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Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 08:39
by Ron2K
CNN wrote:Science has finally confirmed what anyone who's ever been in love already knows: Heartbreak really does hurt.

In a new study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers have found that the same brain networks that are activated when you're burned by hot coffee also light up when you think about a lover who has spurned you.

In other words, the brain doesn't appear to firmly distinguish between physical pain and intense emotional pain. Heartache and painful breakups are "more than just metaphors," says Ethan Kross, Ph.D., the lead researcher and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor.
Rest of article

That explains a lot, actually.

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 08:44
As expected. I often wonder if I'll be able to feel emotion if my severed head is kept alive.

Next question: Do you die when you get teleported?

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 09:13
by Tribble
Can we try it. I will cut it off for you.

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 10:00
Tribble wrote:Can we try it. I will cut it off for you.
Cool. You can charge attendance fees and make a day of it. I'll try and lip synch a song straight after and a lipreader can relay my lamentations as well.

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 12:45
by americantsm1
It does explain a lot. Very interesting concept.

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 13:41
by StarPhoenix
This might explain why my sister and I started feeling uncomfortable when someone describes the pain they are feeling...
KALSTER wrote:As expected. I often wonder if I'll be able to feel emotion if my severed head is kept alive.

Next question: Do you die when you get teleported?

If teleportation involves being taken to bits and transmitted to another location, I'd say yes.

If it were practical, I'd imagine that when you are cut from one location and pasted into another, life may cease and a possibly inanimate copy [perhaps a very bad copy] of yourself would materialise elsewhere.

How would you ensure that all the particles went back to where they should be? Wouldn't Hesienberg's Uncertainty Principle come into play here. How would you reanimate the piece of meat that travelled between A and B and how would you get around anything interfering with what is being transmitted.

Oh....this should probably be in a thread of its own...

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 13:46
by hamin_aus
Emo thread is emo.

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 17:43
by Tribble
jamin_za wrote:Emo thread is emo.
Pain and emotions are by their very nature emo. So no surprise here.

Re: Physical and emotion pain use the same brain networks

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 20:23
by Prime
StarPhoenix wrote:This might explain why my sister and I started feeling uncomfortable when someone describes the pain they are feeling...
KALSTER wrote:As expected. I often wonder if I'll be able to feel emotion if my severed head is kept alive.

Next question: Do you die when you get teleported?

If teleportation involves being taken to bits and transmitted to another location, I'd say yes.

If it were practical, I'd imagine that when you are cut from one location and pasted into another, life may cease and a possibly inanimate copy [perhaps a very bad copy] of yourself would materialise elsewhere.

How would you ensure that all the particles went back to where they should be? Wouldn't Hesienberg's Uncertainty Principle come into play here. How would you reanimate the piece of meat that travelled between A and B and how would you get around anything interfering with what is being transmitted.

Oh....this should probably be in a thread of its own...
You use the Eistein Podolsky Rosenburg Paradox to read the quantum information on one end and transmit it to the other. It's known as quantum teleportation, but it becomes an exercise with several billion atoms :wink: I believe they use a similar system with quantum encryption.