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Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 14:05
by Hellfury
Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

What I once perceived as “awesome” and “powerful” I now see too many an error in. As an individual who was once a vehement defender of this closed-off sect of society, I do believe that I can now stand against it.

Black Metal, “The Devil’s Music” is a journey. It consumes you; it brings out all your rage, anger, and hatred. It changes your outlook on life, to something where optimism, the very thing that spurs the progression of society, is crushed. It, simply put, can alter the course of your life. I’m at a stage now where I can’t function, because of so much pent up rage, due to constant reinforcement of pessimism. I lived, breathed, and spoke black metal. I had subliminal music playing 24/7. I was obsessed...Spellbound so to speak. The more hateful the better. I fed on it. I couldn’t listen to anything else. Feel good music made me sick. I would sit on my bed and listen to the same song play 14 times. My iTunes “Most played list” is testimony to this fact. At the top Of the List is Dimmu Borgir’s “Satan My Master” with a play count of 1376…It got so bad that I would lock myself in my room with cigarettes and coffee and listen to that song over and over until I fell asleep.

It’s affected my relationships with people too. Ironically, I can’t take people being hostile to me. I mistake assertiveness for aggression. My relationship with my mother is close to dead. I can’t even bring myself to say hello to her. I can’t/couldn’t talk to anyone who does/didn’t have the same pessimistic outlook on life. I took it too far…it consumed me…and I don’t know who I am anymore…

Some of you will dismiss this as juvenile and pathetic, and will tell me “I told you so.” However, this is just me coming to terms with it

Regards, Justin

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 14:39
by Prime
Hellfury wrote:Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

What I once perceived as “awesome” and “powerful” I now see too many an error in. As an individual who was once a vehement defender of this closed-off sect of society, I do believe that I can now stand against it.

Black Metal, “The Devil’s Music” is a journey. It consumes you; it brings out all your rage, anger, and hatred. It changes your outlook on life, to something where optimism, the very thing that spurs the progression of society, is crushed. It, simply put, can alter the course of your life. I’m at a stage now where I can’t function, because of so much pent up rage, due to constant reinforcement of pessimism. I lived, breathed, and spoke black metal. I had subliminal music playing 24/7. I was obsessed...Spellbound so to speak. The more hateful the better. I fed on it. I couldn’t listen to anything else. Feel good music made me sick. I would sit on my bed and listen to the same song play 14 times. My iTunes “Most played list” is testimony to this fact. At the top Of the List is Dimmu Borgir’s “Satan My Master” with a play count of 1376…It got so bad that I would lock myself in my room with cigarettes and coffee and listen to that song over and over until I fell asleep.

It’s affected my relationships with people too. Ironically, I can’t take people being hostile to me. I mistake assertiveness for aggression. My relationship with my mother is close to dead. I can’t even bring myself to say hello to her. I can’t/couldn’t talk to anyone who does/didn’t have the same pessimistic outlook on life. I took it too far…it consumed me…and I don’t know who I am anymore…

Some of you will dismiss this as juvenile and pathetic, and will tell me “I told you so.” However, this is just me coming to terms with it

Regards, Justin
Let me see if I am reading this correctly; You are blaming Satan and the Devil for your problems, or for creating that music. Or am I reading your post wrong?

You've consciously created an abusive relationship with your stereo and allowed it to make you hate yourself!? :?

*Waits for Jamin and Rusty to come trolling. *

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 15:20
by jee
Hellfury - it takes courage to stand up in public and acknowledge that you have found something previously dear to you, but that is harmful.
It takes even more courage to stand against music/games, because people always believe that there is nothing harmful in the music/games/books.

Taking that first step is the way to recovery - and the way to peace. A peace that you will have to make with yourself first, breaking the addiction of the music.

Good for you!

moved to the ward

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 15:56
by capanno
Hellfury, its really great that you came to realize this. Many people are ignorant of the spiritual effects music like this has. Dimmu Borgir and the likes are bad news, no question about it. Im a obsessive music enthusiast myself, so I have to defend black metal as a genre. Many people give Satan credit for various musical types, but I call bs. God created music, and even though Lucifer was the angel of music he did not create it. Therefore all music belongs to God. Its not logical that a certain genre can be bad, and another good. The lyrics and heart of the creator of the music makes it bad. The music in itself isn't bad. One combination of the 12 musical notes can't be more evil or negative than the other.

For example, here's the lyrics to a song by black metal band Antestor:

Insanity look for yourself, satan rules this world
destruction he is the source he is after your soul
To save us from the hellish pain, God sent Jesus Christ
Crucified for all our sins, He felt the horror and pain

New life He rose again / New life He came to give
New life to a world of hate / New life you came to receive
New life He sets sinners free / New life he is for us
New life can be born today / New life for you

Condemed burned in holy flames
God you can stand his presence
The law you cannot be saved
Man sin is in your way / Love the holy and pure
Done what man couldn't do
blood cover your sins/ Jesus offered his life

How this music sounds is irrelevant, because personal taste in music will give different opinions. Some people will think it is as Satanic as they come, because they are not familiar with the genre. Other, like me, can sleep with it in my ears.

Just another view on the subject! :)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 16:29
by jee
Capanno, all music has a spiritual effect...
a hellish cacophony some; a mellow my-dad-has-died-my-sis-has-died-my-dog-has-died ; or just the sweet twang of a singing bowl.
It provoke different images, and different feelings in each of us - depending on our emotional state, on our stability and on our self esteem (and many other self stuff). Just as music can sooth, it can distress and destruct. Yeah, that selfsame music that your God has created.

The relationship between music, medicine and religious experience have been studied, psychoacoustics have been studied for more than 20 years...
It is often not the lyrics (although there is much about the sub-conscience we do not understand) but the actual music and how its made that influence the body - the heart beat, blood pressure, emotions.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 18:26
by Tribble
I have read that sound has the ability to form matter.


When you told me you were a Satan Worshiper, I must admit that I found it hard to believe. Your personality is definitely not that of someone who loves destruction. If the concept of God is loving, kind, caring - then the concept of Satan is the opposite. I have not yet discovered what the real God is but I do know that we carry both good and bad within us. Just as the music was able to pull you into your darker nature, you are able to bring out the brighter. We are both night and day - dark and light. We decide which we radiate. Perhaps your mother has been hurt by your actions, but as someone who loves you, she will gladly welcome you back. There is no such thing as too late and relationships never die. We decide to move away from them. And just as you did that - you are able to start working on a new one with her. It will take time - but things can become what you want them to be.

We are in control. We decide how we react and what we do. You may have decided to give up control to what you perceived as the dark lord, but that is an illusion. Control is what we are - we may pretend to have lost it but that is just an easy way to explain away our actions. The good thing is - all you have to do is decide to take it back. It seems that you have done just that. :D

I cannot point to you to the right path or give you a substitute for what you feel you are losing. Christianity is not a bad option ( ;-) ) as religions go. jee is probably better suited to telling you about the others. I can only say - believe in yourself and your ability to know right from wrong. And if you need a dose of positivity - feel free to give me a shout. ;-)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 20:07
by Frozenfireside
I believe that you control your life. If you blame other things, you are making excuses for your own short sighted actions and decisions.

Music cannot directly reject your mother nor can it control who you are. Only you can.

Dude I went through a bad patch and I was down but I never gave in and I worked on who I was and who I wanted to be.
I looked for the happy things in life and many a friend who I had pissed off helped me when I apologised and explained myself.

Things can and will change but it starts with you. Not your ´evil´ sound system.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 20:48
by Prime
Tribble wrote:I have read that sound has the ability to form matter.
I think you are confusing sound with electromagnetic waves. And Matter cannot be created in an elementary sense. But thats physics and beyond the scope of this thread. :)

What music grabs you depends on personality and mood. I am surprised no politician has tried to regulate it as an abusable substance.
Music also has the ability to change your focus and mood. However if you don't channel your emotions and mood and into appropriate outlet, it will become destructive. (This applies to a lot of things)

I do not doubt that there are some ****** in the head musicians who sing ****** in the head stuff. But its a conscious choice to listen to their music and therefore a conscious decision to let it affect you, and if thats the only stuff you can relate to, you need to take a step back (which it appears you may have done though its looking diagonal at this present moment) and assess why it affects you so heavily. Attributing a type of music or its effects on you to God or Satan is nothing more than trying to shift the cause of your problems on someone else.

I'm avoiding bringing religion and spirituality any further into this thread. There is a thread specifically for it.

And lay off the cigarettes, they will do far worse to you than music. Nicotine can act as either a stimulant or depressant, not to mention the other affects different chemicals in it can have on your body and the psychological aspects to it.

Edit: I'm pretty much echoing what several others are saying

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 22:42
by wizardofid
Frankly,blaming music or part of it on failed real world relationships is....well what is the word ...feeble.As such the effect that music can have is so variable that physical effects differ considerably from person to person.A good example would be some one listening to Industrial Gothic, that finds this type of music relaxing and stress reducing music in heavy traffic but this can also cause the exact opposite.

This points that larger part of the influences lies with external stimulus.A good example is Mr Manson general consensus would be the devil re-incarnated the ultimate Antichrist.What it comes down to is how people interpret it.But that is not the point.The point is social interactions and relationships surrounding music and people.

What is comes down to is that you need not just change music but sit down and reflect on when and where things have gone wrong and rid your self of the bad influences this would mean clothes,friends any thing seen as destructive and more importantly getting a neutral person to speak to as well as for moral support.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 15 May 2010, 23:13
by capanno
jee wrote:Capanno, all music has a spiritual effect...
Most definitely.
jee wrote:Just as music can sooth, it can distress and destruct. Yeah, that selfsame music that your God has created.
Yes. BUT. God created music, but people distort and pervert it. Therefore, you get "good" music and "evil" music, but that depends on the creator.
jee wrote:It is often not the lyrics (although there is much about the sub-conscience we do not understand) but the actual music and how its made that influence the body - the heart beat, blood pressure, emotions.
Same as above. The passion and heart of the musician is echoed throughout the music, be it instrumental or not.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 01:05
I've gotta agree with Cappy here. Justin, mad, MAD props to you for having the balls to stand up and make such a confession. As Cap said - people don't realise the effect music can have on you.

Over the last few years I've really grown to love hardcore music, with the likes of The Devil Wears Prada, August Burns Red, and Confide filling my playlist (Confide's new album out on TUESDAY BTW!). While this music may SOUND a bit "off" to the unsuspecting person walking by, a closer look at the heart of the musicians and the lyrics will reveal to you that these guys are all absolutely and hopelessly in love with Jesus. I've come to realise that the passion expressed in this music to Jesus is almost unparalleled, and a blessing to me. Cap is also quite the hardcore music type, so he'll know where I'm coming from.

Justin, just know that this isn't the end for you, dude :) You're in the middle of a spiritual battle, but you've got the victor behind you :D Jesus is there to help you dude, take His hand :D

I'll be praying hard for you in this time :)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 01:18
by hamin_aus

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 01:19
by Prime

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 07:48
by jee
Prime, Whizzie - I have read what you say - and to a certain degree I agree with you. We should not so easily use other "things" as the culprit for our not-being in a good place (but then, Good Places differ, not so?). In the book i'm currently reading Don Frew (he is High Priest in the Craft) says an interesting thing :"We all want to see change in the world. Well the only true change comes through changing people's minds. And nothing has the power over minds and souls that religion has." I can add music to this too - music is the universal language of the world - not love.

Music has shaped my life - and almost destroyed it. However, people get addicted to things - drugs, booze, gambling, violence... women...:) and music.
Once addicted, it can take control of your life - and that control can shape the way we think, behave, live. Anyone who has ever broken out of any addiction - even be it a chocolate addiction.... knows the difficulties.

If you cannot understand that - you will never be able to understand what Hellfury is trying to saying. Capanno said the passion and the heart of the musician echoes throughout the music - and yea, that can be good - or it can be "evil" and it comes from your sound system.

I will just add that I don't think all Black metal is Satanic - there are too many different forms of Metal - a favourite of mine when metal was still seen as "underground" in the '70s :) Nobody ever made better music than those early Metal bands.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 09:13
by Monty
Frozenfireside wrote:I believe that you control your life. If you blame other things, you are making excuses for your own short sighted actions and decisions.

Music cannot directly reject your mother nor can it control who you are. Only you can.
wizardofid wrote:Frankly,blaming music or part of it on failed real world relationships is....well what is the word ...feeble.
Frozen and Wiz have summed it up.
Listening to dark music does not make you angry and such, being angry and such makes you listen to the music.

I went through a rough patch last year, and started listening to heavy, angry music. The music didn't make me more or less angry, it just was a way of expressing how I felt.
I cleaned myself up, removed the stimuli from my life that were causing the rough patch and am pretty much a sane person again. And I still listen to heavy, angry music when I want to.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 11:58
by capanno
Monty wrote:Frozen and Wiz have summed it up.
Listening to dark music does not make you angry and such, being angry and such makes you listen to the music.
Thats extremely short sighted. Everything around you has an emotional and spiritual effect on you. It influences your mood, motivation, productivity, etc. And music is specifically very powerful in this manner. Blaming the music as a sole cause is absurd, but dismissing its power to amplify feelings and emotion is just ridiculous.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 16 May 2010, 12:45
by wizardofid
capanno wrote:
Monty wrote:Frozen and Wiz have summed it up.
Listening to dark music does not make you angry and such, being angry and such makes you listen to the music.
Thats extremely short sighted. Everything around you has an emotional and spiritual effect on you. It influences your mood, motivation, productivity, etc. And music is specifically very powerful in this manner. Blaming the music as a sole cause is absurd, but dismissing its power to amplify feelings and emotion is just ridiculous.
Actually the point I was trying to get across was it is not just the music but the culture surrounding it or the lack of it.People listening to hard rock music has a specific culture surrounding them this comes with specific people some are drawn into the culture and portray that culture by means of social interactions with be people only in that culture group as well physical portrays be it clothes hair styles tattoos cars even going as far immediate living environment.Then of course there is people who still enjoy the music will go to a concert even defend the music or the culture surrounding it but never portrays the image of the said culture.

The point is the culture surrounding the music has a bigger impact that the actual music it self.Group or peer pressure will beat music to a bloody pulp point period.You can listen to nine inch nails or rage against the machine or even some one weird like rob zombie whose music I really enjoy as I find it relaxing and still be normal.? The question I do not know the answer to is how and why does music effect each individual differently.It points not to music but some thing else, but what?

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 09:03
by rustypup
capanno wrote:dismissing its power to amplify feelings and emotion is just ridiculous.
frankly, i find the musical stylings of that sodding purple monstrosity far more rage inducing than "black" metal/rap/house/acid... so, i would like to call you on this....

as to the OP... get professional help... there is no mystical faery power in music... if your brain's reacting that way to it, you have something else going on... it's no big deal, but it can become one...

also, don't look to the internets for advice...

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 09:20
by lancelot ... ummer.html

OH Dear, a 4 YO heading for Hell.(";)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 10:10
by Frozenfireside
Here´s some soothing happy music to get you off to the right start

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 10:23
by rustypup
pfft... their best number... a little emo, but technically masterful...

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 10:54
by capanno
rustypup wrote:
capanno wrote:dismissing its power to amplify feelings and emotion is just ridiculous.
frankly, i find the musical stylings of that sodding purple monstrosity far more rage inducing than "black" metal/rap/house/acid... so, i would like to call you on this....
English, please. :P purple monstrosity?

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 11:03
by rustypup
Spoiler: (show)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 13:29
by Tribble
Yep - I would sadly agree with the mutt. No one can love as much as that purple dude professes to.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 17 May 2010, 14:57
If you are looking for something evil, look for something that is just excessively nice. Barney, Jurie Els... you get my drift.