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Shift 2 Unleashed

Posted: 09 May 2011, 10:57
by jwilkens
Not to sure if a topic for this already exists.

I bought the game when it launched, but have not been able to play it due to the low FPS. I have tried a few things, but I still only get about 30fps:

Installed latest updates
Forced graphics profile using RadeonPro
Change graphics quality to very low settings (this improves it a bit, but why settle for low quality)

Cat 11.4 also have new application profiles in which it claims to fix the negative crossfire scaling for Shift 2, but even this does not work.

Has anyone had any luck with this yet?

Re: Shift 2 Unleashed

Posted: 11 May 2011, 21:13
by The_Jelly
Bro i dont know if u having the same issues as i did with shift one... i tried everything but kept getting bad and inconsistant frames.... the game is playable but still lagged no matter what i did.... (i had a 5850 at the time) i did weeks of research and had the latest drivers and patches installed but came to find out it was only an issue with ATI. nvidia's were all fine....

Re: Shift 2 Unleashed

Posted: 13 May 2011, 08:19
by Smilodon111
same issue here man, but the game is soo crap, its not even worth trying to fix.