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ISO approves the C++0x standard

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 21:45
by Ron2K
On Friday August 12th 2011, the results for the final ISO ballot on C++0x came in, and they (the ISO C++ Standards Committee) were unanimous in favor of approving the new C++0x (for now unofficially known as C++11) object-oriented programming language standard which is intended to replace the existing C++ ISO/IEC 14882. The new standard is to offer new and improved features such as lambda functions, concurrent programming functionality, direct data field initialization, and an improved standard library to name but a few.

Haven't used C++ for ages now, but after reading over the standard a bit, it seems like the new standard will improve the language quite a bit.

Re: ISO approves the C++0x standard

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 13:52
by GDI_Lord
Lamdas FTW! They're quite useful.

Another opionion on the new C++ standard: The Irrelevance of the New C++ Standard - I Programmer

I'm primarily a C# programmer, but I do appreciate progress in good old C++.