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Sonic Generations

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 22:10
by StarBound
It's the 20th anniversary of this blue mascot from the 90s. Nearly a decade a great games followed by more than a decade of the worst possible games for this beloved hedgehog. And over the coarse of the last 2 years that mistake has nearly been remedied.

Sonic generations is in all rights a console title but if you watched steam you would notice it is avalible at the asking price of $30. If you are patient unlike me you will find that the release is next week friday off the shelf.

The game is a mixture of classic and modern Sonic gameplay blended into one. Your act 1 is played as chubby sonic while your act 2 is played as attitude sonic. Act 1 being side scrolling and act 2 being side scroll, view from behind and other camera angles. You have a blank hub world that gets coloured in as you complete the levels and to progress beyond certain points you need to do challange sections. Luckly these doesn't require that much of your time but can be seen as doubling the stages you need to get to the next fresh section.

I haven't had any performance issues (given my pc specs) and controls for the first time in years feels solid.

Overall if your a Sonic fan of the new generation its for you. If your a Sonic fan from the past I advise you to check it out. This is the best Sonic game in a decade and needs to be played.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 22:18
by Anakha56
StarBound wrote:This is the best Sonic game in a decade and needs to be played.
Just because of this sentence I am forced to do this...


Read the short blurb about the comic if you follow the link.

That being said I am interested in picking it up. Just not right now, will probably get it in January once life calms down...

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: 05 Nov 2011, 01:46
by StarBound
Well if it is fan service then we've been served well.

Green Hill zone is so over done that it became one of my less liked zones. What they did to Sky Sanctuary is incredible and ofcoarse as Sonic 3 & Knuckles is and remains my favourite Sonic game and game of all time if they only put this amount of work and detail in recreating that game in 3D I would buy it instantly.

The thing I didn't say which is of vital importance is that sega managed to sort out a lot of the bugs that plagued the 3D Sonics. The physics are sorted out as in your not gonna run into a box fragment and instantly die or loose your rings. Your not gonna turn left trying to dodge something and smash into a wall. The random "fall thru the floor" bug seems to be less present.

Bugs I have encountered so far are on the boss level if you get hit on the elevator you can fall thru the floor. And another part under water with a current I got pushed into spikes and got killed instantly after loosing my rings.

So the controls are better which is great. Game destroying bugs are minimal. If this was how Sonic evolve he would not have been in this situation. And on a note the story is utter crap.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: 05 Nov 2011, 02:11
by hamin_aus
Sonic should have died with the 16-bit Megadrive.

Sorry fanboi's, there has just been too much irredeemable crap done with this franchise for me to ever pay it any attention again

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 09:52
by StarBound
Well finished the game. Short but good. Tons of replay value if you are into it. Somehow the world wide record for completing Green hill act1 is 31seconds while my region is sitting at 600 and something with 1m31s. I can fully understand that people are scepticle with this game. After all as jamin said he should have died with the megadrive.

Do a few review searches. Look at a few videos. If you feel you want to give him another try then go for it. I highly recommend this game, even more so if your a Sonic fan or even a fan of platformers. Just know that the boss fights do get harder.