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Britain needs to employ a better executioner.

Posted: 08 May 2010, 01:45
by Prime
Britain awoke to a hung parliment
Some English Paper wrote:Gordon Brown was back in Downing Street today as Britain woke to the uncertainties of its first hung Parliament for 36 years.

As counting wrapped up in the few dozen seats yet to declare, David Cameron's Tories were on course to become the largest party in the Commons but about 20 seats short of the 326 needed for a majority.

Mr Brown made clear that he had no intention of giving up power easily – his passage through Britain's most famous front door at 7am was a symbolic reminder that he remains Prime Minister and has the constitutional right to form a government.

Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, admitted that his party had had a disappointing night, losing seats to both the Tories and Labour despite the excitement it had generated during the campaign.

Blah Blah Blah
Unfortnately they are all still breathing :lol: :?

Re: Britain needs to employ a better executioner.

Posted: 08 May 2010, 02:56
by ryanrich
I've never seen such a boring imbecile as Mr. Brown. I have such a dislike for that man that words can't really ever describe it...

I personally can't wait until somebody new takes over, and since I've been following the political happenings there I think Cameron and his cronies are a much better bet.

Re: Britain needs to employ a better executioner.

Posted: 10 May 2010, 01:26
by VoxynQueen
I don't know what you expect from a leader but I prefer substance over style.
So what if Brown is boring?
At least he seems to have a plan that makes decent sense.