and natural for you and one isn't... why is it the one that is... is the one that upsets you?

Video games are all about escapism and doing outrageous things vicariously thru the characters you play. It seems rather silly that you feel nothing about committing one of the worst criminal offences in society vicariously in a game, only to have your enjoyment of the game ruined when your character commits another act that is perfectly legal.

I think you need some introspection here. What about sex makes you so uncomfortable that seeing characters in a video game do it rustles your jimmies enough that you post on a forum about it looking for other people who are similarly rustled?

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 10:38
One would think that they'd provide an alternative version with these scenes removed. I know the new South Park game has the option for some scenes to be excluded and even some of the Call of Duty game, iirrc.

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 10:55
by hamin_aus
South Park censoring wasn't for sex scenes tho, just general bad-taste nudity? (haven't played it, no plans to)
The escape key usually ends cut scenes you don't want to watch and I have never played a game where the sex stuff was crucial to the story arc.

I don't have any great love of sex in video games , I just don't like content being censored because "some people" find it offensive. Especially when these people don't have a problem with other far more offensive material that forms the basic tenant of most game-play.
Why so prudish?

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 11:24
I guess tastes are not always logical, as with most things. I might gag and be absolutely repulsed by animal pelt dealers' actions, but those people are not necessarily evil. They might be great family men for all we know.

Game developers, as with all forms of entertainment, have to walk a tightrope of trying to please as many people as possible, or at least the demographic they are aiming for. Sometimes this amounts to adding options for not displaying the content or removing it altogether. I have seen a lot of DVDs provide you with an option to play a more NFSW version if you choose, like Wedding Crashers (I chose the nudity of course).

As you say, the ratings on these things are there for a reason and reading reviews beforehand is never a bad idea.

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 11:48
by Hman

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 12:00
by Visashi
hamin_aus you seem to have failed in reading the post correctly. The post is not about how evil and damned people are who play games with sexual content..its also not about me being a hypocrite and judging others...
You also fail to understand the outcome pornography has on a minor.
If you carefully read the post you will notice that I am merely pointing out the fact that some of this content doesn't seem to add anything to game play. My point is that many younger gamers cannot play games such as Thief because of the content. Far Cry 1 and 2 were great games and it didn't have any pornographic content. The same with the thief series. It was great without that content. So, what makes the new games so much better with pornographic content included? Why add content that doesn't even add to gameplay?
If you enjoy that, its fine. I don't know what sort of pleasure you get out of it(and I choose not to know)
I just fail to understand that if games worked perfectly without it, then why should it be added now??
Now others have to be exposed to porn just because some people want to touch themselves while gaming. If people want to watch porn, then do that..but don't let porn become a part of the gaming industry.

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 13:08
by hamin_aus
Visashi wrote:The post is not about how evil and damned people are who play games with sexual content.
Visashi wrote:But, seriously if these scenes are even close to normal for these game developers then I think that they should be investigated by child welfare.
No but a healthy dose of judgment for the people who make them...
Visashi wrote:You also fail to understand the outcome pornography has on a minor.
You sound like Tom cruise talking about psychiatry "you don't know... I do"
I watched enough porn as a minor that I have a fair understanding ;)
What about the effects of gratuitous violence on kids?

You don't have kids by own admission.
Campaign to have actual pornography banned if you care that much about minors. Or better yet, get lazy parents to actually monitor what their kids do. It's not my or game developers job to protect peoples kids. The rating system exists for a reason. If parents allow their kids to access rated content either knowingly or thru apathy its on them.

If you tale a hard look at it, it isnt porn thats ruining games anyway. It's kids.

You attempting to take the moral high-ground about porn while ignoring violence....
Nice that you can cherry pick which unsavory thing in games upsets you.
Just because violence has always been in games doesn't make it any less bad.

I can accept both. The vast majority of gamers can. Sorry if I come of as hostile that is just my posting style. I'm actually much less likable in person.... because of all the sex I have in video games :D

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 13:10
by rustypup
Visashi wrote:Am I the only one feeling this way?
not at all. no. but the mouth-breathers outnumber us by a frightening margin, so challenging them is a terrible idea.

you, sir, are a hero!

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 13:12
by hamin_aus
You, sir, should an hero

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 13:27
by rustypup
hamin_aus wrote:You, sir, should an hero
see... evidence! cold, hard fact!

unrestrained access to porn of the most heinous sort, (likely involving non-consensual relations with members of the ovis aries species), affects the language and cognition centres of the brain...

we really should be thinking of the children....

They don't think it be like it is but it do.
- jamin

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 14:55

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 15:34
by StarBound
rustypup wrote:... hard fact!... porn ... of the children....
Didn't take too long to decipher that :P

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 16:47
by rustypup
StarBound wrote:Didn't take too long to decipher that
i'm not exactly known for subtlety... :lol:

this is a serious business.... :evil: we accidentally the thread...

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 19:01
by Anakha56
I have to agree with hamin on his earlier post, very well said.

To answer the question at hand, maybe the "pr0n" scenes are to add realism? You can't show off a living, breathing world if the citizens are alien robots.

I could not care less TBH...

Oh, and a word of advice, DO NOT PLAY THE WITCHER SERIES!!!! You will seriously be hard pressed to the leave the games, you might even say rooted to the spot... :P

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 07 Apr 2014, 23:12
by Ark
OP tl;dr

I just started playing the witcher 2. Much swearing and pixel boobies. Gameplay is boring so far. We'll see if this game joins the couple hundred games I never finished.

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 08 Apr 2014, 03:17
by hamin_aus
Ark wrote:OP tl;dr
Thread winner right here folks!

Re: Pornographic content: the Thief of our gaming pleasure

Posted: 08 Apr 2014, 12:25
by GreyWolf
hamin_aus wrote: Also - "great titles such as Far Cry 3"
Shoot and maim people... torture them... watch your in-game best friend set on fire.... WHAT GREAT FUN!!!!
Watch your character have consensual sex... OMGWTFBBQ how dare they this an outrage!!!!!!
THIS. Just this, and nothing but this.

Visashi, how do you not see the hypocrisy of this?

Also, married people should not shy away from porn. The exact OPPOSITE is true.