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Firefox 5

Posted: 08 Apr 2011, 06:58
by Ron2K
Mozilla has updated its new rapid release cycle and is now planning to release Firefox 5 on June 21 instead of June 29. Mozilla is also adopting a versioning system that is very similar to the system that is used by Google for Chrome.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, if it is working perfectly – Mozilla’s new browser release schedule takes more cues from Google. It indicates that future Firefox releases will be moving in 18 week cycles from the first mozilla-central (nightly) release to a stable final release. A new browser version will be spending 6 weeks in mozilla-central and will be updated nightly. It will stay 6 weeks in the experimental phase and updated nightly as well. In both phases, Mozilla is likely to keep the “Minefield” branding for Firefox.

Re: Firefox 5

Posted: 08 Apr 2011, 09:17
by Tribble
How necessary is this?

Re: Firefox 5

Posted: 08 Apr 2011, 09:23
by Siemens
Tom's Hardware will probably do a Browser round up on the 20th of June.

Re: Firefox 5

Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 10:26
by DeathStrike
Dam... serious. i haven't even gotten used to firefox 4 yet. and a good number of my add ons not functioning with FF4 yet also... so if they jump to 5 then more will be broken...

Re: Firefox 5

Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 13:10
by Siemens
They really need to make the browsers in the future backwards compatible in this case with the older add ons.

Re: Firefox 5

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 16:44
by JollyJamma
Yes, Like FireSheep.

I don't mind really. I think FF is sick and slick. They probably have many ideas left over from 4 that they want to introduce to 5.
IE isn't going anywhere near my machine.