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Posted: 26 Nov 2012, 11:06
by StarBound
I must be one of the biggest hippocrits there is. I hate DRM. Yesterday I bought Assassin's Creed 3 on Pc and installed the piece of crap. And what do I think?

Well its hard to say. I'm still ready to beat any Ubisoft employee to death with a blunt object but I am trying to change my mind set as to why I would accept any Ubi software on my system.

A week or two back I was listening to one of the shows that I normally listen to and heard about the guys steam account been hacked. The conclusion came to was don't have all your eggs in one basket or all your games bound to a single account. I guess Origin at that point got a bit of sympathy.

Uplay functions pretty much the same way as steam does on the surface. No idea what kinda of malware or spyware it has beneath the surface but so far it works pretty much the same and is much faster on the start up than either steam or origin. The downside is the thing looks like a ad news paper. If all Ubi games are linked to the uplay service I might not have that big of a problem. I just need to start keeping paper records of my passwords. And both origin and uplay needs a lot of work to be on par with steam.

Re: Uplay

Posted: 27 Nov 2012, 07:42
by rustypup
sorry, but no...

uplay is an obtrusive, obnoxious and pointless spamvert riddled piece of tripe. origin manages this while also scribbling itself every third or fourth update... GFWL is beelzebub.

frankly, if someone is whining about having their steam account hacked, they've been playing silly buggers or completely failed to activate the protections provided in order to prevent this sort of nonsense.

what i would *like* to see is a single, unified, management tool for all the licenses i've purchased regardless of source...

i'd also like to see the promise of lower prices for securing digital content... i thought the point behind the online store was we wouldn't have to pay for the physical footprint. instead we have online stores charging full price to protect the physical store's market.

Re: Uplay

Posted: 27 Nov 2012, 08:14
by StarBound
Even if they brought games down to $50 it is still cheaper to buy our games locally. All our games are easily R100-150 cheaper than any digital download so far.