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Torchlight 2

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 16:22
by StarBound
I thought the game had its own thread. I'm pulling this from the Diablo 3 thread because it is 2 separate games.

For those who have been following torchlight 2 you will know the date was set to sometime in December and the price tag is $20. Sadly the game won't make the date.

It's a shame, but we knew that it was sadly coming down to it with the delayed updates. Still the answer given isn't what you normally would expect. And this is frankly one of the best answers I've heard in 10 years from a developer saying there are other great titles out to enjoy for now.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 15:44
by ADT
Meh, torchlight 1 did not impress me at all, - cheap Diablo rip off.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 22:23
by StarBound
Guys and gals and gamers abroad, I'd like to throw your attention to this link. During December the team at Runic opened an armor design contest. Sure while some look like a joke you can't deny some of the talent. Have a look for yourselves. ... &start=280

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 22:32
by Anakha56
So when is the release date? So far a search on the Steam store shows nothing coming up. I only want to buy this through Steam that way I have 1 & 2 on the same account.

*fingers crossed it comes to Steam...*

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:22
by StarBound
Ok guys, as you all know there are 2 HnS RPGs that are battling this year to win the loyalty of fans. The strong following of Diablo 3 and then the excited few about Torchlight 2. The one favours a central system to play from where the other allows you to be that system. The art styles are different but both have a place on my wishlists.

Here is the new updated Torchlight 2 website and will link the media parts aswell. No news on a release date after they failed to release end of last year. No news on a price change from $20.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:27
by Anakha56
Count me in as a firm supporter for this game. ;) Still play 1 from time to time as well but not as often as I like due to other games taking over my time :(.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:40
by StarBound
But the game looks like a WoW version of Diablo with the traditional diablo controls. I firmly believe that Diablo 3 will be the better polished game but TL2 will be a can of kickass on its own. Plus LAN, online and offline play throws a knife at Diablo 3s neck.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:44
by Anakha56
Pretty much all RPG games have cloned Diablo 1&2 in some form or another. I just love the idea that it is going to be a dungeon crawler that D3 should have been and will buy it just because of that even if it fails to get high reviews. ;)

TL2 has all the elements of a gaming company that supports the gamers while Blizzard has ... Bobby... :? :(

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 11:44
by StarBound

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 13:05
by StarBound
I'm going to throw a few Torchlight 2 vids here. This is from last year June. The game has changed in interface.

Enjoy or ignore if you want it to be a surprise, or if you feel like comparing it to diablo 3 beta footage.

Then 3 of total biscuits vids:

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 10:20
by StarBound
A bit more screenies from Torchlight 2 ... y-17-2012/

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 16:19
by StarBound
PR stunt or gamers being proper gamers and giving a GG to the rival.
Congratulations to the Diablo III team for announcing a release date! That's got to be a such a feeling of relief to be on the home stretch. We're excited to hear the news, and we can't wait to play.


We're happy for the team at Blizzard - it's been a long haul for them. We are looking forward to our home stretch too. ... -iii-team/

I kinda wished the industry would take more approaches like this to each other. You are our competition so let's make it the best damn experience for our players as possible and let them have the final say.

Eager to see Blizzards response to when TL2 gets released.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 10:32
by StarBound
Bit more news from TL2 ... r-and-you/

I should have linked the pet animation section so here it is from last week. ... hlight-ii/

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 11:38
by Thunderzmoon
I have played the first one but this looks really good!
My kinda game!! :D

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 21:26
by StarBound

Very nice overview of how things are looking now. Like that in your character tab it says what your stats will do.

Best part is where the guy runs away from a big pack of mobs into a elite mob with minions, keeps running and into another elite mob with minions.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 13:17
by RuadRauFlessa
Doesn't look bad actually. I was expecting a half done clone with bundles of random and disjointed quests that has almost no bearing to the main storyline and a command system that feels like the game should never have been allowed mouse controls.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 19:22
by StarBound ... -part-one/

Their official page. Their approach still feels more like a community approach rather than a business. Kinda refreshing.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 26 Apr 2012, 17:46
by Monty
Pre-Purchase Now - Torchlight II, receive Torchlight for free!

Torchlight II is now available to pre-purchase on Steam! Act now and receive the original Torchlight to play right now!

The award-winning action RPG is back, bigger and better than ever! Torchlight II takes you back into the quirky, fast-paced world of bloodthirsty monsters, bountiful treasures, and sinister secrets - and, once again, the fate of the world is in your hands!

Pre-Purchase Torchlight II - $20 (R156)
Pre-Purchase Torchlight II 4-pack - $60 (R466)

Already placed my order for it!

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 26 Apr 2012, 19:46
by StarBound
I'm waiting off till a release date. Or atleast until I decide to buy the 4 pack or just go for the single.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 May 2012, 15:40
by StarBound
As you guys know the Torchlight 2 beta has gone live and here is some vids from those guys that signed up for it.

My excitement for Diablo 3 is higher only because it is releasing in 2 days time. But GW2 and TL2 will be making up the rest of my years time gaps.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 May 2012, 17:40
by Thunderzmoon
StarBound wrote:As you guys know the Torchlight 2 beta has gone live and here is some vids from those guys that signed up for it.

My excitement for Diablo 3 is higher only because it is releasing in 2 days time. But GW2 and TL2 will be making up the rest of my years time gaps.
Ahhhhh I can't wait!! It looks promising!!! :D

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 May 2012, 18:01
by StarBound
There are a few more beta vids out. Some are like 3 hours. But I dont know if I want to see everything. Come game time and I might not look forward that much anymore.

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 May 2012, 19:05
by Monty
If i dont get a beta key for a game, I completely ignore all the videos and information that people share as I want to experience it first hand :P

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 May 2012, 19:08
by StarBound

"oooh. a puzzle"

Re: Torchlight 2

Posted: 13 May 2012, 19:10
by StarBound
Well it sounds like they want to release the game 30 days after Diablo 3 so maybe 15 June. However you can't quote me on that since its not officially announced.