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How to ruin your game's PC port

Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 15:22
by Ron2K wrote:It's hard to be a PC gamer these days. This is true even though many independent developers are cranking out great games. Success stories are common, and there are new games released almost daily that play with gaming tropes and conventions like they're toys. It's not just indies; when you look at EA's accounting on its latest earnings call, the company has the PC earning more money than the 360 or PS3, at least when looking at the non-GAAP accounting figures.

PC gaming is alive and well, but it seems as if companies almost want their PC ports to fail on the most powerful gaming platform. We've compiled a list of a bunch of ways that companies can make sure their PC games annoy gamers, and if you bundle up all these "features" you may also see a loss of sales and increased piracy! So, how do you make sure your PC game pales next to its console sibling? Let's find out.
Full article

Cue StarBound rants. :P

Re: How to ruin your game's PC port

Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 18:52
by StarBound
Ron2K wrote: Full article

Cue StarBound rants. :P
I think the article put everything into a more civilized tone than I could have :P