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RE Revelations + Circle Pad Pro 3DS

Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 21:12
by StarBound
My hands are big and that is a problem when playing a little handheld system like the 3DS. Thankfully and to the disgust of many 3DS buyers Nintendo has fixed the problem by adding a hefty device that you can buy seperately, the circle pad pro. It adds the 2nd analog stick and 2 extra trigger buttons while replacing the R button on the 3DS. It is the extra that adds that bit of comfort that I have been dying for. But moving onto the game that came bundled with it, or the game that has the CPP bundle, Resident Evil Revelations.

If you are an RE fan then the game is an instant buy. For everyone else...

The game makes good use of the 3D that the system provides. Both the cutscenes and the game itself are in this 3D. There is a feature in the options to crank it up beyond what the 3DS should be able to do. I however don't do 100%. My 3D slider is set to a comfortable 50-75% which is just enough for my eyes.

The game feels like a veriant of RE5 with the CPP having the ability to walk around and shoot in first person mode while aiming. You can always select that the action should appear in 3rd person mode by choosing how you want to dish out combat from the options menu.

Not having played the game in its entirety and just finished the prologue I can't say how the rest of the game turns out. But so far I am impressed even if it is on a 5" screen. Here is a link to 2 reviews. ... vil/726457

Re: RE Revelations + Circle Pad Pro 3DS

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 08:10
by StarPhoenix

I tried the demo this weekend, and found it quite playable even without the CPP.

Re: RE Revelations + Circle Pad Pro 3DS

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 09:53
by StarBound
The more I play the game the more I appreciate it.

It seems that the inventory is gone. You pick up ammo for your weapon and its added to that ammo pool even if they limit the amount.

When you load a save game it gives a cinematic about what happened previously. I love it. Means I can play 15-30min then stop and when I come back I get reminded what I was doing.