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Wii U released

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 22:57
by StarBound
Yes the day has finally come. Even though the american versions and pricing are available the release date for all major regions has been announced. The release dates are as follows:
18 November 2012 - US
30 November 2012 - EU
8 December 2012 - JP
Considering the past release of the Wii we might not see the Wii U on our shores come 30 Nov but with the past release of the 3DS and the 3DS XL there is a chance we might see it. This time around though we can hope that the games will also be released on their EU date which was not the case in the past with titles like Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy being released 3 months after the US.

There are 2 versions available in america. The standard and deluxe versions.
Standard will feature:
The console
1x Wii U controller
1x AV cable set
1x HDMI cable
2x AC adapter (one for gamepad one for system)
the system featuring 8GB of storage and full white
Deluxe version:
will feature all the above but...
the system will feature 32GB of storage with a black finish
controller/system stands
Nintendo land software
Digital deluxe point system for digital downloads.

The standard system is tagged at $300 and the deluxe at $350. This easily translates into R3000-R3500 depending on how our pricing will work. As for system specs I have not had the pleasure of seeing anything other than the rumours.

Re: Wii U release date

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 23:01
by StarBound
Some footage and Nintendo's press release

Re: Wii U release date

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 15:11
by ADT

Re: Wii U release date

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 15:31
by Stuart
^^ Those are unconfirmed specs. Much like what the OP said when he wrote,
As for system specs I have not had the pleasure of seeing anything other than the rumours.

Re: Wii U release date

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 00:14
by StarBound
Think it was in the video I linked but the Wii U has 1gb system memory and 1gb graphics memory. For a console it is not bad amount. I can see something like Skyrim being possible on the Wii U. But detail will still be tuned down.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 21 Nov 2012, 11:06
by StarBound
The US launch has come and gone. Sadly if you expected fireballs you just got sourballs.

Issues that are problematic:
1 - The console requires a update of between 700mb-5gb. Interrupting this update in any way bricks the system.
2 - External storage was always going to be needed. USB2 is slow and Nintendo recommends getting an AC powered drive as their usb ports might not give you the needed power for a portable drive.
3 - Ports are most of the launch and they disappoint looking like the ps3 and 360 versions... in some cases even worse. Batman Arkham City for one has texture issues.
4 - The touchpad controller has a life span of 4 hours play with a 2h30m charge time. The other controllers will last a good while longer.

All and all I hit the cancel button on my pre-order once the Zombie U review hit.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 00:02
by StarBound
After a month and a half of brawling with my YES/NO coin won the fight, and now my living room is populated by a Wii U.

Opened the box a 2nd time (1st time at store to check that everything was there), unpacked everything and clicked everything into place. That was very easy.

The frustrating parts:
After unpacking I had to charge the the Wii U gamepad. It took 3h30m to get that thing to be fully charged. The I started up my console and got greeted by that first mandatory update. 1h25m later it was installed and I was ready to go.
FYI the ZA nintendo store sucks so either choose UK or another EU country for your store. Bare in mind your paying in euro or pounds and the UK store prices are rediculously high compared to our retail prices.

Played Zombie U for about 20 minutes and found the controls to be awkward to say the least. There is a lot of extra action and dragging items from your inventory on the gamepad screen to your backpack on the same screen is a trial and error process. The loading times in the game was not as bad as I would have imagined but this is not left 4 dead in the game play department. And no it does not mimic resident evil. The game is really slow paced and I don't like swinging around the gamepad. I have not tried the game with the gamepad pro so will give feedback on it later.

Surely enough after a while the gamepad died and had to be recharged. The worst part was the system crashed. It seems to have trouble picking up the HDMI signal which is weird.

Transfering the wii content to the wii u is easy provided you can read because I spent nearly an hour trying to transfer my wii data to my wii u because I didn't read that WPA2 is not supported on the wii software side.

The console does not upscale.

As for games the system doesn't have that many yet and you could probably say Zombie U, Mario bros U and Nano Assault Neo (download game) are the best on the system.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 08:37
by Tribble
Thank you for your full feedback - I will definitely be avoiding this for a loong while.

I like the way you write btw - very entertaining/interesting.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 14:56
by StarBound
Well I do write what comes to mind and very few things these days are worth the hassle in the end. I did notice that at times my writing is hard to understand. That is because I write/talk about something then somehow I link something unrelated due to how my mind works.

Am I upset that I bought the Wii U? No but it is money I could have spent way way better. Besides this broke my new years resolution and yesterday I pre-ordered Ni No Kuni for PS3 which I was planning to buy in june/july after my exams.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 16:56
by Tribble
Oooh - hope you get some studying in then.

I was keen on the Wii U but will wait until there is more available and it "works" easier. When you get a game you are keen on - the last thing you want to do is fight with it or the tech it plays on.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 17:07
by StarBound
The good news on that is that from march the Wii Us should be released with the mandatory update installed already. However given that the system hasn't sold as well as expected you might still find the old stock in bulk.

The bad news continues however with the ZA store might not see the content we would like. The ZA 3DS store is now online I think but my 3DS is already making use of the working UK store. As for the Wii U since Nintendo EU is situated in Germany all 18+ content will only be sold during 11pm to 3am CET due to Germanies youth protection laws. I think that means Mass Effect 3 content, CoD content ect.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 17:12
by Tribble
Oh wow - that is weird. As though young people cannot remain awake after 11pm. Not like that is a time kids get up and do things their folks disprove of or anything like that

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 10:41
by StarBound
I have to update this:
My first day the Wii U crashed once while trying to go into the system settings.
Yesterday die Wii U crashed as I selected start on one of the games.

These crashes aren't blue screens or system shut downs. They are simply the screen of that program and unresponsive controls. Eg the system settings would just display the wrench and in Nano Assault nothing happened after selecting single player. Pressing the power button does not help. You need to unplug the system at either the wall or its power socket.

I switched from HDMI to component cable last night as I don't have enough HDMI slots for all my systems. 1080p is supported over component but sadly only stereo sound.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 10:49
by GreyWolf
StarBound wrote:...Bare in mind your paying in euro ...
* you're *

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 12:52
by StarBound
GreyWolf wrote:
StarBound wrote:...Bare in mind your paying in euro ...
* you're *
Doo U whant infomasion or knot?

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 13:57
by GreyWolf
StarBound wrote:Doo U whant infomasion or knot?

B.O.T: Thanks for the info. I have never felt the need to buy a console, but in an argument, always promoted the Wii. Now you say the new one is quite sucky, I will have to change my stance. Thanks boss.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 18:19
by StarBound
Well the Wii was a party console. Most of the games were available on pc/xbox/ps3. The Wii was somewhat unique in that sense.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 22:43
by StarBound
What have we given to the world? XD ... a-vuvuzela

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 18:34
by StarPhoenix
Who else missed out on the recent specials?

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 19:19
by StarBound
A ton of people but the stores were under stocked, the staff were uninformed and incompetent. While stock lasts should be a warning to consumers to not get their hopes up however I've heard a ton of rumours ranging from the online store did not block orders after a certain stock point, staff at CNA canalwalk excepted bribes to keep the stuff at the back and just general mismanagement across the board. I didn't bother getting up early but since I was at CNA cape gate I figured I would try my luck. There were 6 of us, there was only 1 unit in store.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 21:45
by StarPhoenix
I feel your pain.

My friend managed to nip out of work to pick up one of the three available at Toys R Us, so at least I shall have the chance to play with it whenever next I get to go to his place.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 22:48
by StarBound
Well I already have one. This one would have gone to my sister. But there still are no real games for the system. Its been 6 months and for the most part it is dead in the water. I mean the wii had Metroid, Zelda and Mario galaxy nearly at launch (3 months down the line). We are at month 7 after the release and still dont have something to stick.

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 08:57
by StarPhoenix
Why have you not sold it yet?

Re: Wii U released

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 18:00
by StarBound
Waiting for a few exclusive titles to still happen.

Sonic the lost worlds has been announced and waiting for a new metroid and 3d mario game.