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Ge ForceFX 6800

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 21:40
by Agamemnon
I know it's hitting the shelves in US in mid-may but any idea when it hits ours?

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 21:47
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
6800FX??? Got any links to some info on that :?

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 21:49
by Agamemnon
Here ya go.

That baby is pimped out TO THA MAX! 8) I must get it or my life will have no more meaning. *sob* :cry:

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 22:38
by Hybrid_Halogen
My word...what happened to like errr the 6100...6200..and etc? They skipped them all?

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 22:47
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
Hybrid_Halogen wrote:My word...what happened to like errr the 6100...6200..and etc? They skipped them all?
Excactly my thought. I cant find much discription at that link :? , just a bunch of useless screenies and nVidea logos (Why is that so important?).

Whats the Ram Clock? GPU Clock? Ram size?

Why was there no heads up from nVidea (We knew months before the other models where resleased)? What happend to the rest of the range? 6100? 6200?

Why is it only 6800 and 6800 Ultra? Wouldnt it be something like all the other cards? MX, TI, FX?

What AGP slot is it using? I see it has 2 nodges. AGP 1X & 2X has one nodge at a side and 4X and 8X on the other. Is 16X on both sides?

Call me a sceptic but I think this is just another late Aprils' Fool Joke. :?

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 22:54
by Agamemnon
It's real son. 6800 is here to stay.

Just go to ... 00&spell=1 You can't tellme ALL these links are in on the April Fool's joke too.

Fact is card manufactures are getting ready for the PCI express which PWNs AGP like crazy! :twisted: !!! So not much hype is gonna be put into AGP cards. Like the article says, this is probably the last AGP card worth buying. It'll be shippin gfor around $599/699 back in the States.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 23:06
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
PCI Express will need a little time to settle in. It'll probably be like 64bit CPUs and Serial ATA. They cant just STOP making and improving hardware for 32bit and ATA, they'll lose a whole massive target market. There will be lots more decent AGP cards to come.

Have nVidea developed a whole new chipset practically over night? 8O

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 23:13
by Agamemnon
Psych0_Cr1tt3r wrote: Have nVidea developed a whole new chipset practically over night? 8O
If they have...this is one of the best industry-secret manouver I have seen in ages. I too was like WHOAA! 8O WTF?!

I guess we'll just have to wait till mid-may/June. :wink:

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 01:23
by n00b
LOL guys i was going to stop wasting my time posting in this forum - but i cannot remain silent at the ignorance here - the 6800 has been news for over a month - it is in fact the long awaited nv40 which is being relleased tonight - and im sure guys are gonna say that the R420 is an april fools joke too bwahahhah

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 06:31
by Norrad
Whoa, did you guys look at this things 3d mark score?!
12,535 in 3Dmark03, my card only manages 4500

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 14:40
by Agamemnon
Whoa I made a mistake fellaz!

My topic says geForceFX 6800! That's BS. It should be geForce 6800. Don't know where that FX came from.

I thought I should just say this as opposed to editing so as not to seem as if I was purposely misleading.

Again, my bad dawgs! :wink:

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 16:04
by amdretard
Now what is ati response in hardware wise

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 18:56
by Charger1406
whoa man!! Take a peek at the back and you'll notice two extra molex power connectors! What gives you the idea it's power hungry?

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 19:10
by garp
You don't think this card has something to do with HL2 been delayed so that nVidea can catch up with ATi like some sort of deal between Valve and nVidea

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 15:34
by Agamemnon
It's official: the 6800 will be shipping for US$499. YIKES 8O !

And with all these retailers fiendishly grinning at the prospect of bundles, I would expect the price to be significantly higher. I also read somewhere that because it (the 6800) uses so much power, retailers will be bundling it witha PSU. Frankly, I don't believe that :x . But I do believe that PSU upgrades are required for many ppl.

But with retail boards showing up on shelves sometime next month, you won't have to wait long at all. :D

PS: Anyone like my new sig?

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 15:49
by OnlyOneKenobi
amdretard wrote:Now what is ati response in hardware wise
The answer to Nvidia's 6800 from Ati is the X800Pro and X800XT, I believe. X obviously stands for 10... :P The X800Pro should be out in June, I think and the X800XT in July.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:18
by Synkronos
I dunno if you guys have checked the tom's hardware article about this, but the link hasn't been posted, so there ya go.

As n00b said, it is indeed the NV40 chipset, which they have been talking about and developing for a while

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 18:13
by MrBean
Yip, us benchers can't wait for that to hit our getting impatient.....

Let's wait and see real-world performance benchmarks between the 2 giants, I somehow think this is going to be interesting...maybe nVidia got their act together this time.......

Btw, Amdretard, your avatar sucks..... :P ...hehe....

See you guys later,

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 18:47
by Slasher
Darn, thats expensive...

Theyre using Ati plan of attack : Fast, unaffordable :P

How much do you guyz think this will drop the prices of GF fx5700 ultra / non-ultra?

I am considering buying on of these... any comments welcome {No more than R1500 to spend people!!}

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 21:47
by Agamemnon
GeForce FX5700 is already at the 1.5 grand mark.

Check out or IF you live around Cape Town. I don't know about the other regions but I guess it would be the same.

Hopefully you can set your sights on a juicier card now :wink: !

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 22:15
by pSychoSis
nVidia probably skipped all those numbers, just to get a higher model number. That way thay can 'sound' as good as ATI :lol:

Just check out the GeForce 6800 website for all the info!