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Square Enix tech demo at E3

Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 08:17
by Hman
Kotaku wrote:Using a Final Fantasy motif as a showcase, Square Enix has revealed at E3 its Luminous Engine, which it describes as being for "next generation quality games".

The next generation of consoles may not be at this show, but their graphics certainly are.

Everything you see in this video - dubbed Agni's Philosophy - and screens is supposedly running in "real-time". Or, to quote Square, this is a "FINAL FANTASY REALTIME TECH DEMO". Given this is an engine advertisement, don't expect launch games to look just like this, but still. A glimpse at the potential of future consoles is better than no glimpse at anything from the future from this show, right?

originalc by HmanSA, on Flickr

This looks awesome, but I want to know what hardware it's running on.