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Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 22:49
by Agamemnon
WTF you say?

Yeah that's right. Don't get one. READ ON!

Here is the 5-0:

2004 is the year of unparalleled technological advancement in the hardware sector:

1)Power. The big processor manufacturers are beefing their bitchez (CPUs) up like crazy. It seems all the new processors are going to require new boards that haven't hit the mainstream yet. The heat is ON! (literally) The new Intel chip consumes around 40% more power than it's predecessor. WTF?! Imagine overclocking THAT mutha****er up 8O ! Extreme cooling anyone? The same goes for the next-gen graphics cards. I'd say anything below 400W by the end of 04 is technological suiscide!

2)PCI Express! It's amazing!...and also physically non-compatible with today's PCI and AGP cards :( . This also alludes to the next-gen graphics cards so don't buy that geforceFX5900/6800 (ok maybe the 6800) just yet.

3)Serial ATA. Much more powerful than it's now-ugly-sister parallel. But at least it's out now and supported by most of the latest mobos.

4)BTX (Balanced Technology eXtended)! Goodbye ATX. This new form factor allows for greater cooling and looks inexplicably kewl. see for yourself:

5)DDR2! the fastest RAM available is PC4400 or DDR550. DDR2, if released en masse today would start at PC4500 and encompass faster speeds. Read more @

All this means that by the time you get your new mobo and are fresh out of bucks, the latest hardware will be incompatible with your system thus requiring you to dish out more bucks just to keep up. You'll miss out on all the fun.

"But that happens all the time in the computer industry anyway" you say. Nope. Phenomenons like PCI express and DDR2 are once in a decade type developments. Just watch this space.

I say: wait till around end-year. Yeh it's worth it homees. If you want to pimp up your system now, then just go for the cheapest upgrade or stick to upgrading you PSU since it will be compatible with BTX. (anything like 450W and below then you're the frikin circus :D ).

phew that was long. :?

Comments/corrections anyone?!


Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 23:33
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
Agamemnon wrote:Comments/corrections anyone?!
Yes, you need to learn a better dialect. Soz, but using words like "homees", "mutha****er" and "pimp up your system" is just really annoying.
3)Serial ATA. Much more powerful than it's now-ugly-sister parallel. But at least it's out now and supported by most of the latest mobos.
That depends on "Powerful". Yes its new, easier and all round better but the speed (Powerful) doesnt matter right now as HDDs dont even push ATA to its limits. We'll have to wait a while. :cry:

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 01:32
by n00b
now heres a guy that makes sense - thats the origional poster here.............................that is - as usual anybody who is on the head with any info is crapped on - which is why all knowledgable people piss everone off here - cos no one here knows **** all and wants to act big **** shots - guys wake up and smell the coffee you are making this place into a forum of total wankers here

as said before i piss lots of people off - maybe cos i really know what im talking about when 99% of the hero's here dont really have a clue - the main people i respect in their basic fields are thrall and bondi whilst in the gaming field the pubic knights are totally superior but the rest of the guys here just actually are a waste of time

get a grip - the guy make speak funny but he knows more than most people in this forum combined

Agamemnon - hats off to you for your timely info - ps your 6800ultra thread has many people here baffled too - but its actually timeous and good info - so my dear sir again i need to congratulate you on your sharpness in following the news

ps i dont care about the language - real info is real info as opposed to the crap normally found in this forum all over this place form guys like slasher and psycho crittur etc

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 09:24
by Screeper
n00b, i am not a super star in this field of all things IT, but i certainly do not see myself as a waste of time (least i hope i'm not :wink: ) and i think quite a few of the other active members would think that to.
I come on here for advice and to comment on stuff that i enjoy ie. computers and the like. If everyone was an IT buff these forums wouldn't exist cos everyone would know the answers.

It is obvious that you do know your stuff (well it appears you do, i wouldn't know if you didn't :wink: ) and i find your comments/suggestions very informative when you're not shredding other people at the same time.
If people annoy you with their posts just ignore them or point out nicely where they've gone wrong. We need people like yourself on the forums to give sound advice but please don't go for the throat everytime you post.

Agamemnon, interesting post dude, the main question is, how long do we wait?
Its like the old Half Life 2 saga, just keep on waiting, my R300 is stashed away in my draw ready for the day of release but i fear it my decompose b4 HL2 sees the light of day :(
The same with the new tech, i wonder how long it will take to be released and then how long to reach us in SA. The 'near the end of the year' date is such a common easy to say 'date'
What do you guys reckon are we gonna hit it big by the end of this year with a sack of new technologies?

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 09:42
by n00b
Hi screeper i do take your point about me generalising too much but in my defence i would like to point out that everytime i did do what you suggest i was hit with derision and argument - especially from the guys mentioned in my post above - i would like to admit that i really should have no reason to dislike anyone on the forum but i do really feel that in a pc forum if people are going to post about stuff then they should have an idea about what they are talking about

as for going for the throat each time well when im reffered to as a silly delirious freak etc it really irks me to the extent that i would want to hit out at the objects of my frustration - i think that i do owe the rest of the forum an apology for my generalisation which i made in the heat of the moment - that was totally uncalled for and im truly sorry

on the other hand im not gonna continue posting here since i will rather move on to places where i can share my intersts with like minded people - thus im not apologising in a whinging way to get back favour with everyone here - i sincerly would like to apologise for what ive already said was done in a moment of heated passion

people will find that if im not confronted with idiocy then i wont go for the jugular in each post and will be as reasonable as the next guy but each time i pointed something wrong out in a reasonable manner i was given lip and i retaliated in a like manner - which i should have been mature enough to avoid but sadly i degenerated down to these guys levels - at least they now know that they are truly amatuers at flaming and shouldnt do it (or at least i hope they realize it soon) sine i truly believe that these guys can also be reasonable enough people too - i dont really hate them - just that i wish they should stop their constant flaming of people who really do know better and maybe i used the wrong approach altogether to try and get that point across

in terms of this post well as agamemnon has pointed out it will be better to wait for the new tech which should last at least a minimum of two years befor ethe industry starts on its incessant reshuffle - and i will concede that it isnt sensible to always wait since you may land up waiting forever but a few months till all this stuff is available wont harm - im persoanlly planning a new system at the end of the year - hope this helps a bit

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 11:21
by ICE-VaPa
I really feel this place needs some moderators... :(

Agamemnon - Nice post man... :wink:

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 14:29
by Agamemnon
Screeper wrote: the main question is, how long do we wait?
Its like the old Half Life 2 saga, just keep on waiting, my R300 is stashed away in my draw ready for the day of release but i fear it my decompose b4 HL2 sees the light of day :(
Hang in there Screep. The thing is, I don't know how long it will take for this tech to hit the SA shores. it shouldn't take too long, e.g SiS has just released a new PCI express card for Athlon64 and pentium4 northbridge in Malaysia.

It all depends on your 'pimp-game :lol: ' when it comes to getting the latest hardware. If, like me, you possess this demonic and unquenchable thirst to have the latest technology at your finger tips (and are not blessed with an abundance of wealth), the be prepared to wait for a LONG TIME!. (I'm doing my last upgrade (getting an AMD Barton 3000+ (2.67 Ghz)). After that, I'll wait till AT LEAST next mid-year. It sounds crazy I know, but if you do the math it will save you TONNES of dollar! And when the new tech hits you'll have enough money to be the king-pimp of geekdom! MWAHAHAHAA!)

If though you're sick and tired of waiting and as somebody mentioned, most computer parts don't fully utilise today's hardware anyway, then by all means upgrade!

So what am I sayin? :?

All I'm saying is: I don't know HOW LONG one has to either be prepared to wait for a LONG time like moi OR run upgrades up UNTIL a certain point. Stop upgrading in about August/September cos after that, you're just wasting money.

And don't go for long-term/big cost upgrades on today's systems. e.g buying an Athlon64 mobo with no PCI express and then getting the Athlon64 processor. Pointless. Rather, go for the best AthlonXP CPU instead. You feel me dawgg?! 8)

oh btw, the new PCI Express x16 (can be pushed to x32) interface provides an 8GB/s bi-direction transfer rate, compared with the current AGP 8x standard of 2.1GB/s. THAT'S CRAZY-FLY DAWGG 8O ! So I think the wait is well worth it. :D

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 16:01
by amdretard
Are pci express ports on any mobo yet cos i need an upgrade urgently

1ghz cpu

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 19:08
by Agamemnon
amdretard wrote:Are pci express ports on any mobo yet cos i need an upgrade urgently

1ghz cpu
Like I said, one has been released in Malaysia. It won't take too long to arrive here in SA. Again, I can't give you an EXACT time frame YET(I'm working on it :wink: ).

But if you need an urgent upgrade, I suggest just buying new/more memory, CPU or graphics card(if you're gaming).

And IF your mobo CAN'T handle any better versions of these (memory, CPU or graphics card) then by all means just buy the current mobo on the market. :wink:

1 ghz isn't TOO bad though (I've got 1.33). What's your current mobo?

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 20:09
by wizardofid
as said before i piss lots of people off - maybe cos i really know what im talking about when 99% of the hero's here dont really have a clue - the main people i respect in their basic fields are thrall and bondi whilst in the gaming field the pubic knights are totally superior but the rest of the guys here just actually are a waste of time
Frankly I'm in a very good mood......Infact it's real easy to stop my self from coming in here and B**ch slap you.Frankly dude it's weird that this hasn't started a Flame fest...."YET".

Thrall took it fairly well and as you said that you peeepeee ppl off well you do....I'm not going to ask how old you I'm kinda worried that your mother sue's me.

Okay now that's over and done...wait..wait I'm not done with you yet. "nice polite voice."just who do you think you are..?'
Okay now I"m done

Yo man PCI express from the brothers at Nvidia been busy with this tech for awhile now and as far as I know some of the newer laptop's already have this basic tech.Too lazy to search for it now......midweek lazyness... :D :D

It's all well and good to start a new CPU system or whatever..But that's playing with fire....unless this there late atempt at making a 64 bit cpu....

New tech is good but how many would be able to afford it..??? :cry:

I read some where that south african market does catch on to new tech fairly fast but not by the masses have a look half of aopen lexmark...ect goods are not availbe on the SA market.

I dis agree you would still be pretty safe to upgrade to a newer to a point....this system has to be top of the range CPU and graphics and mobo.

So mabye we will see this tech in about two years time if not more

So all systems go go go!!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 09:28
by OnlyOneKenobi
Well I can't afford the greatest and latest technologies as they come out, so usually what I do is I wait until they are released and then get the older ( previously top of the line ) components and my PC still performs well etc.

I have no desire to own the fastest PC in the world, I just want it to perform well. It's interesting that all these new technologies are coming out now, but I'll get something in the middle ground in terms of price and performance and then when prices drop for these new stuff then I'll make sure to get them... 8)

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 11:09
by Agamemnon
Yeah obi. There is really no RUSH to get the latest tech out there.

I think you speak on behalf of many when you say you will wait. Even though I want the latest tech the second it hits the shelves, subsequent big price cuts may mean I miss out on the low prices. But I guess that's just the price us freaks pay :twisted: !!!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 12:05
by n00b
Infact it's real easy to stop my self from coming in here and B**ch slap you
you are welcome to try - stupid ****

I'm not going to ask how old you I'm kinda worried that your mother sue's me.
im old enough to be your father - but i dont remember your mother :wink: so i guess im not then
wait..wait I'm not done with you yet. "nice polite voice."just who do you think you are..?'
Okay now I"m done
[totally impolite] i dont need to be anyone - the way that most a_r_s_e holes post their opinions here and get away with it - why cant i - so STFU [/totally impolite]

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 12:34
by Scarlet_Spider
you know n00b, i really didn't want to have to post here.. but,

I have been on these forums for a long time, and read far, far more than i post...
as far as i can recall, nearly every time you have posted something it turns into some kind of disagreement with someone. I dont know what your issues are, and i am certainly not going to lower myself by insulting you or carrying on this flame war, instead i will just say that, there are plenty of forums around, few however boast the "community" that this one has. People actually get on here and make friends. If it is your will, or if there is some part of you that only seeks to annoy and cause trouble amongst the people on the forum.

Then just leave...

if you dont leave, and carry on the flaming and causing ****, then it will be obvious to everyone that you are just a bad apple and you will probably just get banned. Which will be a pity because it is evident that you are passionate about computers and do indeed have a lot to teach / share.

So lose the pride or whatever it is you have and just enjoy the forum like everyone else...

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 12:59
by SadistiK
Well Well Well... what a nice topic 8O

n00b i'm gonna have to agree with you on some points.. (there are a couple of them you didn't even mention)

which is why I mostly left this forum....

Mostly cause

1. There are moderators... but they do next to nothing here
2. Off-Topics are the thing to do..
3. If you want advice/give advice you end up usually having a conflict with some moron.

4. Exactly what happened above.

You'd reckon cause this is the site of probably the best selling pc magazine in SA there would be some people with "some" knowledge of pc and it's innerworkings... but yet all I see the last couple of days is people making totally worthless posts, off topic stuff etc..

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but to say the truth this is how I feel.

If anyone feels like commenting on this send me a PM because I won't come back here again.


Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 13:06
by Dom
Hey noob

I have to whole-heartedly agree with scarlet... you are quite obviously a very knowledgeable chap, and really know what's going on in the IT world. However, to say something like
cos no one here knows **** all and wants to act big **** shots

isn't exactly fair, or very nice. If I see that someone is talking ****, I will rather just gently correct them... not tear them to pieces so viciously. I do appreciate that you apologised though.

All I'm saying is calm down man... these forums exist for us to share our knowledge with others, and generally help one another. I do agree that if someone starts trouble with you, you have the right to retaliate. Although, I don't really believe starting/getting involved in a flamewar is actually worth it at the end of the day. It's more effort than it's worth!

As for those making fun of Agamemnon's choice of vocabulary, just let the guy be. That is how he likes to talk, so who are we to criticise him? Besides, he has actually got really interesting stuff to share, so rather just read what he has to say and learn from it...

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 22:01
by Soap
Erm, Serial ATA is already out! And Serial ATA 2 will only be out by 2007

Secondly, PCI-Express is only really implemented by ATI, as they reprogrammed their core for the new PCI-Express commands. nVidia still uses a translator to translate the PCI-Express into AGP commands fore the GPU and then converts it back to PCI-Express for the mobo

THE REAL improvement is though is going to be SAS SCSI (Serial Attached SCSI SCSI, double name :D ) which will once again find its ways into fileservers.

Intel will introduce the Pentium 4 Socket T which does not use Pins anymore, rather little metal stumps which can't be bent anymore (Great for the PC novice building his first PC and has never had a CPU in his hand) :roll: . Intel also introduces SSE3 and 64-bit ('bout time too :D ) to it's processors. Strnagley though the current Pentium 4 XEON's all have 64-bit support, only disabled. Intel will introduce 64-bit to the XEON's first, than after 3 months to the normal P4 aswell.

DDR2 will only come out in a 533 version, only this one official, not like the DDR533 available for high-end systems today which isn't accepted by the ISO.

And finally the Blu-Ray disk mdeium will come to the commercial market.

2004 will be a great year. *Thumbs Up* :)

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 03:38
by n00b
Although, I don't really believe starting/getting involved in a flamewar is actually worth it at the end of the day. It's more effort than it's worth!
okay dom and scarlet spider - i have tried the other route of trying to only post helpful informative stuff but at most of the way i was met with a whole lot of resistance from guys who clearly didnt have a clue so the most of my time spent here was retaliating at some flame or idiotic comment or the other which made it seem like i was the flamer - when in fact it was a response to the other guys stupidity - i make no qualms about hiding the fact that i will not tolerate an idiot who flames me or my principles and i will respond in kind

if you look at each one of my posts you will see that 10% or so of my flaming occurred through my fault entirely which again i have no justification for - that was purely me being an idiot but 90% of my flaming was answering the guys who started some sort of **** with me

not that any of this matters since i dont bother if i dont win any popularity contests but i do believe that i had a huge role to play in getting the process of getting this forum moderated which everybody wanted so even the guys i flamed at least owe me a debt ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 14:04
by Synkronos
Soap wrote:Intel also introduces SSE3 and 64-bit ('bout time too :D ) to it's processors.
Intel already have 64bit chips, server tho, not desktop - the Itaniums.

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 15:10
by RuadRauFlessa
Synkronos wrote:
Soap wrote:Intel also introduces SSE3 and 64-bit ('bout time too :D ) to it's processors.
Intel already have 64bit chips, server tho, not desktop - the Itaniums.
They had it for about 6months already

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 20:28
by Soap
64-bit is already embedded in Intel Pentium 4's today, just not enabled.
And as for ther XEON, it isn't even necessary to know they have 64-bit, to expensive for personal use.

BTW, the Itanium (actually it's the Itanium 2 which is sold atm :wink: ) which ONLY supports 64-bit, not 32-bit :!:

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 20:38
by Azgard
How can 64-bit be embedded but not enabled yet in the Pentium 4s?

If that is so wouldn't it make more sense to enable the 64-bit and sell the CPU's for a higher price?

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 10:00
by Soap
No, because Intel is too stingy. :P
Intel is not going to offer its Prescott processors with enabled 64-bit capability into the retail channels citing absence of proper 64-bit operating system and drivers for desktop computers as well as difficulties PC makers might faced with such systems, the company told X-bit labs recently.

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 17:34
by MrBean
Soap wrote:No, because Intel is too stingy.
Maybe this is why they are the no1 cpu manufacturer, because they are

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 18:18
by Soap
NAH, it's because AMD started to get serious with CPUs only around 1999 with the Athlon which broke the 1 GHz barrier before Intel did :P :P