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Massive 3DS price drop

Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 16:57
by StarBound
This past week came with a shocking announcement. The 3DS currently retailing for $250 (R2900) is having its price dropped to $170. That is a $80 drop (30%) because at the current price rate the handheld console can't compete with other handheld devices. The drop will be 12 August in the states and not sure when it will hit europe or SA.

So there you have it. The PSvita will be R2900 as it is also priced at $250 and hopefully for those who are more interested in the 3DS and its glasses free 3D it should retail for R2000 or less by Christmas 2011.

For those with an already bought 3DS you do get some kind of compensation in the form of 20 downloadable games, 10 being nintendo virtual console and 10 later the year as game boy advance titles. Note though this is a US announcement and I have checked the estore only to come across SAs barren digital wasteland yet again. I have setup for UK though but the selection is slim at best. You need to have logged into the estore before 11 August to qualify for this.

Still I would rather claim a free game or 2 from the 3DS library. ... announced/

Re: Massive 3DS price drop

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 19:56
by StarPhoenix
Even at the new price of R1999, do you think it is worth purchasing if one already has a DS? [I still have the original phat model from the U.S. :lol:] I have heard so many stories of the 3D causing various degrees of discomfort, with my sister saying that she tried one and it made her feel ill. How good is the current crop of 3DS titles and are they exclusive to that platform?

Re: Massive 3DS price drop

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 09:37
by StarBound
They don't. If you have a DS I don't see any reason to get a 3DS yet. I have 3 titles that I will be buying in total. I already have Zelda, waiting on both Starfox 64 3D and the new Super Mario. I've just bought a 3DS to avoid in flight bordom :P And I know that despite its age SF64 remains one of the best games I've played and with a bit of redone graphics it can only be better.

Re: Massive 3DS price drop

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 19:29
by StarBound
Well it seems that the 3DS new price is R1799. That is a R1k drop. Still the question is are you prepared to spend that one a mobile gaming device. Atm the 3DS library is pitiful but you have access to all the DS titles.

Re: Massive 3DS price drop

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 08:04
by StarPhoenix
My brother helped to find the purchase of a 3DS at the end of December. I am pleased to say that none of the criticisms leveled at it bother me, and that the one DS title that I have played on it so far [Chrono Trigger] does not look as bad as I was expecting.

Re: Massive 3DS price drop

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 19:48
by StarBound
You'll start noticing when you near the end of a zone you get semi cut off. Sonic Collection is noticeable a good deal.