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What to do with old magazines

Posted: 13 May 2013, 07:32
by syntheticdarkness
Hey guys

I have PCF's going back to around 2004/2005. I'm about to move and need to get rid of them. I also have all the CD's (and then DVD's) as well.

So what do you guys do with them? I dont just want to throw them away, but if no one takes them, then I'm throwing them in the recycle bin.

So does anyone want them?

Re: What to do with old magazines

Posted: 13 May 2013, 12:56
by GDI_Lord
Your local public library would love them.

Re: What to do with old magazines

Posted: 14 May 2013, 15:16
by StarBound
That was the choice I had to make last year aswell. Threw all of my mags since 1999 (or was it 1998) into a recycle bag followed by cds and dvds. Served me well, never remembered which one had the tips and tricks to optimize XP. How I miss those Voodoo 3 vs TNT2 and eventually geforce articles.

Re: What to do with old magazines

Posted: 15 May 2013, 13:21
by StarPhoenix
I sometimes tear up magazines I have read for paper mache projects.

Re: What to do with old magazines

Posted: 16 May 2013, 09:36
by syntheticdarkness
@GDI_lord: Thats the plan, but only problem is are they actually going to sell them for anything. Although I suppose some money for them is better than nothing.

@StarBound: Dude too true. Remember mars videos? Hell when I had 56k those were amazing.

@StarPhoenix: Last time I did a paper mache project was......years ago. So no real use there.

Thanks for the replies, I reckon I'll just take them to the library, although the discs are plastic right? So I can throw those in the recycling bin? Right?

Re: What to do with old magazines

Posted: 16 May 2013, 13:39
by GDI_Lord
I think libraries also accept the CDs to add to their collection of disks.