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The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 09:19
by KillerByte
Hi guys

After reading this piece it reminded me that while I sit in my comfortable house in a rather nice area in JHB that the world around me is not all roses and perfume.

I think the biggest misunderstanding is that striking workers are not only limited to SA or to a specific race. Do a bit of research into the UK miner's strike and what happened there. Back in the 70's and 80's the unions ruled the UK, if they went on strike the whole economy suffered and the Government feared the repercussions. What South Africa needs is a Margaret Thatcher. Someone who says this far and no further. If the workers want to strike then let them, the simple fact is that when the nurses, teachers, mineworkers, automotive workers and civil servants start to starve they will quickly return to work without the increases that they demand.

Increases should be based on performance. Work hard and get a raise, however I also feel that companies and Government should give inflation linked increases to those workers who's salaries will be affected the most. i.e. Management don't need inflation linked increases because they will not feel the impact of an increase in maize meal prices as much as a worker on minimum wage.

Unions are needed to ensure that the workers are not exploited but in South Africa (as with the UK in the 70's and 80's) the country is being exploited by the Unions who wish to show their political clout. The workers who need the increases are being used as pawns by COSATU to show it has the will and the powered to bring this country to a stand still if the Government does not listen to them.

My little 2c rant. Thoughts? Comments?

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 10:06
by lancelot
Most of my thoughts and comments may not be said here, sad situation. :cry: Suffice to say that the majority of black people in this country do not give a damn about the sanctity of life. Even during the very worst days of the apartheid era this did not happen, patients were always treated, I know, I worked at Groote Schuur Hospital during that time.
Even the normally non committal Zuma has called the strikers disgusting, there is not much more to say. :evil:

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 10:19
by ryanrich
Striking is all good and well, but it's now turned into complete hooliganism...

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 10:58
by IcePick88
I can sympathize with the workers. Working on a minimum wage and battling to make ends meet is not nice.

Strike if you want to strike for a better wage, BUT, stay at home or attend constructive meetings where a solution to the problem can be found. Don't barricade hospitals and burn cars. Don't chase away patients and people who want to go to work.

I think if they move away from this mentality of "we demand" to a more intelligent one of "we deserve", things will be better.

Acts of violence during a strike just shows you the intelligence and mentality of the masses.

My 5c.

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 11:06
by rustypup
IcePick88 wrote:if they move away from this mentality of "we demand" to a more intelligent one of "we deserve"
precisely why is "we deserve" the more intelligent mentality?

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 11:09
by IcePick88
rustypup wrote:
IcePick88 wrote:if they move away from this mentality of "we demand" to a more intelligent one of "we deserve"
precisely why is "we deserve" the more intelligent mentality?
Because if you deserve an increase it means that you have shown to be a hard worker who excels in his/hers position and therefore deserves a better increase.

If I don't perform at work, I don't get a good increase, but if I've shown that I do more that what is required from me, then I get a good increase.

I read somewhere: "Don't work to make money, work to learn."
Yes we work to make money, but the more we learn, the better we are equipped to make even MORE money in the future by opening your own business or doing something with that knowledge to grow your wealth.

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 11:20
by rustypup
IcePick88 wrote:Because if you deserve an increase it means that you have shown to be a hard worker
not to point out the bleeding obvious, this is africa... around here the "we demand" mentality is only the ripened, ready-to-pluck, version of "we deserve". the one comes before the other... they are not mutually exclusive.

i may feel i "deserve" an endless supply of 30yr old single malt.. .the universe, however, couldn't give a sturat's gluteus maximus...

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 11:28
by IcePick88
rustypup wrote:
IcePick88 wrote:Because if you deserve an increase it means that you have shown to be a hard worker
not to point out the bleeding obvious, this is africa... around here the "we demand" mentality is only the ripened, ready-to-pluck, version of "we deserve". the one comes before the other... they are not mutually exclusive.

i may feel i "deserve" an endless supply of 30yr old single malt.. .the universe, however, couldn't give a sturat's gluteus maximus...
Now you see. That is the problem.

If I go to my manager and tell him I deserve a bigger salary, he will ask me why. And "Because I think I do" does not constitute as a valid reason. He will ask me what I have done in my job to improve my service delivery, things I've done to empower myself to be a better worker. If I cannot prove to him that I do indeed deserve it, then I won't get it.

If you feel you deserve a endless supply of 30yr old single malt, then why? What have you done to deserve it. That dude, it just a pipe dream....

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 11:39
by RuadRauFlessa
What these workers possibly don't realize is that they are making criminals of themselves. Emergency personnel is not allowed to strike even prior to the court interdict currently in effect against this strike. Secondly they probably don't realize that by staying away they impact the economy. Those increases they want at the cost of what. if they can not reason farther than their noses then they don't deserve and have no right to demand for any kind of increase. Furthermore the proposed salary increases is pretty much what I have seen throughout the whole thus far. It is not below anything which the majority of the country is receiving. Why should they receive more when they are not even abiding by the law. Also the money they lose by striking will not be made up by any meager salary increase.

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 11:59
by DeathPing
Every year the rich get richer and the poor struggle more and more to survive the results of inflation and in the inability of Government to lay waste to unrealistic expectations/demands that are made on consumers, especially in the form of annual Eskom increases, unrealistic increases in other basic costs of living and unnecessary (recurring) licensing fees for every what-not.

Now don't get me wrong: with the rich, I do not imply people that work their butts off to set a certain standard in their corporate/work environment for the betterment of mankind, for themselves or their families in life - because they surely deserve to reap the "rich" fruits for their efforts - I refer to people that sit in positions at Local Municipal Offices, in positions in Government and elsewhere who get increases, irrespective of their true performance.

Strike if you must, but don't batter people, throw stones and trash in the streets, set stuff on fire or damage property of people that have got absolutely less than a snail's left hind leg to do with your unique situation.

I still find it ironic that the grass gets hurt when the elephants play...

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 12:08
by rustypup
IcePick88 wrote:What have you done to deserve it. That dude, it just a pipe dream....
so what do you say to the R1000 rand housing allowance? - (given that a large number of the civil employees currently striking already receive a housing subsidy AND source their home loans at severely reduced rates through the government) - it's not as if this would cover a bond repayment...

not quite the 30yr model, but you could certainly grab yourself a nice bottle of 21yr old Glenfiddich for around 1K... :/

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 12:48
by IcePick88
I think that the housing allowance is another sham.

It's fully tax deductible as their normal salary so I think that government should structure their salaries accordingly. If it's added to their normal salary, then if they do get an increase then the "housing allowance" portion will also benefit from the increase.

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 13:06
by Anakha56
lancelot wrote:Most of my thoughts and comments may not be said here, sad situation. :cry: Suffice to say that the majority of black people in this country do not give a damn about the sanctity of life. Even during the very worst days of the apartheid era this did not happen, patients were always treated, I know, I worked at Groote Schuur Hospital during that time.
Even the normally non committal Zuma has called the strikers disgusting, there is not much more to say. :evil:
+1 Cant say what I would like to say either... :evil:

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 13:07
by Anakha56
*edit* Stoopid Internet Connection went on strike as well... *sigh*

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 22:58
by Synthesis
I don't get involved in politics like this but reading what you guys have all said has opened my eyes a little bit. Everyone seems to have very wide-spread opinions. It's different though when it hits you at home.

My kid can't go to school for the rest of this week as well as a few days in the previous weeks. As it is, she lost out on school work because of the world cup. They said they'll make up for this. HOW? By going on strike and not giving a damn! Sorry, but my child's future should not suffer. The principal shrugs his shoulders at everything and nobody else has answers except for, "drive past the school each morning and see if we're there" WTF??? I won't even explain my feelings on that. The teachers go on strike and the offices and admin also stay home because they say it's for security. They get intimidated by the other schools because they're at work. It's not just my kids school. Parents from different schools feel and complain all the same.

This brings me to striking in general. By all means, go through the procedures. But standing in doorways to shopping centers with vuvuzelas and knob-kerries intimidating customers,, to me is going too far. I'm not a customer there anymore and never will be again.
Then we have the municipality being allowed to litter (that's an understatement) by breaking bins, deliberately spreading garbage all over the roads and paving and even leaving bricks and such so that the road becomes unusable while they march. Sure, it's barbaric, uncalled for and doesn't help the procedure, but is it also not a criminal offense?

Then to top it off, I truly don't believe that the average worker even knows why he is is striking! They're there, causing chaos, having the time of their lives while not working. I believe for each individual, it's for that moment, not for a pay rise or extra benefits.

I think our government should really work on a new direction regarding unions and striking!

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 23:08
by DeathPing
@Synthesis: In Afrikaans we say: "so 'n bek kort jam, boet!" Well said... ;)

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 03:17
by naughty
its all very well pontificating about how bad life is when people go on strike but honestly speaking see how things are when YOU are forced to live on R2000 or R3000 per month - lets see how you manage without striking for even R100 per month of increase

please remember that there are two sides to a story

in the meantime ministers get away with 4 or 5 wives and multiple incomes and being governors of the country because of the money they are able to basically steal - do you blame the people ...... forget the fact that its the same people who voted these idiots into power - but things like this will eventually make them realize that they voted the wrong people in and in the long run thats a bit good for the country IMHO cos it begins to shift the balance of political power in the long run

yes everyone is affected - and i dont agree wholeheartedly with all the actions of the striking populace but i can understand and sympathize with some of the underlying reasons behind it and hopefully im reading the long term implications correctly
Even the normally non committal Zuma has called the strikers disgusting, there is not much more to say. :evil:
to put this into perspective he is a fine one to talk when he earns/"procures" more in one month than the average person striking earns in 10 years ...... to be honest i dont really know who is truly more disgusting

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 08:39
by jee
rustypup wrote:
IcePick88 wrote:What have you done to deserve it. That dude, it just a pipe dream....
so what do you say to the R1000 rand housing allowance? - (given that a large number of the civil employees currently striking already receive a housing subsidy AND source their home loans at severely reduced rates through the government) - it's not as if this would cover a bond repayment...

Unfortunately that is not true puppy - But then, which houses? Now if the government build decent mid-class houses for their workers perhaps some will be a tad more satisfied. Also - highups earn good (no massive) salaries - yet those of us on the ground work for a piffling amount - if i have to tell you what I earn with all my degrees and all the responsible stuff i do, you will raise an eyebrow and wonder how i can afford my Pearl Perle :)

Needless to say - those of us working have been chased out of offices with pepper spray, have been intimidated, have been pushed around with people carrying sjamboks... and for some that fear is great - they cannot go home and acknowledge that they are at work, because their houses will get stoned or worse burned.

It is indeed sad.

Oh, and none of us were inline for performance bonuses because we were told that there was no money.

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 09:07
by rustypup
jee wrote:Unfortunately that is not true puppy
- see, i know a number of cops, (via family), and more than a few civil servants who purchased their houses through the support mechanisms provided to them...
jee wrote:those of us working have been chased out of offices with pepper spray
:cry: delightful... just delightful...
naughty wrote:forget the fact that its the same people who voted these idiots into power
:x so, these tjops vote the idiots into power, feel they're being robbed and decide to take it out on the innocent public/pupils/babies/patients instead of the culprits?..

complicated-pictogram them and their 'grievances'... fire the lot of them and let them re-apply at apprentice wages...

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 09:22
by lancelot
I really do not feel that any "pontificating" is being professed here. Sure there are two sides to every story, the fact that politicians or rather the "Government of the day" get large salaries and drive smart cars, it is no different from the CEO's and board members of any medium to large private corporation. Nor is it relevant as a reason to go on strike, a strike for wages only occurs when both parties cannot reach a compromise, be aware that it is not my position that strikes should not happen however as much as there is a right to strike it follows that the right not to strike is entrenched in the constitution. To strike because one feels that the "bosses" are earning a great deal more than oneself is frankly, ridiculous.
One cannot just say that it is the same voters that are on strike now, these voters will vote for the government next time around anyway, their fear of the previous dispensation prohibits them to see past the racist barrier.
You say that you do not agree wholeheartedly, this implies that you do have some agreement in the way that the strikers are conducting themselves. In my humble opinion this is not acceptable for the thinking public.
Many thousands of people live on far less than R2000 per month, this is not the point, the fact of appealing for a housing allowance seems to underline this, many of the strikers have over the years received free houses, others rent a shack in someone's back yard for R700, that was the figure quoted. My point here is that the poor are always going to be exploited, in this case, not by politicians but by their very own peers. Regarding the salary increase, I fail to see why it should be given ad hoc, surely the oxymoron of public servants and service provision should play a part in any increase, or am I being naive when comparing a salary increase or bonus to people in my own company? I have unskilled workers in my company, taken from the township areas around Durban whose only qualification is the ability to speak English that earn R150 per day (R3000 per month), is this exploitation?
I truly believe that when people and children die because of strike action there is something seriously wrong with the moral fibre of citizens in this country.
Zuma was talking about the actions of the strikers, regardless of his standing, he was correct. Should I be slating the oil sheiks for their opulence, I think not, they have the power therefore the riches. I was amazed to read that no performance criteria exist in the public sector, how can this be, are we to allow mismanagement to prevail? Never forget that Cosatu is only another arm of this government, they know full well that the 20% of taxpayers in this country will have to foot the bill, that is you and me!
As to the voting public, this will not change during your lifetime or mine.

Re: The latest strikes

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 12:56
by Stuart
IcePick88 wrote:if they move away from this mentality of "we demand" to a more intelligent one of "we deserve"
Or possibly the mentality of, "I have the responsibility to . . ."