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Word of the Day

Posted: 28 May 2013, 19:01
by ghett0_ghuru
for the love of Copy & Paste

Courtesy of the Urban Dictionary:

The label given to people who open the door that sane people keep closed... the people who are consumed by the awareness of their existence, when everyone else is blind to their own... the people who can distinguish the reality of illusion from those who live the illusion of reality... etcetera
Sane person: Hey, how are we feeling today?

Insane person: To be honest, I don't know... to categorise the infinite complexity of the mind into a singular aural expression of how I feel leaves a lot to be desired...

Sane person: I'm afraid I don't understand...

Insane person: What's to understand? your mind has been saturated so much by society's ills that all you believe to be true is a lie. You are a slave to convention, and that is the reason you fail to understand the unconventional.

Sane person: Remind me to boost your medication.

Insane person: *sigh*