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Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 09:22
by The_Jelly
hey guys i need some suggestions!

1. should i add a second 5850 for an xfire set up?
2. upgrade to a single amd 6900 series?
3. Cross over to nvidia?

all xfire sli suggestions welcome.... i have R2500 saved and can prob get around R1800 for my current 5850 (if im lucky) but still saving so might have more cash....
what would be best performance....(would love to xfire/sli)

here's an interesting benchmark i found...


Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 10:32
by JollyJamma
So long as you can do crossfire, get another 5850 based soley on that graph.

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 10:47
by The_Jelly
my issue comes in the prices.... its R2700 for a reference design 5850.... iv seen 6950's for R3000-R3400....
and the 6 series would more than likely have less power consumption, better performance, better xfire scaling, newer tech and so on so forth and i could buy one now and one later......
but then i obviously have to sell my 5850 (missions) and spend more money on a crossfired 6 series setup.... so is forking out R2700 for a 5850 (older tech) worth it?

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 17:57
by GDI_Lord
I think one can actually crossfire a 69xx card with a 58xx card. Can anyone confirm or refute this?

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 18:04
by Smilodon111
GDI_Lord wrote:I think one can actually crossfire a 69xx card with a 58xx card. Can anyone confirm or refute this?
hmmm...good question...i dont think its possible due to different architecture but i might be wrong?

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 18:16
by Slimshaedy
Bro I rate hang on to your cash for now and then spend it on the 7 series next year.
You're getting more than enough frames with your 5850 now. I don't suggest crossfiring older tech
if you really have to spend your money I would get a 6950 and then another one later on...

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 21:14
by The_Jelly
GDI_Lord wrote:I think one can actually crossfire a 69xx card with a 58xx card. Can anyone confirm or refute this?
I think the only way possible this is achievable (correct me if im wrong) is with lucid Hydra technology... i read an article a while back on it... as far as i know it isnt possible to do xfire over diffrent platforms using a xfire bridge... only within the same platfrom eg. 5850 + 5870....
Slimshaedy wrote:Bro I rate hang on to your cash for now and then spend it on the 7 series next year.
You're getting more than enough frames with your 5850 now. I don't suggest crossfiring older tech
if you really have to spend your money I would get a 6950 and then another one later on...
i hear what u saying and i would have the cash to buy 2 x 6950's at the same time... but i wana see how the 6990 preforms (and the pricing) when its released.... but 7 series would be a bigger jump for me as u say so guess i could hold on.... i still feel like a should give nvidia a go tho... i havent touched them since the 8600gt... and the gtx570 is looking like a good card at the moment(need to see more reviews)... as for the 5850 crossfire im gona leave it but my 'older tech' in xfire still kicks butt! take into account those are stock 5850's and their oc capabilities are insane... i reckon with an overclock on both cards i could get the framerates as high as th 5870 frames in that benchmark if not higher.... close on those 6950's....

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 22:56
by StarBound
IF you play Blizzard games like WoW and Starcraft 2 you need a single card solution. Personally I wouldnt bother getting a new card with the setup your using unless you really want 20% more speed. Save up and wait for the batch of cards coming out next year.

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 08:04
by The_Jelly
mind is made gona wait for 7series but save and buy 2 same time for xfire....

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 08:12
by Slimshaedy
Good choice! Those 2 cards will do some serious damage!

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 08:26
by The_Jelly
got some new benchmarks and my 5850 oc'd to 1ghz core and 4880 mem beats a 6950 stock... very stoked with my preformance!



Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 10:38
by Slimshaedy
That's impressive bro! Now why don't you keep it overclocked and it'll feel like a new gpu! Maybe drop the clocks a bit coz you were hitting quite high temps weren't you?

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 11:22
by The_Jelly
temps werent too bad hit about 70C max in game wih 37 percent fan speed.... i only run it oc'd for games that need it for extra frames.... ie metro... hahahahahha!

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 11:39
by GDI_Lord
What resolution are you running Jelly?

Re: Help me select a new GPU

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 11:45
by The_Jelly
1680 by 1050 hence i cannot run vantage on high preset