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Mouse acting like a crazy person :|

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 08:53
Hey guys. I'm a little confused. I got to my machine this morning and my mouse is acting nuts. Double Clicks do nothing, so I can't open a folder without [right click -> Explore], and when I click [Start -> Computer] it opens up two explorer windows. Any idea what's causing this?

Re: Mouse acting like a crazy person :|

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 08:58
by doo_much
And here I was thinking the thread was about Stuart....

Re: Mouse acting like a crazy person :|

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 09:14
by Stuart
Every time I've ever seen anything remotely like this (though it's never been entirely the same) it's always come down to a malware issue. Perhaps you picked up a trojan somewhere? Have you scanned for malware?

Re: Mouse acting like a crazy person :|

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 09:16
by Mykhal
doo_much wrote:And here I was thinking the thread was about Stuart....

Re: Mouse acting like a crazy person :|

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 09:53
by Ron2K
doo_much wrote:And here I was thinking the thread was about Stuart....
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:Hey guys. I'm a little confused. I got to my machine this morning and my mouse is acting nuts. Double Clicks do nothing, so I can't open a folder without [right click -> Explore], and when I click [Start -> Computer] it opens up two explorer windows. Any idea what's causing this?
Things to try:
  • Reinstalling drivers,
  • Unplugging and replugging it (hey, you never know),
  • Borrow someone else's mouse and see if it does the same thing.
  • (EDIT) I wouldn't rule out Stu's idea about it being malware either.
My old G7 started doing things like this after being dropped once too often - as you might have guessed, it was the mouse itself, which has since been replaced.

Re: Mouse acting like a crazy person :|

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 10:02
by Tribble
Have you added another device to your pc lately? (in the usb port) I had two mice plugged in (don't bother asking why - I won't tell) - and the one made the other float to the right. It was really weird.
Unplugged the second and the first worked perfectly.